Review of Dark Angel

Dark Angel (2000–2002)
Cameron S.O.S
20 January 2001
This show started with much promise, but I think it is fading fast. Unless James Cameron takes a more hands-on approach and start doing some of the writing and/or directing himself, this will be another one of those short lived TV series that will be rerun on either TNT, SCI-FI, or FX cable channels ad-infinitum. I think that this show suffers from the same problems that the PRETENDER suffered from: it just keeps recycling the same good guy(girl) vs. bad guy stuff while continuing to build up on the subplots with no discernable solution to the questions the subplots are raising. In order for these types of series to succeed, the producers, in my humble opinion, need to tie the various subplots at some point to THE main plot of the show and relegate the good cop vs. bad cop episodic plots to the back burner.Of course this would mean, one suspects, that at some point the series would be over, because the main plot would be solved. The other thing that bothers me about Dark Angel is the hunter vs. the hunted theme: we've already had this in The Fugitive, The Incredible Hulk, The Pretender, to some extend in The Profiler, and probably others that I haven't even heard of. Can we get rid of it? It is the biggest cliche on TV right now. Cameron said in an interview that he would only come in to direct and write an episode if it could be ground breaking enough and something that had not been done before on TV. Now's the time to do it, Jimbo. If you care about this project, save its life, please! I would submit that that is ground breaking enough.
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