Review of Nurse Betty

Nurse Betty (2000)
14 April 2001
The popularity of many movies escapes me, but at least in the case of movies like "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" or "Magnolia", although I don't understand the acclaim, I can at least see what it is people like about the film. However, in the case of "Nurse Betty", I just don't get it. This movie was, in a word, dull - dreadfully so. Morgan Freeman wasn't bad, Greg Kinear wasn't bad, hell, Renee Zellwegger wasn't bad. Still, the assertion that this is some sort of dark comedy "masterpiece" is just ridiculous. There is nothing new or transcendent here, nothing subtly brilliant, no great connection to something in the human spirit. Its simply another silly comedy that misses the mark, no better than "Lost and Found" or "Dude, Where's my Car?".

Lastly, for those ripping Chris Rock for the language he used in the film, I hope you realize there is something called a "script" that has "lines" on it that "actors" memorize and then deliver. If you think that Chris Rock is degrading to women, blame the script, not the actor. Do you also think that Ed Norton and Brad Pitt hate women because of their language in "Fight Club?" Get a clue, rip the insipid writing, not the messenger.
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