A beautiful violinist obsessed with unrequited love...
13 August 2000
This is a haunting film...in its visual beauty, in its performances and certainly in the sensitive direction of Claude Sautet. Auteuil and Beart are perfectly cast. It's a unique theme...in that a beautiful woman obsessed with a man cannot arouse any real passion or interest in him..because as the title implies, his heart is frozen. What I found particularly moving was how both Auteuil's portayal and the script itself made him, for me, a sympathetic figure...I felt I could understand him and feel his inner angst (for whatever psychological reason).

Beart too gave her characterization a depth and a reality that made me not only believe in her plight, but remember when I had some of those same feelings. The violin playing and exquisite music also added a lovely melancholy touch. For me, this was Sautet's masterpiece. Wish he were still with us to give the world more of his talent.
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