See it twice....
12 February 2001
There are already 180+ reviews of this movie, so I wont waste your time with a lengthy treatise on the Coen Brothers' latest offering. I will say this however: I am a huge fan of all of their movies except for Raising Arizona, and I did walk out of the theater wondering if I had missed something in O Brother, Where Art Thou. Fortunately, Barton Fink and The Big Lebowski had the same effect on me, so I thought the movie over for about a week and then I saw it again. The fact is, this movie is such a flood of sights and sounds and has so much to think about and at which to laugh, there is simply no way to grasp it in one viewing.

See it once, give yourself a few days to let it sink in, then see it a second time. This movie is flat out brilliant, it just takes two viewings to realize it.

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