Hollywood, Pay Attention!
11 July 1999
My first exposure to South Park, I had zero expectations of any kind. I wasn't a fan of the show, had no idea who the characters were, or any idea of what Trey, Matt and their friends were capable of. (Quick answer: A LOT!)

Holy ****! This film, thinly disguised as a childish gross-out movie, is truly amazing. It has Creativity, Concept, Writing, Perspective and uncountable bags of plain old Talent. This should be a major wake up call to Hollywood and the Multi-national Industrial-Entertainment Complex. Literally, there is more thought and entertainment in any randomly chosen 5 minutes of South Park than in any "major" film I've seen lately. How ironic that the movie I saw just prior to this one should have been Star Wars Episode 1 The Phantom Movie, as if to highlight the disparity. If, like me, you left SWEOTPM feeling like all it needed was like, a script, go see South Park right away. It is the antidote!
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