Inside the Labyrinth (1986 TV Movie)
A Look Inside the Making and Magic of the GREATEST Fantasy Adventure Film of ALL Time!!!
1 October 2000
"Inside the Labyrinth" is a REAL treat for ALL "Labyrinth" obsessed cult followers (like moi) who can't just get enough of the great fantasy classic. This documentry explains how the most surrealistic place beyond anyone's imagination went from Jim Henson's thoughts and onto the silver screen!

What you get is an interesting look behind the film from the "swiss cheese-like" setting of Jareth's chambers to the romantic ball room scenery (and the versatile costumes worn by David, Jennifer, and the dancers!) to the creation of Hoggle and Ludo to the fancy juggling of Jareth's crystal balls. That is what you see when you watch the DVD version of "Labyrinth".

The video re-release has a small featurette of the documentry which features very little. I.E.: How Jim Henson and his crew chose David Bowie as Goblin King over Sting and (who knows why?!) Michael Jackson. (If MJ was chosen, he'd be moonwalking and grabbing his crotch during the "Dance Magic" part and the ball room scene). And - unfortunately - very little more. But hey...even if it is just a small featurette on the video, at least you saw a peek at the documentry, which is no longer in print! :) But yeah...I still recommend the DVD! Sorry.

It's weird though...just like the "Rocky Horror Picture Show", "Labyrinth" has become an instant pop culture classic as far as I know. (Not bad for a movie that's 14 years old!). I mean...I do not know one person (who saw this movie) say they hated it! When I watch it today...I still feel like that ten year old little girl who watched it the very first time during "Movie Time" back in elementary school in Mrs. Sample's class! :) Never did I once think that I could relate to Sarah's feelings about life and other hidden feelings (according to "Labyrinth" fans if you read the fan fiction on web sites - they have very convincing points by the way!) which is kind of overshadowed by her eagerness to rescue Toby.

Jim Henson's wild imagination....David Bowie's awesome music and of course, gorgeous image as Jareth....Jennfier Connelly's talented and powerful couldn't get any better than this! And it's all seen here in this fun-for-all documentry!!! :D A must-have for ALL "Labyrinth" fans!!!!!
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