Review of Megaforce

Megaforce (1982)
16 August 2001
This movie is almost completely lifeless. VERY boring. Even the action scenes are pretty lame- just lots of footage of the dune buggies and motorcycles randomly riding through the desert, shooting missiles and laserbeams. Bad special effects. Oh, and the plot... Megaforce is this secret army that occasionally steps in to maintain world peace, or something like that. That's it.

I admit to having chuckled a couple of times while watching this, but it really is not at all pleasant to watch. The only positive aspect is that after it's over you can look back and laugh at how bad it was. Kind of like when something goes horribly wrong and you think to yourself "years from now we'll laugh about this". This film is on the same level as "Stroker Ace". Possibly worse.
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