A grave disappointment (Spoilers)
13 May 2000
Warning: Spoilers
I have to wonder if John Travolta has actually seen this movie. For all his comments, he thinks he has produced a good film version of L. Ron Hubbard's epic novel. However, nothing could be further from the truth.

Somehow, it appears that all of the plot points that allowed the story to make sense have been surgically removed. The Scots who had managed to preserve their culture and higher learning are gone, replaced by primitives who are reduced to making ape noises. The three month training period for the Scots that Jonnie Goodboy Tyler is able to pull off under Terl's nose has been decreased to a week with loinclothed barbarians. The international scope of the work is also gone; all of the action takes place in the United States.

To make matters worse, the additions are nonsensical at best. The Psychlos are reduced from skilled miners to slavemasters (who are apparently highly educated). Millennia old Harriers not only work, but are learned within a week (just try this at home...). And the end features the most nonsensical leap of logic I have ever seen.

There are some redeeming features to this movie, though. It does manage to entertain for its length, even if it is impossible to suspend disbelief. The special FX are pretty decent, although nothing terribly new. The cast of Psychlos also manages to perform very well, so most of the acting is relatively good.

However, if you really want to experience Battlefield Earth, stay at home and read the book. You'll get more hours of entertainment, and the novel actually makes sense.

Final score: 2/5. It has some good acting and FX, and isn't as vile as Species 2. However, that is about the praise it merits.
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