There Are Better Cheerleader Films
29 April 2000
This movie was made for me. Cheerleaders + Ninjas = AWESOME!

This is a totally low budget film. It makes Crawlers seem like Titanic. I'm sure I could have backed it. This movie is so low budget the only way you can get it right now is to order a copy from the director. This is exactly what I did after hearing it featured Cheerleader Ninjas vs. Catholic School Girl Bullies. Sweet!

In the movie The Catholic School P.T.A. decides that the influence of Internet erotica is too much for their little town. After some surfing they decide cheerleaders are behind most of this stuff - after all they are on a lot of the sites out there. Their attack is twofold. Its like something Napoleon would come up with. They get the bully girls in the Catholic School to harass the cheerleaders and hire an Internet guru to blackout all those 'bad girl' Internet sites.

After being pushed around by the bad Catholic School girls the Cheerleaders fight back. They go to a ninja master and learn the art like good grasshoppers. Soon afterwards, they are joined by a band of Computer Geeks fighting to protect the only access to hot women the have: the net. This all leads up to a big show down.

Overall this movie is o.k. I mean the premise is cool. But it is not what I expected. I was thinking it might be like The Cheerleaders, or Amazons, or Christine's Addiction, or Buda. But no. The only busty scene is played for comedy. I'd say there are too many fart jokes too. Considering the fact that this is kinda a big home movie more then a movie, Skeeter will give this one a 4 for 10. Everett Hartsoe puts out similar but better stuff with a similar budget.
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