Asteroid (1997 TV Movie)
By any standard, even amateur 16mm films, this one is stupid
30 October 2001
This film has gained a certain infamy for stupidity. It's discussed as a laughing stock for the complete mutilation of science and even basic logic.

It's not a matter of a low budget. It's not that we are just being picky and expect it to be "too" accurate. I can accept a certain level of inaccuracy. This film goes way beyond that level into the absurd. It has about the scientific realism of spilling a bucket of water and having all the houses on the block carried away in the resulting flood.

There's no defending or rationalizing this level of stupidity. Even the "human drama" elements were mediocre at best and downright simplistic and boring for most of the film. The last half of the film dragged.

There's no reason a film should be made this poorly just because it's made for TV. It's not poor by comparison to other flicks or big budget movies; it's just poor. Even the good performances of some of the actors couldn't save this one.
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