Are we really this jaded?
6 November 2003
I'm not sure what movie everyone is watching, but I have two questions:

1. What, exactly, were you expecting?

2. Are we really this jaded, this over-stimulated, as a Sci-Fi movie going public?

If nothing else, its a testament to just how fantastic this franchise is that people can be let down by what is, by comparison to all the other schlock out there, a fantastic Sci-Fi movie. Is it as mind-bending as the first movie? Nope. Does it answer all the questions of the second movie? Nope.

No matter what the conclusion looked like, it wouldn't meet expectations. If they took the time to wax philosophical, it would be boring and ponderous, if it was all action, it would be devoid of thought. As it was, it was a sometimes awkward marriage of the two that still resulted in a worthy conclusion that is far better than anything else we've seen in recent memory.

If anything, the Brothers are guilty of trying too hard to please their many fans, to understand and meet too many expectations. There are a lot of negative things you can say about this movie, but I challenge anyone to find a Trilogy that holds up so well, and delivers such a tight, fully realized world, philosophy and set of characters.

The critics need to get over themselves, and the viewers need to stop listening to them, set their expectations at a reasonable level, and experience what is offered rather that spend the two hours trying to reconcile it with your desires of what it "should" be.

This film is awesome, as are its two predecessors. Stop reading this and go see it and make up your own mind.
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