27 March 2002
The dynamics of this film I must say are quite remarkable. I'll be the first to admit that it doesn't offer much new in cinema, other than great talents like Norton and Keener (and sometimes Williams) to work together. This biting satire of children's television icons is sharply directed by Danny DeVito, giving Norton and Williams almost equal screen time, all the while providing some really stark visuals and very funny scenes (the theater was rolling in the aisles during the step-dad song). Catherine Keener played the ice-cold b***h with class, I've always known she'd find her niche. Norton was top-notch as the squeaky clean patron saint Smoochy, he definitely can hold his own with comedic heavyweights Williams and DeVito. And Williams returns to comedy with a big bang (and a few swear words to boot). His Rainbow Randolph's deranged mind unravels nicely right before our eyes, and you still feel sympathy for him.

The film had a nice pace and the climax scene was a little cliche, but nonetheless still very funny in the execution. I definitely recommend this film, Norton fans will not be disappointed. 9/10
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