German film? Business as usual...
3 November 2000
I really wonder sometimes why my fellow Germans don't know how to make movies.

Many years, I credited to a lack of acting talent. But that seems not to be the case - if not for stunning Christiane Paul, this movie would have been even more boring and unimportant.

So, is it a lack of screenplay writers? Of good directors? Or do we Germans simply have no other topic to talk about but the eternal struggle between man and woman? (At least in this instance, the optional gay character was delightfully missing...)

This movie centers on female power, on friendship above any romantic relationship. That is not bad in the first place. But almost everything the characters are doing, from the first accidental kill to cold-blooded murder, goes unpunished, yes there isn't even any kind of conflict with, let's say, police, law, conscience...

So what is the message of this movie? Stay single and kill every man who dares to get close to you?

I don't know, but I don't care for German movies anyway. Even those with Christiane Paul. And her character would probably kill me for calling her beautiful... :-)
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