Review of 500 Nations

500 Nations (1995)
American ESSENTIAL History
19 June 2003
The geological time is the great power of the nature on the human being. This documentary is surely not perfect, but it's essential american history. It replace things were they must be. It tells us how nations of indians were killed and how american's army tooks there land. It's also dramatic true and i think this MUST be showed to all american schools, in priority. So cinema (US westerns) lies us when we where young, now we have no excuse to not know what really happens in this land at this time. Therefore, i'll just hope that a day Natives American Indians shall get at new what they lost. Geological time will perhaps do that for them, and for their great culture... Seeing the present actuality and the image of the US Bush administration in the world, this doc is urgent to see and let me think that a day it will change. To finish, i'll just quote here an american citizen :

"I can remember first seeing this documentary almost seven years ago and at the time, I was completely fascinated by so many unknown truths that this documentary uncovered. There are so many things that are not taught about the Native American struggle in our country. Many of the things in this documentary are simply not talked about in schools when I was growing up. I wish I could remember more details of this great documentary but it has been seven years."
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