Review of Birthday Girl

Birthday Girl (2001)
17 April 2003
This is one annoying stupid movie.

Ben Chaplin plays the nicest, sweetest guy in the world, who gets taken for a ride by three trashy Russians, and you're supposed to find the ending strangely delightful and sweet. Well forget it, I for one do not buy a minute of this movie.

Nicole does a good job, actually all the actors are fine, its the things they say and do that slayed me. Ben robs the bank he works at so that Nicole's alleged 'cousins' won't kill her? Screw that, KILL HER! She's working an angle, too, just by inviting them to his home! She lied a thousand times way before meeting him!

I like Ben, well I would if he did a movie I could stand. Nicole I like much more post-divorce, and I like that she takes some chances with her career, but I can't say this was the wisest one she's made lately. 3/10.
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