Mass Appeal (1984)
Has There EVER Been a Jack Lemmon Movie Not Worth Seeing?
2 August 2004
MASS APPEAL (3 outta 5 stars)

You know, there probably isn't a movie Jack Lemmon has ever made that isn't worth watching... if only for his being in it. For instance, Mass Appeal isn't much of a movie... it was based on a minor play and outside of two showy roles for a couple of capable performers it doesn't seem to have much point. Luckily Jack Lemmon and Zeljko Yvanek are up to the task and the movie is a pleasant enough diversion... even if it does strain credulity at times. Lemmon is a well-established, beloved Catholic priest who is given the task of honing the skills of an opinionated, headstrong, young man fresh from seminary school. Lemmon has one month to shape him up or ship him out.

A minor scandal erupts when young Ivanek defends a pair of ex-homosexuals that he went to school with and who have been expelled... then his own sexuality is brought into question. Good dialogue but the movie plays itself out predictably. Not a classic but definitely worth checking out.
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