The Mangler 2 (2002 Video)
Devoid of purpose, entertainment, or redemption
12 October 2002
After surfing for something to watch at 1:00 in the morning, I stumbled across this piece of trash on one of many HBOs. Having not seen the first one, I figured I wouldn't be lost by just jumping into this "sequel".

Following the film, I thought, how awful. I then checked out IMDB, to see what others had thought. At the time, the film was ranked third on the worst list. THIRD! Of all movies, of all time! We're talking Godfather-quality on a negative scale. High praise indeed.

I'm not sure it is the THIRD worst movie ever created by homo sapiens in over 100 years of filmmaking, but certainly on a scale of 1 to 10, there is no other option but to give it a 1.

Derivitive? Of course; but that is not its worst offense. No person choosing to watch this would think that original ideas were bound to flow from it. Cheesy? Of course. Stupid? Without a doubt.

Clearly its greatest crimes are: being overly self-conscious as a "teen-horror" film in 2001, and frankly, just boring.

The cliches are too numerous to count, and the amount of times it referenced "hip" new technology or recent culture was horrific. You think your high school graduation picture looks dated now? Just imagine how antiquated this film will look 10, if not five years from now.

Lance Hendrikson - all that can be said is, "make check payable to..."

Finally - was I the only one who really, really hated the cook? His accent, which was supposedly French-Canadian (didja see all the fleur-de-lys?, didja?), magically transformed into some sort of California mush throughout the film.

All in all- horrible. To those who defend it - it really was that bad. Really.
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