Strains credulity...but entertaining nonetheless
4 January 2000
This seems to be one of those flics that garners both fervent adherents and choruses of raspberries. It certainly has its faults, but I thought it was still quite a good movie (7/10) overall.

The plot unfortunately is pretty far removed from reality. No amount of money could persuade five men to lay their lives on the line for someone they couldn't even pick out of a lineup. Nor can we really begin to believe that Vicki can so quickly put her finger on Thomas Crown as the man behind it all.

There would have been better choices for the Thomas Crown role...most obviously Cary Grant, except I think he had just retired. But McQueen acquits (ahem) himself well.

The chess sequence alone is worth the price of admission (hard to believe anyone could miss the erotic tension in that scene...though it is tame enough today), the issues of trust and betrayal are explored in an interesting way, and the ending is clever.
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