Review of E.T.

E.T. (1982)
A movie I try to forget.
21 September 1999
This movie is just too freaky for me. It's dark, it's depressing, and just the way the cast acted in the movie just freaks me out. Spielberg might have made a masterpiece here, but too me it was a very dark and depressing movie. I know that Mac And Me was it's latest competition in the later 80's, but this movie just makes you either cry, or feel really depressed.

I saw this movie back when they re-released it, (Can't remember if it was 84 or 85) and this movie was just really messed up. I was about 5 at the time, and the part with the medical crews and stuff just made me horrified, and it still does to this day because it's just plain messed up !

The ending isn't all that happy either, I can guarantee that.
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