Kiss the Sky (1998)
Whatever-Became-Of the Principals of 'Desert Hearts (1985)'
30 September 2002
I rented this movie as part of a personal film festival on the theme of "Whatever-Became-Of the Principals of 'Desert Hearts (1985).'" In this case, I wanted to see the recent movies of Patricia Charbonneau, who as one of the reviewers said, still looks great.

I am a woman in her late 30's, so it was hard to relate to the subject matter. The movie is about two very successful, upper middle class men in their late 40's who are decent guys and have loving families, but who nonetheless feel absolutely empty. It was good to read the user comments to see that the theme had resonance with middle-aged, successful men. (Yikes, I thought, is it really that bad to be a white guy who, at least by appearances, seems to have it all?)

Net-net, I'd recommend the movie since it touches on a theme that apparently has resonance with a significant portion of the population, which is obviously not appreciated by those not in that segment.
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