Instantly Forgettable Claptrap!
20 September 1999
Okay, first off, I am not the biggest Greta Garbo fan, so I am going to be a bit biased here, so if you are going to send me threatening emails (oh, please do) don't say IO didn't warn you.

Greta Garbo and John Gilbert star in this potboiler about two men who are blood brothers. One of these men (Gilbert) is sent off to war service in Africa because of a duel he had with the husband of a philandering wife (Garbo) who was seeing Gilbert on the side. As Gilbert leaves, he and Garbo promise that there will be noone else, that they will love forever. When Gilbert gets back, he finds that his blood brother has married Garbo, and seeks out to see her... at ANY cost!

Predictable from the get go, you can see outcomes coming from a mile ahead. Garbo, as usual, is bland, bland bland.. You'll be lucky if I can remember this movie, oh, in a week from now.
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