4 May 2002
I didn't even know that they had actually built this space station. I thought it was still in the planning stages. How did they manage to get all these huge pieces up in the upper atmosphere without it hitting the media in a big way? And all these international astronauts getting to go up! Here I thought I followed science news pretty well -- guess that shows me both a) that I don't and b) how the news media can get focused on a few big stories and black everything else out. I'm glad they made a movie about it so that we could find out.

You really could see what the space station looks like inside and out and what the earth looks like from space. It almost felt like being there, without the substantial disadvantage of having to go up there in a rocket and without getting motion sick and all. Plus you get to see a lot of different astronauts and the training areas.

Hearing Tom Cruise narrate was fun. His expressive voice really perked the thing up, so it wasn't ever in danger of being dry. I'm glad he's taking an interest in the space program. The space program could sure use his help.

I've never been to an IMAX before, so a lot of this was new to me.

The 3D goggles were kind of uncomfortable, but basically they worked pretty well, even over glasses -- though I did have some struggles with them, like when some of my hair got trapped down over my nose and trying to get the things over the clips in my hair that stick out. Maybe women with long hair should wear a bathing cap for this.

When things flew at you, it really did look like they were going to hit you.

Our theater let us go up and see the projection room afterwards, which was well worth the trip. It looks almost as complicated as the space station. The poor guy in there was running around after various reels of film like crazy.
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