An Australian triumph
5 February 2002
Fans of Australian film cannot possibly ignore Emma-Kate Croghan's triumphant second feature. I have not personally seen the apparently superior "Love and Other Catastrophes", but must say that it would have to be an absolute masterpiece to beat "Strange Planet".

Effortlessly sophisticated humour from writer/producer Stavros Kazantzidis (also of "Love and Other Catastrophes"), classy direction from Croghan and magnificent performances from all involved make this film one to be remembered for a long time. It undoubtedly rates alongside the best Australian comedies of the last decade, such as "Two Hands" and "Kiss or Kill". Claudia Karvan and Naomi Watts (recently discovered for her magnificent performance in David Lynch's "Mulholland Drive") give spectacular performances, as does the ever-reliable Hugo Weaving.

The disarming charm and style of "Strange Planet" leaves many overseas romantic comedies seem like insignificant gurgles in the background. No-one who enjoys the sophistication and class of Australian cinema can avoid this wonder-work. Four bright, sparkling stars for "Strange Planet".
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