Shut up shut up shut up shut up!
10 August 2002
Never before have cheerleaders made me so mad! I've unfortunately had to put up with my share of cheerleaders with their annoying and gratuitous cheers, overly peppy outlook on everything and utter ditziness. However in this movie, I don't have to smile politely and keep my mouth shut. It's time for me to speak out.

If I see one more cheerleader make any sort of inane sexist comment and strike some kind of sexy-like pose, I will rip my hair out. After watching this movie, I have reached my limit of idiotic cheerleaders making sex related comments. Alright. Now that I have that out of my way, I can get on to the movie.

THE MOVIE WAS BAD! Bad, bad, BAD! Bad to the max, bad to the fourth power, bad to the level of a dog who pees on the carpet, bad to the level of an Enron executive, bad to Vanilla Ice bad. This movie was B-A-D. The acting of all the minor characters made me want to put a bullet between the eyes of every insignificant actor of every movie. The coach of the football team and the dean of the school were the worst. Down on the beach, when the coach came down to find his football "stars" the facial expressions he made could be equaled to that of a baby eating sour food. If he has a football team to coach, why did he let them stay? Would you trust the chaperone of the cheerleaders to take care of things. She was just as dimwitted as the cheerleaders themselves. Moving on to the Dean of the school, what kind of horny bastard runs a Christian University like that? Being exposed to the bareness of women, he immediately becomes as giddy as a school girl and doesn't stop peeking around the corner at the completely open and unabashed cheerleaders. Grr. It's either bad writing or bad improv.

I'm going to leave the movie alone now. I don't want to get too in depth and lose my temper. There were many scenes that needed two viewings to get everything out of them. For example, on the beach, one of the cheerleaders takes Stevie (I think) into the bushes in the background while the coach is on the beach, and the coach makes a comment about "preserving precious bodily fluids." However, only three minutes later, the same cheerleader gets excited an exclaims that "Stevie's here!" and takes him off to the same bushes as a few minutes earlier, using the same footage, and the same coach all of the sudden acts all distraught over it, acting as if he wished he wouldn't do that. It's these kinds of things, these discrepancies, that make movies bad.

**Final Decision: Movies with cheerleaders = bad movies.**

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