Its strange, but it works!
24 May 2001
Having received a free ticket to see a preview of this movie, I had my interest peak, when I discovered the subject matter: reality TV shows. With all the current furore over shows like "Big Brother 2" and "Survivor", et al, it was interesting to see a film tackle the topic of just how far is too far to push the reality-show genre.

Simply put, you'll either love or hate this film. Those who hate it, will probably be offended by the whole idea of the films premise: people killing people, for a game! Those who aren't, will either love violent comedies like those of Tarantino, or will get the hidden message buried deep in the film.

For me, personally, I got the message. Sometimes TV can go too far! Just as with the "camcorder" sequence in "Henry: Portrait Of A Serial Killer", the director is asking us a serious and thought-provoking question: "You've paid your $10 to see a violent movie, and to be entertained, and yet you condemn on-screen violence. So who's right and who's wrong?!"

Whilst the outcome of the film isn't quite what you had expected, it is certainly a film you go see for an "experience". Experience this controversial movie, and think about what I and the movie have spoken to you about. It's a strange movie, but it does work!
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