Review of The Harmonists

A magnificent movie about a magnificent group
26 September 1998
"If we hadn't had to separate, we were more famous than the Beatles today." So says Roman Cycowski, the last survivor of the Comedian Harmonists. Joseph Vilsmayer's movie is the story of the first boy-group of the world. "Veronika, der Lenz ist da" and "Mein kleiner grüner Kaktus" are just two of the unforgettable songs sung by this sextet. Founded 1927 in Berlin, Germany, the Harmonists get quickly very popular in whole Europe. But with the upcoming national-socialism the three Jewish members of the Comedian Harmonists felt compelled to flee into the exile. Vilsmayer succeeds a magnificient movie about a German legend - a movie, which stands out good against the customary German comedy-monotony of the last years.
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