Review of Firefly

Firefly (2002–2003)
Fox doesn't know a good thing when it hits them!
27 June 2003
I only watched this because I'm a fan of Buffy and Angel and wanted to see what else the genius that is Joss Whedon had to offer. I was hooked from the start. What with fantasy shows taking over the networks and actual Sci Fi shows all but fading out, it was nice to see a spacey show back on TV.

I'm not really a big fan of Star Trek, despite friends' attempts to convert me, which is why I'm quite surprised that I enjoyed this. It's one of those shows that just happens to be set in space but could've worked even withough the sci fi element anywhere (Like, the wild west! Which is the whole point!)

It's such a shame that it got cancelled after such a short run and the Fox's complete inablity to even show the episodes in the order they were intended meant that the series was never really given a chance. What sort of a tribute is that to the great writing, acting and directing that makes whis show compelling and interesting.

Joss blends his mixture of classic one liners, complex and contreversial characters and butt-Kicking action to make a classic show.

12 episodes just aren't enough! If they don't bring them out on DVD, I will cry!

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