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(I) (2012)

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Irritating Format and Serious Miscasting
phil-cree17 September 2012
If your prime reaction to a film is one of disappointment there are usually some good reasons. My principal response to this version of a great and well-known story is one of irritation. The overblown theatrical format of the film gets in the way of character and dramatic development, to the point where you're aware of a director proclaiming "aren't we clever with the way we're staging this?" instead of admiring the straightforward and competent telling of a story. I'm not saying all films have to be constructed in a conventional manner, but when the form overtakes the substance something has gone wrong.

Aaron Taylor-Johnson as Count Vronsky is a piece of serious miscasting. Instead of looking like a great lover and sure temptation for wavering Anna,he looks like some feeble dandy with his foppish shock of dyed curly blonde hair which makes him look quite ridiculous. How on earth Anna could fall for such a creepy-looking guy is beyond most viewers I would submit.

Keira Knightley does the best she can, despite looking most of the time like she's attending a fashion shoot. The character of Anna requires portrayal of a tragic life which she doesn't quite achieve. However, the whole film fails to convey the grandeur of Tolstoy's vision, so she's let off the hook by the film's general levity and lack of substance.
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An interesting take on AK marred by pretentiousness
miss_lady_ice-853-60870018 September 2012
I adore the novel, so I will be discussing Joe Wright's take on it and where it ranks amongst other adaptations but I will of course look at its merits as a film aside from the novel.

As a whole adaptation, this version falls somewhere in the middle. Even without all the metatheatrical trappings, it still took an interesting and valid approach to the novel, proving that the novel could be adapted until infinity and it would still be fresh each time. As readers of the novel would know, there is much more to it than Anna's affair. Tolstoy did not write vague types: he wrote fully-fleshed characters, and Tom Stoppard's screenplay acknowledged Tolstoy's style. Therefore I don't want to condemn the film outright because that would overshadow the things that it does get right.

Keira Knightley's version of Anna is not nearly as bad as you would think. She has the sense to restrain herself a little so that the many other elements of the novel shine through. She goes for the unsympathetic approach and it works. All her mannerisms that I generally find annoying- the schoolgirl smirking and rampant nymphomania- actually work for this role. This Anna takes Vronsky just because she can, and then ultimately regrets it. We can feel her frustration: she's young and wants to have fun but she's tied down to a stuffy older husband. In that sense, it's quite a modern interpretation, but not hideously so.

Aaron Taylor-Johnson as Count Vronsky was just miscast. If the novel had been about Anna seducing a schoolboy, he would have been great, but Vronsky is meant to be a dashing man. The styling is atrocious- he looks like a seventies Scandinavian Eurovision entry. Wright seems to have told some of the actors to act realistic and some to play up to the stylised setting. Taylor-Johnson plays the artifice so much that he just comes off as camp and sleazy. The scene where he is about to ride Frou Frou is like a production of Equus and there's a love scene with Keira Knightley that brought to mind an old advert for Philadelphia cheese. Their revelation of love is also poorly dealt with. Anna has some kind of fantasy dream where the two have an "erotic ballet" and suddenly they're banging away, presumably now in the real world.

Jude Law as Karenin. A bizarre choice when he could have played Vronsky five years ago and might even get away with it now at a push. However, he gives a performance that is probably his best. His Karenin is a bureaucrat through and through. Other adaptations have still made Karenin an attractive option. This Karenin is certainly not going to develop any great passion soon. We also see how he is manipulated by moral guardian Countess Lydia. If Law is trying to make a reputation as a serious actor, he's on the right path.

And what about all that pretentious theatre stuff? It seriously slows down the pace in the first third but once you get used to it, you can just enjoy the film. The ending is rather abrupt (no, that famous ending is not the last scene) but quite poignant.
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Unique to say the least
cardsrock31 December 2020
The staging of this film is certainly something I hadn't seen before. The majority of scenes are made to look like everything is happening on a theater stage. This style doesn't add a whole lot to the film though. While the costumes, production design, music, and cinematography are all terrific, I'm afraid I can't say the same about the story. It just didn't really capture me and I found a lot of the film to be boring. Anna Karenina may be a classic text, but I can't use the same adjective for this retelling.
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Good production but doesn't quite hit the spot
grantss27 December 2015
Good production but doesn't quite hit the spot.

Set in 19th century Russia, a married aristocrat, Anna Karenina (played by Keira Knightley), starts an affair with a Count. After a while, the relationship becomes quite serious...

A decent adaptation of the Tolstoy novel. Lavish costumes and sets, and a sense of the emptiness and superficiality of Russian aristocracy. However, for all its intrigues, just doesn't quite hit the spot. Not entirely engaging and seems to drag in segments. Some of the imagery was just to clever for its own good, ending up feeling pretentious.

Solid performances all round. Jude Law is the best of the lot, as the conservative husband of Anna Karenina.
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Kirpianuscus6 June 2018
The lead virtue - Jude Law as Karenin. The worst sin - the mixture of pieces from everywhere for create the atmosphere. The theater is a nice idea but only better used . Virtues - the portraits of Levin and Kitty. Problems - a not reasonable Vronski and imposibility to feel the drama of Karenina. Short. It is a film without soul. Images, inacuracy, a kitsch Russia and a sort of "ad usum Delphini" adaptation. Too noisy, too vulgar, using the not inspired actor for Vronsky and proposing a hard fight to Keira Knightley for create her Karenina. Short, a film without purpose. And that is all.
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Amazing directing
elenamich7 April 2020
I loved the cinematography of the Theatre. I loved that everything got out from the stage. The director did a pretty good job directing this.
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The best Anna Karenina I have seen
pisarenkov16 December 2012
First. What is a definition of the word "critical art review"? Review is imposition of individual opinion through the press. During my long life (I am 72) I have seen many performances on the stage and movies "Anna Karenina." This film is the best. It has everything that should be in the movie: fantasy, entertainment, teaching, and of course the classic love story. For me, personally, it is not always important "WHAT ABOUT", it is also important to me "HOW IT DONE." From my point of view, movie is entertainment. Of course those critics who finds fault with hairstyles or jewelry, they know better what they want from the movies. They always want to hear a Russian accent and see plausible buttons on the dress. But this is not a police report, this is feature film. Visual aspects are amazingly talented. Acting work- to the point of perfection. First time in my life I saw real Karenin, not half-dead old man, but a loving decent husband. Keira Knightley is impeccable as Anna. Сrowd scenes are tasteful. Music is touching and talented. Tolstoy's novel is very hard to adapt for a screen, it even difficult to read, and the director was able to convey the main thing in this beautiful and romantic movie. I agree with Berthold Brecht who said: "When you entertain -teach, and when you teach- entertain"." There is no doubt that this film is not for everyone, and those who like "Scream 2" or " Spiderman", they do not have to watch this movie. All critical reviews are long and tedious, but the film is short, with exciting feelings and has a good taste. There is only one measure of art: talented or not talented. The rest is a matter of taste. But there is no accounting for tastes.This film is talented in every way.
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Genuis direction
fati8824 February 2021
There maybe a lot to discuss when it comes to the plot and the performances but 1 sure thing this movie is definitely a masterpiece, it felt more like watching theater and it was so poetic and beautiful. The cinematography, the grading, the soundtrack and how it's directed which is the best part, everything was so unique and impactful, all the credit goes to the direction for giving us such a joy and emotional experience throughout the movie.
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Beautiful, Enchanting and Bold
tgooderson8 September 2012
Director Joe Wright's adaptation of Leo Tolstoy's 1877 novel Anna Karenina is one of the most visually stunning and artistically bold films I've seen in quite some time. Wright places most of his plot within the confines of a dilapidated theatre and has his actors make use of the stage, stalls and behind the scenes areas when forming the sets of late Tsarist Saint Petersburg. Actors will walk from one part of the theatre to another with sets and costumes changing around them, all with the hustle and bustle of both a real theatre and lively city. It's a stylistic decision which was probably met with scepticism by studio bosses and the like but works incredibly well to bring to life the characters which themselves are so wonderfully written by Tolstoy.

Joe Wright was lucky in a way in that he started off with a fantastic story, written by Tolstoy. This was then adapted by Oscar winning screenwriter Tom Stoppard who handed Wright and his cast a beautifully well crafted script which despite its complexities, rolls of the tongues of the talented cast. I have never read the source novel and have in fact never managed to finish any of the great works of Russian literature (the names don't help) so the plot was new to me. The themes of love, infidelity, trust and city vs countryside-life charge out of the screen and most are tackled very well. One area which I thought was slightly forgotten was the fascinating part of the plot regarding Levin (Domhnall Gleeson). Levin is in love with an attractive and highly sought after young Princess, Kitty (Alicia Vikander). His tale of love, family, hardship and politics feels slightly brushed to one side which is a shame as his arc also points towards the social upheaval which would greet Russia in the coming decades.

The first half of this film was probably my favourite half of any I've seen in the cinema this year. It whizzed along thanks to the dialogue, plot and interesting design. The problems that I have with some period dramas such as dull ideas and duller characters felt a million miles away as I watched, transfixed with a smile on my face. The highlight of the entire film for me was a ball in which some of the central characters danced. This was a scene full of careful manoeuvring, examination and lust as the two lovers become intimate for the first time. Onlookers watch on as Anna and Count Vronsky dance a waltz to an ever quickening pace. Kitty watches with horror as she sees the man she thought was hers slip away. The dancing itself is beautifully choreographed and came as close to art as I've seen dance be. Due in part to the nature of the story, the second half of the film doesn't quite live up to the pace or intensity of the opening half but is nonetheless interesting, dark and impressive.

There are three things which make Anna Karenina one of my favourite films of 2012 so far. The first is the story, the second is the direction and the third is the acting. Every single member of the cast dazzles here with not one actor giving a misjudged or poor performance. The standout for me is Jude Law whose mild mannered and restrained performance is simply incredible. He maintains grace and dignity despite having a terrible spell thanks to Anna and Law manages to convey all of his emotions in a similar understated way to Gary Oldman did with Smiley in Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. He also makes the audience feel incredibly empathetic towards his character. For an actress I'm not particularly fond of, Keira Knightly has somehow found herself with two excellent central performances in two of my favourite films of the year; this and A Dangerous Method. She feels like the go-to-girl for this type of role and is excellent although my girlfriend rightly points out that when she smiles, she looks like she's about to cry. Aaron Taylor-Johnson also gives a good performance, despite comedy moustache, as the dashing lover. He is believable as the swarve and arrogant cavalryman but is outplayed by Law in later scenes. It's funny to think that ten years ago it would probably have been Jude Law in the Vronsky role but he has matured as an actor in recent years and can carry off a character like Karenin with aplomb. Another standout is Matthew Macfadyen who plays more of a comedy character but plays it gracefully. Domhnall Gleeson is also superb as Levin.

Despite the great acting this is the director's film. The style is so bold that at first I was worried that it wouldn't work but to keep a city as vast as Saint Petersburg inside one theatre then having the rest of the world to play with outside the city was a fantastic idea which was pulled off with pinpoint precision. There are flaws, for instance it felt slightly too long and some areas weren't given as much attention as I'd have liked (two contradictory statements I know) but overall Anna Karenina is a enchanting film and one of the best I've seen so far this year.
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Worth Watching if you like Reading Tolstoy
pappujasani8 September 2012
Based on the novel by the Russian author, Leo Tolstoy, the story is set in the 19th century Russia where an aristocratic, married woman, has an affair and becomes the talk of the high society which she is so much use to. Starring Keira Knightley, Jude Law, Aaroon Taylor – Johnson, Emily Watson and Mathew Macfadyen, the movie is Directed by Joe Wright and Written by Tom Stoppard, while the music score is by Dario Marianelli.

Keira Knightley, who is probably remembered for her character, "Elizabeth Swann ," in the movie, "Pirates of the Caribbean" and the football playing girl, Juliette Paxton in "Bend it Like Beckham," has well played as the titled character and the aristocratic woman while Jude Law as "Alexei Karenin" is also very convincing as is Aaron Taylor – Johnson as " Count Vronsky." Joe Wright, mostly known for Directing TV series such as "Bob and Rose" and films such as "Pride and Prejudice," "Atonement" and "The Soloist," has managed, not just to recreate 19th century Russia on the celluloid but also where atmosphere is concerned and above all, he manages to keep the audience glued. Writer, Tom Stoppard, known for writing scripts for movies such as, "Shakespeare in Love," "Brazil," "The Russia House" and "Empire of the Sun." has written the script of this which depicts the story as a stage drama – scenes being shown as if they were on a stage and this may be a downfall in this and somehow, with this, he manages to keep the audience glued to screen and seats. Dario Marianelli's music score is a strength to this screen version of Leo Tolstoy's classic novel.

Some, and in particular, those who are not familiar with Tolstoy's stories, may find it difficult to know what is happening as like most of his novels, concentration is a must and others may get irritated by the way the story is told – stage drama. This is a movie that may make you wish that you had brought a packet of tissues as there is a lot of emotions involved.

A worth while watching movie if you like reading Leo Tolstoy.
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One Russian's take on the film
ti-swan12 September 2012
So, it is out – the film that so far has divided the opinions of the critics and audiences alike. A lot has been said about its theatrics and casting, visual effects and costumes. The trailer alone made me go to see it the first day it was released in London. Despite the misgivings about the casting of the main characters, I was hoping that the opulence of the setting, decorations and costumes would be just enough to make it enjoyable and compensate for any acting mishaps.

The film focuses is on the key relationships in the novel taking the bare carcass of the storyline. The result is a mechanical sequence of events, devoid of any depth and humanity and almost clinically cold. Many nuances of the relationships are not explained at all and, had I not read the book many times over, these would have been lost on me. All of the socio-political and ideological issues affecting Russia in the late 19th century, as well as the questions of humanity, faith, religion and the meaning of life, are largely left out. Not only this accentuates the oddly flat quality of the scenario but also, owing to the lack of context, makes certain scenes (e.g. Levin in the country) look oddly standalone.

As to the casting... Keira Knightley can be a delight to watch in the right context, i.e. when she can get away with being herself on screen (e.g. "Bend it like Beckham" and "Love actually"). However in the costume/period dramas she makes no allowances for the differences in social behaviours and mannerisms and ends up looking like a flirtatious modern girl at a fancy dress party. In the book Karenina's character is a sophisticated, mature, confident and sensuous woman of high society and rank but also a deeply kind, humane and down to earth person. It is the latter qualities that endear her so much to the fellow book characters and readers alike from the beginning and help us feel the tragedy of her situation so keenly later. Knightley's Karenina is an all-too-young, flighty coquette with no obvious emotional maturity and little sense of decorum gradually developing hysteria which left me torn between incredulity and laughter. I wouldn't normally comment on the physical appearance which should be incidental to a true acting talent but modest chest and bony back sticking out of the impossibly low-cut dress (for the 19th century) add little to the believability of the character. Vronsky, with those blue eyes, blond locks, stiff movements and bland facial expressions reminds more of a china doll than a dark, handsome, charming and intense character that Karenina falls for. Would she fall for this version of Vronsky? Doubt it and neither did I. As for the rest of the cast, the only characters that look vaguely believable (and that taken in the context of the rest of the cast) are those of Kitty and Dolly. Ironically Kitty becomes more so towards the end of the film, when Dolly loses it entirely owing to the dialogue with Karenina at the tea room.

Lastly I would like to touch upon a few details of costumes and styling which I find worth of note. I wish the costume designer incorporated the Russian fashions of the 19th century more faithfully. The façons presented with the backs cut out almost to the waist did not become fashionable (in fact, socially acceptable) until the 20th century. During the time portrayed in the film/novel they would have been scandalous. Lavish jewellery was, indeed, in vogue (although it is the understated elegance of choice so meticulously highlighted in the book that would have been true to Karenina's character). What Karenina wears in this film is unmistakably Chanel 21st century and bears no resemblance to the style or make of the time. I guess one comes to expect at least some product placements as part of the modern film industry and, in the absence of cars/phones/laptops etc in this film, one had to make the best out of what was available. Add to this aristocrats dressed like peasants (Karening in the ice-skating scene), rich landowner styled like a monk (Levin's hair throughout the film) then same landowner donned in a top hat not worn by the people from his "soslovie" (social stratum), Betsy and her jaundice coloured dress, Karenina at the theatre in what looks like a wedding dress and ermine stole, Karenin wearing his wedding band on the left hand (instead of the customary right in Russia), Karenina wearing multiple rings (Chanel-style, naturally) on both hands, - was someone confused as to the custom and decided to tick both boxes, just in case??! Classical waltz transformed into anything but, with peculiar hand movements that one critic described as "beguiling" but which looked suspiciously like mutual slapping of pesky insects and afforded a great deal more of physical intimacy in public than what was socially acceptable. Russian folk songs sang with strong foreign accent. At least no one in the film tried speaking with the Russian accent and for these small things, Lord, one should be grateful!

Overall, I wish I could call the film a drama or, at least, a parody on the 19th century Russian society but, given its omissions and disregard of the cultural or social realities, it is not. For all its pomp and pretentiousness, the film fails to make a single character or scene fully believable, forget about moving or meaningful, and the final result appears to be nothing but a parody on the original effort. Some critics called this film as "breathtaking". I agree, it is breathtaking, - breathtakingly awful, that is.
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A Very Creative Effort
onewhoseesme23 June 2013
I once asked Dustin Hoffman if he had any favorite movies or actors. He replied that he had favorite performances. Referring it seemed, to much smaller periods within a film. There are several shots where Keira is picture perfect, but this role was not for her. This performance ruins our memory of her former success under Joe Wright. Especially her first, which is her most unforgettable. Black Swan did the same for Natalie Portman, another of our cinema sweethearts. Which I walked out of.

Her part here needed to be much deeper and more complex, but instead it was shallow and trite. The way Anna was portrayed was out of place. Whether by acting or writing I don't know. Either way it was a mistake. All of the male leads, four at my count, complemented each other perfectly and were well done. Some surprising cameos among the women.

I didn't see it at the theater after hearing about the stage within the movie technique, which has actually been done in a few good movies. I didn't see it as a problem. The recent film Anonymous about Shakespeare began this way, as do others based on plays of his. Julie Taymore in her solo attempt to put Titus on film blended styles while injecting modern means and mechanism into near ancient settings, and pulled it off very smartly. Both of these were good films and highly worth watching. I point this out as there were many complaints about it in other reviews.

It isn't the blending of the modern and the ancient, or the use of multiple styles in itself that is a problem. It's more a question of whether it works, and how well it was done. I believe here it does. Peter Greenaway excels at this kind of film making. We sometimes forget how shallow we have become as a society. What a melange and patchwork our culture is. Are we surprised it shows up in our films.

There are some moments of clarity in the movie that are almost bewitching. While others present motion picture as painting or poetry. Some very good transitions. Overall I believe it to be a very creative effort. It is a blending of choreography, stage, and cinema with a desire to please the eye and entertain our emotions. It was only the moral ambiguity and modern sensibilities between the two lovers I found contemptible. Both of them being out of time and out of place.

Love is the great conquerer of lust. As lust is the great destroyer of love. I believe the author intended this to be about the second. It is a mistake to think movies from books should be the book. Just as it is wrong for an amoral people to replace the beliefs of a moral people . . with their own. Especially when borrowing or telling their stories. One of the great enjoyments for all lovers of period pieces is going back to a time when people knew morality and understood what it was, and most agreed with it. Whether or not they actually were moral is entirely . . another story.
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Anna Karenina - Good movie
abdelgulabkhan9 September 2012
This film starts off in an unusual way, you have to have patience and accept the way the director tells the story through the use of stages in a theatre.

it is a very original film and a clever way of directing, once i got to used to the settings and the directing i started to really enjoy the film.

The characters were very good actors, keira knightly was excellent, basically a love story with a married woman who has an affair and it all goes wrong

Overall the film has very good sets, actors and story. It is a bit over dramatic but thats what you expect with these big love stories

I enjoyed the setting in Russia, its a very original film, and a style you have to get used to, but the film does work, if you keep up with it, the film gets more interesting.

I probably would not watch it again as it is a bit heavy and sad, but overall i would say it is worth a watch and is a fairly good movie with substance and lots of emotion.
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A beautiful bore
TheLittleSongbird23 February 2013
This adaptation of Anna Karenina is a very flat adaptation of one of the greatest pieces of literature, but actually it is not only a failure as an adaptation but disappointing also on its own merits. It is not without its redeeming qualities of course, the costumes and sets are gorgeous and some of the best of the year, the music is beautifully composed, Jude Law is a superbly restrained and dignified Karenin and Matthew Macfadyen and Domhnall Gleeson are similarly excellent as Stiva and Levin respectively. Keira Knightley in the title role however didn't do it for me. She tries but comes across as too young and too selfish, and I also didn't care at all for her over-earnest mannerisms. The weak link of the cast is the woeful miscast that is Aaron Taylor-Johnson's Vronsky, often too moody and wooden as well as too effeminate and foppish, so much so it comes across as creepy. The script is very stilted and lacking in any kind of heart. There is a lot of melodrama as well but it comes across as forced, while the switching from play-within-a-play to film is confusing. The story similarly suffers from pedestrian pacing and the drama and characters are too thin to make us properly care and that is including Anna, whose attempts to overcome her suffering is entirely too trivialised here. Even bigger of a problem was Joe Wright's direction, I loved Pride and Prejudice and especially Atonement so I hoping a similar kind of directing job. But Wright often seems to be paying attention to himself too much, with the camera work too incongruous and surreal. Everything, from the gimmicky theatrical elements to the ball scene where the dancing is so robotic and where you don't have a clue what dance style it's supposed to be, plays too much of an overblown musical but without song and dance. In conclusion a disappointment even on its own, for me a beautiful bore is a very apt summing up as to how I felt about it. See the Greta Garbo and Vivien Leigh films instead. 4/10 Bethany Cox
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Stylized, impressionistic "staging" of the famous fictional Russian love story.
TxMike11 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
There is an entry called "storyline" on this movie's main IMDb page and it very well sums up what the story and the movie are about. This is based on a famous, old novel and has been done many times. So how do you do a modern version that has an interesting, novel approach?

Director Joe Wright, who did one of my favorites, "Hanna", and also "Atonement", hit upon an idea that for me works wonderfully. Wright himself grew up with a puppeting background and shot this movie almost in that style, with real actors of course. Instead of seeking out real locations for most of the story, he had a large set built which looked like an old, somewhat dilapidated, Russian theater, but without seats fastened to the floor in the large open area.

Except for a few excursions out into the real world, almost all of the movie is shot in various parts of this theater, using the stage or lobby or stairs or open areas with appropriate furniture and props to suggest a bedroom or board room or office of paper-pushers. Even an entire horse race is staged in the theater. For scenes which required an audience in the theater, portable seats were brought in. All-in-all a great idea.

As Wright explains in the DVD commentary, having most of the movie filmed in the theater setting serves as a reminder that what we are seeing isn't real, it is a story. And it also serves as a metaphor for life, where people are often going about their daily lives pretending to be something they are not, thus really being in a theater.

Set in 1874 Imperial Russia, Jude Law is the serious aristocrat Karenin. Keira Knightley is his wife Anna Karenina . We perceive that he loves her, and certainly has strict core values which include marital fidelity. The problem arises when Anna needs to travel to help her brother with his domestic issue caused by infidelity with the governess, and on this trip Anna meets the young cavalry officer Aaron Taylor-Johnson Count Vronsky, who in spite of Anna's objections pursues her until she finally gives in, and that begins the end of her marriage and ultimately her life.

All the actors are very effective. I have been a Knightly fan ever since I first saw her in the first "Pirates" movie and she is superb here.

All the extras on the DVD are interesting and worthwhile. The one I enjoyed most, and is quite novel, is an 8-minute time-lapse. A camera was set up in a high far corner position when the set was being built, and it remained there through the entire filming of the movie. So, in 8 minutes you can see what all went on, the changes made in the floor or the props as scene requirements changed, actors coming in, scenes being filmed, and dead time when nothing was going on. I found that watching this time-lapse video right after watching the movie was a nice treat to complete my viewing experience. And serves as a final punctuation that it is fiction, a movie for entertainment.
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Nearly Great. Nearly
jacklmauro3 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is Tolstoy deconstructed. It is hard to recall dialogue because there's very little - it's like AK as a gorgeous comic book. Then, much has been said about the theatrical staging. Never mind. It works. As for the actors, never a fan of Jude Law, I think he's very very fine here. So is Knightley, if you're prepared to dislike Anna. Vronsky is not right, but what the hell. All that's needed is for the affair to take off and plunge us into AnnaLand. What matters, ultimately, is what the film does, and it nearly succeeds as a brilliant exploration of the destructive power love can be. Highbrow reviews love to refer to the famous bashing of Anna by her society, and that's important, but what's central is Anna's confusion. Here - and what I value - is that you can understand her going a bit insane. She believes in marriage and duty, even as she tries to believe she can enjoy passionate love that is lasting, missing the reality that the passion and the shame feed one another. There's also subtle commentary here as to how a woman will suffer where no man will, although (ironically) Karenin comes far nearer to Anna's whirl of emotional despair than the baby-ish Vronsky.

All of this mixed-up critique (and I confess it is) confirms my feeling; this is very close to being a great film because you think about love, and everything love does, afterward. Where does it go wrong? Almost no basis to Anna's character, and that's crucial in understanding her despair. No chemistry between Anna and Vronsky, and not enough exploration of Karenin, because his transitions are far more interesting than Anna's (which is another flaw). Still. In terms of what is out there, this is a great film. In terms of what it could have been, it gets close.
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Beautiful work of art, but lacking in character development
Lawlass25 December 2012
This movie has some beautiful aspects to it, such that I believe it aptly deserves the title of a work of art. It is a different movie-experience in that Joe Wright filmed parts of it as a stage play. Combined with the dramatic romantic and tragic flair of the plot, and the aesthetic beauty of the costumes and backdrop, this movie is visually entertaining. I did not find the transitions between stage-play scenes to be distracting; instead, I found them to create a unique, bold, and captivating experience. I particularly found the steeplechase scene and the Moscow-theater scene to be compelling, stunning, and magical.

Much has been written about the miscasting of the actors. I had just finished reading the novel prior to seeing the movie, and I was greatly disappointed in the choice of Keira Knightley as Anna. Tolstoy's Anna is full-bodied, voluptuous, round, and mature; Keira Knightley, while a stunning beauty, needs to drink a few beers and eat some stew to put on some weight, and she is too young to have played the role of an older woman. There should have been a greater age discrepancy between Anna and Vronsky; instead, with the casting of Knightley and Taylor-Johnson, they seemed like two young, giddy, contemporaries. Tolstoy often describes Vronsky as being in awe of the aristocratic Anna and he repeatedly describes Vronsky as "obedient" to Anna. This movie never captures the true essence of the lovers' relationship, due to the miscasting of the lead roles. Unfortunately, as a tragic love story, the movie fails.

Finally, even with the miscasting, Wright should have brought us more scenes of the relationship between Anna and Vronsky, so as to develop the characters such that you cared about them. When reading Tolstoy's novel, I cried at points; but I did not feel moved by Wright's portrayal of the novel.
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All the world's a stage
nogodnomasters23 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is a bold artsy unorthodox version of the novel. If you are not a fan of indie, stage, and symbolism to the point of absurdity, this isn't your film. The theme of the novel is "no one may build their happiness on another's pain." This takes on a duo meaning as it not only shows us this in personal life but in the class differences in Russia. The stage is the first major metaphor/symbol you will notice. The aristocracy live their live on the stage. It is a world of drama, make believe and one that will soon draw its final curtain. The workers are off stage and live in the rafters and audience supporting the rich. Who is really happy?

The locomotion movement and sound represented the emotions of Anna, thrusting when she feels raw passion and falling silent at the end. In addition to the symbolism, the film has the irony of Anna attempting to patch up an infidelity relationship only to fall into one. Perhaps inadvertently, the novel portrays how women are trapped inside a man's world.

Konstantin seems to represent "us" in this film as he is a man who freely travels between two worlds as he seeks his happiness. While prudish, he is constant as his name suggests.

The themes and symbolism are very heavy. Like reading a Russian novel, you feel your head explode as you try to take it all in. Not for everyone and you should know after 10 minutes of viewing.

Parental Guidance: No f-bombs. Near male nudity. Artsy sex scenes.
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a typical miscast with all the froufrou
lasttimeisaw15 February 2014
It's the third time for Jon Wright to tender Keira Knightley a leading role in a period drama, the first two (PRIDE & PREJUDICE 2005, 8/10; ATONEMENT 2007, 9/10) have raked in handsome rewards, but woefully the third time is not a charm, a plain and simple reason is that Knightley's screen reputation is a far cry from Anna Karenina, Tolstoy's prime epitome of a Russian belle, a married woman with a modernism perspective, who is enchanted by her dauntless quest of passion and dare to break out of the shackles of a dead-water marriage, yet consequentially, entrapped by her capricious psyche and finally corroded by the society's scorn and her overestimated perseverance of standing her ground.

However, the film is a high-caliber colossus of mise en scène, deluxe costumes and outstanding art direction, particularly during the first act, its tableaux-on-stage suppleness can effortlessly dazzle the audience and preserve a spellbinding momentum while multifarious characters emerge and disappear, honing up to the climax, the resplendent ballroom sequences, introducing the lust-exuding pas de deux between Anna and Vronsky (Taylor-Johnson), concurrently, the subplot of Kitty (Vikander) and Levin (Gleeson) has been practically rolled out as well.

Next, here comes the predestined adultery, which is fueled by the laborious emphasis on the enticement of the (not so inadvertent) eye contact, soon appears to be an over-contrived obligation to fornication other than following what your heart wants and the chemistry is purely physical, Anna and Vronsky should be soul-mate right? But here in this film, it is a Hollywood aggrandizement of a skinny beauty shagging a hot youngster who beams with pretended profundity (Taylor-Johnson was only 21, and not masculine enough to take on the role). So the magical momentum slumps, fortunately a little compensation is availed by Jude Law, whose version of Karenin is redolent of compassionate forbearance, elicits a free pardon to dissolve any blame generates from his side, occupies the moral higher ground, which skews our emotional pendulum and undermines Anna's character-building as an anachronistic woman who tragedy is mostly accredit to the time she is in instead of her own defect in making poor decisions.

An involuntarily pouting Keira Knightley, treads the same water in THE DUCHESS (2008, 7/10), no wonder the aesthetic fatigue surges, so she can nail Jane Austen's Elizabeth Bennet, but not Anna Karenina, she is not that versatile as an actress. With Anna hogging the spotlight, the rest of the cast seldom has any chance to enrich their roles, Macfadyen (Knightley's Mr. Darcy in PRIDE & PREJUDICE) plays her luscious brother Oblonsky, adequately amps up some farcical digressions; as a mirrored romance between the rejected and the neglected (contrasts Anna and Vronsky's passion play), Gleeson and Vikander imbue the film with a modicum of subtlety but the wayward editing fail to make their story more engaging.

So this adaption is a musically lyric venture for Joe Wright fans, it has its marked imperfections (thanks a lot, English is not my native tongue, otherwise I would find it is hard to take a Russian literature with mixed accents seriously), but the redundancy of his grandiose aesthetics, suggests Wright is a man knows what is his strongest suit, I can envisage him a successful comeback if only he can acquire some apposite fodder to prepare, maybe it will be his next project PAN, the origin story of Peter Pan, a wonderland backstory may fall right into his froufrou niche, meanwhile hire a new casting director is more contingent now.
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A Sumptuous Feast for the Eye and Ear and Mind - BRILLIANT!
gradyharp5 December 2012
There have been many cinematic versions of Leo Tolstoy's epic novel ANNA KARENINA but for this viewer none matches the creative excellence and power of this very different version. Tom Stoppard wrote the screenplay for this adaptation and the work was directed with eye toward timeless artistry by Joe Wright. There will be some detractors who feel that cinema is cinema and stage plays are stage plays, but Wright's decision to combine the two works extraordinarily well. The flavor of Tolstoy's story and mood are maintained and yet made somehow more vital by Wright's electing to place this story as though it were happening on a theater stage (including catwalks, backstage, audience and theater boxes etc.) The story is theatrical and Wright embellishes the last of the Czarist days with great aplomb.

The story needs no summary: Anna Karenina (Keira Knightley more beautiful to behold and brilliant in acting than ever) is married to Alexei Karenin (Jude Law in a tour de force acting role) and is happy in her station with her slightly cool husband but very warm young son. Then quite unexpectedly her eyes meet those of the wealthy Count Vronsky (Aaron Taylor- Johnson in a career making turn) and their love is immediate. The flirtation is enhanced by some of the most beautiful waltzing choreography on film. We are in St. Petersburg, Russia and divorce is something only a man /husband can initiate so as the love affair reaches a point of no return Anna must decide whether to bear the shame of a divorced woman or just be the mistress of the incredibly handsome Count and remain married. In contrast to the Anna/Vronsky duet is the passion of the country lad Levin (Domhnall Gleeson) for the aristocratic Kitty (Alicia Vikander) and throughout the story the two forms of love are paralleled. Anna becomes pregnant with Vronsky's child, an act that quietly infuriates Karenin as it makes Anna's affair public - a condition no one can tolerate in that society - and subsequently results in Anna's leaving her beloved son after she gives birth to the daughter belonging to Vronsky: Karenin will care for the child. The climax comes with Anna's infamous suicide and the story ends with all loose ends tied.

The exceptionally strong supporting cast includes such fine actors as Matthew Macfadyen, Kelly Macdonald, Olivia Williams, Ruth Wilson, Emily Watson, Michelle Dockery, and Shirley Henderson. The luxuriant costumes are by Jacqueline Durran, the cinematography is by Seamus McGarvey, and the glorious musical score is by Dario Marianelli. A Stunning Film.

Grady Harp
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Stately building without the Ground
himanshug124 September 2012
Anna Karenina is a good film. It tells the story of a woman, who cannot contain her love (more likely passion), could not digest it and driven to her destruction. This film is like a stately building which has been removed from its landscape. Background story of Russian Aristocracy, political situation, forms a backdrop of Anna's story. To make it simple, most of the background has been minimised. Although the building is grand, it is difficult to fully appreciate without its landscape. So film is good but it is one-sided. In that sense Tom Stoppard has done a good job in a limited way. Both Keira Knightly and Jude Law entertain with their very good performance. A woman is able to digest or unable to digest her passion depends on her character, background and also time and space she lives. That's why I believe this film is incomplete.
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What Did I Just See
cmi-573-43703321 January 2013
I wanted to see Tolstoy but instead I thought I saw Mel Brooks. This movie could be renamed Springtime For Anna. Except it wasn't funny.

A great cast poorly used in a pretentious adaptation.

Jude Law did well with the material given. Keira Knightley, always a pleasure to look at, was miscast in this one. Aaron Taylor-Johnson as Vronsky reminded me of Gene Wilder in Young Frankenstein.

The switch from stage play scenario to movie scenario only confused the plot.

Thank God Tolstoy is not alive to seek legal recourse.

I wonder how IMDb could give this film a 7.0.

Some nice visuals all that can be said in its defense.
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Brilliant adaptation
timmy_50117 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Leo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina is one of the most acclaimed novels of all time, not least of all because of the excellence of the book's themes. These themes of Tolstoy's are expressed extremely well in Joe Wright's adaptation of Anna Karenina. First and foremost and the area that really sets the film apart is the theatricality of certain settings in the film. Many scenes take place on sets made to resemble the stage, especially early on. I was initially baffled by this choice but I slowly came to realize that it functions as a way to make visual the artificiality of the world inhabited by Anna Karenina, specifically its outdated values. It's extremely clear that Russia was undergoing a major transition during the time in which the narrative is set. Trains and railways play a major role in the film and of course trains are a common symbol of technological progress. There's more than passing reference to the freeing of the serfs and the radical ideology even of some aristocrats, which echoes the life of Tolstoy himself. Much is also made of the cultural shifts in Moscow and St. Petersburg, the former of which had apparently become rather old-fashioned compared to the relatively progressive Petersburg at the time. The film suggests that the reaction of the country's upper class was to ignore the major changes that were occurring and cling all the harder to the past, especially with regards to social institutions. Thus the eponymous heroine finds it impossible to escape her loveless marriage with any social standing intact, which eventually drives her mad.

This isn't just a plainly literal translation of the source, however, as Wright's clever use of the stage is just one of many visual techniques he uses to make this material cinematic. Wright's use of landscape is unusually strong, particularly in the surreal final shot. His use of mirrors made me think of some of the works of RW Fassbinder, another supreme visual stylist. Another neat touch is having background characters freeze and fade into the background to suggest the heightened emotional state of the main characters, particularly in the scene where Anna has her first dance with the rakish Vronsky. Overall, another excellent movie from one of the most promising English language directors of his generation and the best 2012 film I've seen so far.
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OK, but too stylised for my taste
Laakbaar2 January 2013
Many consider Tolstoy's Anna Karenina to be the greatest novel ever written. It's a complicated, sprawling novel filled with a variety of characters and dealing with quite a few psychological, cultural, social and political themes. It's not an easy matter to transfer this to a two-hour film.

Not that filmmakers haven't tried. This historical costume drama is the 13th attempt to capture it all on celluloid, this time the director being Joe Wright and the screenwriter none other than Tom Stoppard.

This movie is highly stylised and rather experimental in its approach. These unrealistic and stylised aspects were interesting, but they were unexpected and a little confusing. They didn't really work for me. I found it difficult to lose myself in the film. I felt the movie was too artificial and contrived. The whole movie felt choreographed. Perhaps it was too sophisticated for me.

I went to this movie to get reacquainted with the story, to be dazzled by the grandeur and strangeness of 19th c. Russia, to gain insights into the human condition, but most of all to be moved. However, I really only got the first of these.

The acting was good in the circumstances, but the character of Anna rather annoyed me. Vronsky did nothing for me. It didn't help that my friend disliked the movie to the point of walking out after less than an hour. It's hard to rate the film highly when that happens.
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Contrived, forced and pretentious, this movie is over worked
mark-palmos7 September 2012
It took me about an hour to stop being irritated by the movie's self consciousness, to sort of enjoy it... but the damage was done.

As viewers, we have no reason to believe in the love Anna finds. He is creepy and give us no inkling of why she might ruin her life for him.

Kiera isn't bad, just annoying, considering we have no empathy for her self indulgence. If her husband was worse, her love a lot nicer, and if we could feel electricity between them, it would be a different matter, but the fact is the movie is too busy being clever... it misses out on having a heart and soul.

The theatre gimmick got in the way, and seemed like a cheap way of having Moscow backdrops without actually traveling there.

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