"Hmmm, Upgrades"
15 May 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I think I'll start out by saying that to really enjoy this movie, you may need to see it twice. Clever, yes, but aside from the financial strategy I'll direct my attention to the actual film.

Many people I have noticed, are saying that the story is lacking, that the first half is utterly boring and unwatchable. While this is not true, I found my self not truly enjoying the first half the way I did the original. I saw the sneak of this and just saw it again today, the day of its premiere. I believe that the setup here in Zion is necessary to signify its importance. In the first, we only hear about it, but in this one we actually get to be involved with it. I also like the other views that people share of Morpheus, as opposed to the skewed views of his Nebuchadnezzer crew in the first (sans Cypher, of course). Although we know Neo is "The One," its kind of interesting to see what people around him think of him. A very necessary opening to the film, I think you'll agree after a second viewing.

******Spoilers may lie within, caution*********

I did enjoy the scenes within the Matrix considerably more, as they are sleek, stylish, and even funny at times. I think the chemistry/love that is shared by Neo and Trinity was emoted very believably. Smith was great, although I think they should have left the cloning a secret, instead of spoiling it in the trailers, showing Neo fighthing 100 Smiths, but oh well, they're banking on this one to make money. He was so funny in most of his scenes, he really steals the show I think. I thought the "psychobabble" that so many IMDBers are complaining about was great, really deep, and fit very well in such a complicated world the Brothers Wachowski have created (kudos to them just for that. Step back, and think about what they created, will you). The Highway Chase scene was amazing, and could've went on forever if you ask me. I also liked the scenes that would show Neo in mid-air, stop motion maybe, where he's just kind of gliding and frozen in time, it seemed like a ballet, very creative. The revelation of the Source was pretty suprising, a great touch. The addition of the new characters was very essential, as all sequels need to be bigger and badder than the first, although this film falls slightly short of the original, but nevertheless, is very extraordinary. C'mon now, for you to all be impressed, I'm sure this would only happen if Neo and Smith were fighting right inside the theatre, spilling popcorn all over your girlfriend's lap. I was pretty surprised when most everbody left as soon as the credits rolled, obviously not knowing about the "Revolutions" trailer at the tail end of the film. My only complaints would probably be that more Smith is needed in the film (no pun intended, but he is my fave character, and also more Persephone (oooooh lah lah) and The Twins were great too, I hope they'll be back, it was hard to tell if they died or not. The key maker was a funny little addition too, and Merovingian was also great-pretentious, ah the French!)

The Matrix Reloaded 9/10

(Can't wait 'till November 7)
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