Review of Psycho III

Psycho III (1986)
Tedious, Disjointed, Implausible Mess
9 December 2003
It's strange how Hollywood takes a brilliant, classic movie like Psycho and trots it out ala Mrs. Bates, lifeless and stuffed with sawdust, for a few cheap thrills and a quick buck. "Psycho" is now an official Hollywood cash cow, a franchise to be exploited and run into the ground. Norman Bates action figures and souvenir ash trays cannot be too far behind.

The movie revives Norman, his Mom, and their haunted house hotel and serves up victims left and right. Between the incessantly noisy students, the crazy nun, the brassy reporter, and the guitar-playing loser, Norman's cup runneth over in the slasher victim department. The scene with the naked guitar player, doing his seductive "lamp dance" has to be seen to be believed.

Meanwhile, Norman putters around, not sure whether he's a killer, a victim, or a necrophiliac (he plants a big kiss on a dead body in one scene). Despite his legacy of madness and murder, people are drawn to his house like it's an amusement park ride. The nutcase nun does the Martin Basalm jig down the stairs. The reporter inexplicably pokes around the dark house until she encounters Norman and then runs around, shrieking to him the "truth" about his past while he chases her around manically with a knife.

The experience manages to be both laughable and incredibly tedious rather than scary or suspenseful.

Just kill 'em all, Norman, and put us out of our misery already.


More Psycho movies? Oh GOD, MOTHER, SEQUELS! SEQUELS!
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