A Killer in the Family (1983 TV Movie)
Lots of action, not much of a story.
8 August 1999
A convicted murderer is serving a sentence in prison, and is visited by his wife and 3 sons in the opening scene. A scene of the family having a picnic on the prison grounds makes an impression of a normal family

Later, the 3 sons assist the escape of the father, played by Mitchum, from prison. What follows is a wild ride across 3 states in the southwest leaving a trail of murder and death.

It is an action movie.

It ignores any serious questions of crime, criminal justice, trial, conviction and imprisonment. Family loyalty is touched briefly, in the premise of the story, but not developed.

It ends in violent death of the escapee and his accomplice sons.

If you like mindless action, this is your movie. If not, watch something else, if you have a choice
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