Pups (1999)
Pups is an MTV Tarantino wannabe
25 November 2002
The first thing that must be said is that the director ("Ash" as he likes to be called) is one of the most unoriginal try hard directors that I have ever experienced. "Ash" wants the world to think that his films are cool cutting edge and in your face, with a hint of intellectual flavour and witticism. But it's none of these things the whole plot is completely unbelievable, the script is written in the pretentious Dawson Creek dialect that a 13 year old could never pull off and all of the attempts a philosophy are just plain observation dressed up with poorly constructed metaphor that really want to be written by Quentin Tarantino.

The idea of two 13 year old kids robbing a bank isn't even that crazy but the way it's dealt with in this film is ridiculous and especially the way the police deal with the situation. But the thing that really made me angry was the way the director tried to make everything so hard hitting when it just came off lame such as having an angry guy in a wheelchair tell us how bad the world is.

The direction is sloppy and the whole point about the world being horrible is lost for convenience towards the end of the movie. The movie doesn't even end properly, there is actually a noticeable point in the movie where you can see where the writer has given up and just wants to end things. This movie should be shown in film school along with Harry Potter as an example of how not to make a movie.

I give this movie .0000000001/5
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