The Steven Banks Show (1991 TV Movie)
What detracts from a great one-man show...MORE PEOPLE!!!
3 January 2002
This show is based on Banks' hilarious one-man show, 'Home Entertainment Center', continuing the exploits of our hero, renamed Steven Brooks, a multi-talented musician with the attention span of dryer lint stuck in a cubicle job. In transforming such a marvelous show into a series, the higher-ups at Showtime gave Banks a cast of neighbors and drop-ins, including the boss' mealy subordinate, a guitarist cop, the heartless landlady and her sympathetic father, a neighbor who rants whenever Brooks attempts to play music and a girlfriend. A lot of the humor and music originality that Banks displayed in his play did make it to the show, but was buried under time restraints and plot.

Not a bad show, but nothing like what got Banks to this level in the first place.
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