Not funny.
14 March 2002
I like many people watched this show in preparation for the TV movie on "9/11". I must admit when I saw Richard Dreyfus was starring I thought that this show had a lot of promise. Unfortunatly I was wrong.

This show is billed as a comedy, unfortunately the show was neither funny nor innovative. The show that I watched involved a script which gets loose and many of the fellow faculty gets mad at him, then after everyone has read the script, he gets locked in the basement of the school.

If you think this sounds like something you have seen, don't think twice... they took two common sitcom ideas and combined them (the misunderstanding followed by getting locked in a room with someone you hate). Well it is common to reuse other shows ideas this show added nothing interesting, and was quite boring. I believe the show was trying to give shock value but it wasn't, I believe that the show was supposed to get us to watch more of the show, and it turned me directly away from this show.

The writing is mediocre, the comedy is none existing, but the only good thing about this show is Richard Dreyfus' acting, which is not enough to keep your interest.
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