Galaxy Quest (1999)
One of the funniest, smartest parodies ever made!
26 December 1999
Strictly speaking, it's not just a parody. There's a really fun story in there, for adults and kids alike. The truth is, this movie works on a lot of levels. Oh, all right -- it's mostly a comedy! But, it's an intelligent one, full of digs at movies, television, science fiction themes, legitimate theater, and special effects. Oh, and especially Trekkies!

From the opening scenes, with an inconsolably miserable Alan Rickman, the has-been supporting-actor who played a Spock-like alien on a cancelled Star Trek -like TV show, trying to drag himself out of the dressing room to yet another unbearable fan-vention, we know that this is something special. Rickman is wonderful, harnessing his hilarious talent at playing sarcasm to a non-evil, even sympathetically pathetic, part for once.

It's hard to recognize Sigourney Weaver in a similarly-hilarious fluffy-haired role as some sort of cross between Uhura and Jane Fonda in Barbarella. Ms. Weaver has always been good at light comedy, but rarely gets the opportunity any more. This film should reopen that door for her.

Tim Allen has a great role as the totally egotistical actor who used to play The Captain of an Enterprise-like ship on the TV show. Like the others, he keeps us in stitches, as we try to figure out his character's grasp of reality. I've never counted myself as one of Mr. Allen's fans, but I thoroughly enjoyed him in this romp. Great comedic energy, combined with a natural flair for being "real" adds up to a terrific performance.

But, if those three weren't enough to make a side-splitting comedy, there's always the aliens! Not too many different kinds to keep track of, and each more hilarious than the other, really brings this picture over the top. Throw in some great special effects, and it's an easy film to recommend! I doubt it will make the list of the top 10 films of all time, but it's got pretty good cult potential.

Bring your friends, bring the kids, bring a date.
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