Rocky IV (1985)
A Great Movie
11 September 1999
This movie is in my opinion, the greatest of the Rocky Trilogy. And I think the critics who bad mouthed this movie were ticked that the Rocky plotlines weren't what is called "A Work Of Art" such as Rocky 1 and 2. The plot lines in the Rocky movies shifted in Rocky 3, and got to be more interesting, because he wasn't some guy living in a slum boxing with an old man after part 2, which the critics thought was "Arthouse Greatness"

Anyways, this movie has a great conflict in it. The at the time, U.S.S.R. was trying to make it's way into sports, by enginnering Dolph Lundgren with steroids and high-tech exercize equipment, which I thought was pretty interesting. And Rocky, as usual, trains the old school way, by old fashoned boxing and strength gaining methods.

The movie I think was made to teach a point at that time. If you notice when Drago begins to lose the match, and notice he isn't as strong as what he thought, he gains some respect for Rocky.

The ending is a little impossible, and wierd, yes. But I think this is a must see if you are into Rocky Movies. Stay away from number 5 though.
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