One of the worst
20 August 2001
The original Flesh Gordon was a silly, campy take off on Flash Gordon and his serial compatriots. Flesh 1 was sophomoric to be sure, but the humour did work and the film is very entertaining. Not so the long delayed sequel that I recently purchased on DVD. As soon as I find a store that buys used DVDs, I will unload this piece of garbage. The director claimed that "political correctness" is what held the film's release up. After veiwing it I feel that it was shelved for so long due to the fact that it stinks, big time! The comedy in Flesh 2 is in such bad taste that it is not funny at all, it's just gross and offensive. It's all down hill after a promising "film within a film" opening, which itself is ruined by the antics of "King Dong" (bet the screen writers spent hours coming upon with that one). Speaking of bad comedy, I have to mention the Turd people, yes, Turd people. I feel really sorry for the folks playing these characters. I doubt that they put this film on their resumes. Mr. Hanky it's not. And couldn't they have cast better looking women in the parts of the Cosmic Cheerleaders? The ladies on view in these roles are dogs! And one is supposed to be an ex Playmate. I guess Heffner is going blind in his old age. At least the girl playing Dale is attractive as are the ladies in the opening sequence. The new guy playing Flesh was obviously chosen for his body rather than acting skills, which are nill. Another major problem is that the film has no sense of pace whatsoever. Even thought it's fairly short at 100 minutes or so, the film really drags and after awhile you wonder if it will ever end. This is what they made fast forward for.

The only nice touch is the return of the guy who played Wang the Perverted in the first film. And that's it. Please do not waste your time or money on this peice of dreck. It simply is one of the worst.
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