They don't get much worse than this!
2 April 2003
Videos like 'Senior Trip' are usually in the bargain rack at Walmart for a reason: They Suck! The tagline "They Came, They Saw, They Passed Out" seems so ironic in that it perfectly describes the moviegoer's experience of boredom. Too bad the director didn't actually use Alan Smithee instead just using it for the Forest Humps segment.

This has to be one of the worst movies I have ever seen in my life, and you could not pay me to watch it again. The characters were 1 dimensional, the dialogue was horrible, the plot/subplot went nowhere, and the acting was some of the worst I have ever seen - not even Tommy Chong could save this piece of crap...it's probably a good thing his character dies within 10 minutes onscreen - trust me, I am not giving anything important away. And what was the deal with the crossing guard who chased them? And then the senators who gave the clichéd clap at the end of the speech about how they're all a bunch of losers? (See Not Another Teen Movie as they lampoon this idea) I suppose there's no point in asking about a movie that makes no sense and that a third grader could have written...probably much better too.

The only thing that kept me watching the whole thing is what I call the "train wreck" effect - I just had to see how much worse it could get, or see if there was one saving joke that made the film producable. I was actually looking for places to laugh or find them mildly amusing and only found 2 that got even a hint at a smile: the sex hotel when they first walk in, and the forrest humps segment. Don't get me wrong, I love comedies, even really stupid ones with little plot - but if you're going to have a comedy, it has to be funny. This falls more under the category of horror, or even torture.

Please,do yourself a favor. Avoid this at all costs.
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