Review of Drunks

Drunks (1995)
For acting students and addictive personalities
4 May 2004
As others have stated "Drunks" is less a movie than a string of monologues. Since these monologues are presented by a group of very fine actors, "Drunks" is essential viewing for acting students.

The performances are uniformly strong, with stand outs from Faye Dunaway, Calista Flockhart and a particularly well drawn, understated turn by Dianne Wiest. A great pity that Kevin Corrigan and Sam Rockwell are around and given nothing much to do. Richard Lewis has the central role, and to his credit, puts in a convincing performance.

The other, far larger group for whom this movie has great relevance is that of the addictive personality. Although the movie is dealing with alcoholism, it could quite easily be substituted by a host of substances or activities which in effect take over and often ruin lives. "Drunks" very much brings home the suffering that addiction causes, while stressing the suffering which led to the addiction itself.

An unsatisfying film, whose parts in themselves, make it worthy.
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