This film in one sentience; a two and a half hour sleeping pill.
9 August 2002
This film in one sentience; a two and a half hour sleeping pill.

It's not like this film is terrible, there are a few things that it does have going for it, the acting for the most part is good. But quite honestly, the characters are simply so uninteresting, and the story develops so slowly, one cant help but feel after an hour and half wondering what is the bloody point of it all. The premise, big bad developer is poised to plunder the natural beauty and old time sleepy community was hackneyed when it was a story line for a Walton's episode. Of course that should not mean a filmmaker cant take that story and do something novel or interesting with it, but that is really not what is happening here. I don't understand why so many people liked this picture. I have seen many more movies that deal better with the topics and situations these characters experience. The eight dollars admission and four dollars for a bottle of water could have been better spent.
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