The worst movie I've ever seen...
14 December 2002
I would've given this movie a negative-1, but the voting scale here doesn't go that low. What a waste of perfectly good film this movie was. All those responsible for this cow-flop movie should be forced to serve jail time. That's an hour-and-a-half of my life I'll never get back. I could've spent that time doing something way more constructive, like staring at the wall. My mother rented this film for my brother and I because she said she thought it looked funny. The only thing even remotely funny about this movie was that I didn't vomit while watching it, because it certainly made me sick. Don't make the mistake I did by watching it. If you see it at the video store, whether it's on sale or for rent, do whatever you can to buy it so that you can smash it, stomp on it and burn it, thus averting the possible disaster of some other innocent layman who might be considering the possibility of watching it. Louis Braille could've made a better movie than this, and not only was he blind, he's dead! If there is one movie in film history that should never have been made, I can think of no better candidate than this movie which I even refuse to call it by its name. I will call it, however, by the name I think it deserves: "PUTRID & VILE."
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