SOMETHING TO LOOK FOR the next time one watches.
23 September 2001
In director Robert Altman's hands, a movie that really only has going for it the story and it casting becomes one of the best of American film. "Deceiving to the eye" is to this film what "there's no place like home" is to another. Over the course of the nearly real time acting and many flashbacks, we see a set of characters reveal that they and their lives are not what they have been presenting for others to see. The setting and circumstances are a reunion of James Dean fans twenty years after his death in the Woolworth's of a dusty, drought riddled west Texas town. Coupled with the flashbacks, time seems to stand still on the set. It is easy to see why the characters feel the claustrophobia and need to escape the choking air of not only their dieing hometown, but indeed their lives. What makes this film so fantastic and so compelling for the viewer is with out a doubt the acting. Every one in this picture is superb; including Cher in what really is one of her very first stabs at serious acting. The genius in using the stage cast is here we see actors who have finely tuned the characters they are playing so well you are instantly and easily swept up in the drama.

SOMETHING TO LOOK FOR the next time one watches. I have seen this movie many many times and just noticed something that I feel I should share. Late in the movie there is a scene where most of the cast are laughing at Sandy Dennis's character, Mona. Cher's character, Sissy, adds to the ridicule by making a mocking impression of Mona, speaking in a nervous, stuttering and jittery manner. The impersonation could not have been to hard for Cher to pull off, as playing nervous, stuttering jittery women was Sandy Dennis's stock and trade. A close up of Mona shows a look on her face of bewilderment and hurt. Then Sandy does it; she opens her mouth and we see the tip of her tongue somewhat cover her upper row of teeth. Showing us the bottom of her tongue, she is aping what has to be the stock facial expression of Cher. Is it a coincidence? Or is it Sandy Dennis getting back at Cher for mimicking her? We will never know.
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