Father Knows Best (TV Series 1954–1960) Poster


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A Warm Vision Of Family Life
atlasmb8 November 2019
As a family-centric sitcom, "Father Knows Best" (and other shows, like "Leave it to Beaver") helped document and/or establish norms of family behavior in the 1950s. Television shows reflect the values of their times, and it's a pleasure to revisit the styles and behavioral standards of Springfield and its seminal family, the Andersons.

The title of the series should not be taken literally, though Jim Anderson (Robert Young) is considered the leader of the family. One episode even makes fun of the phrase. Still, Jim strives to be the breadwinner, the ultimate authority, and a font of wisdom, much as Judge Hardy was in the movies.

Post-war America enjoyed a prosperity that was reflected in the show. Margaret Anderson (Jane Wyatt) is a housewife and caregiver, expected to keep the household neat and running smoothly. The challenge to traditional gender roles that began during WWII is only nascent in 1950s television.

The series began as a radio show in 1949, also starring Robert Young. The father was more sarcastic and all the characters were more caricatured. Young himself said he wanted the television series to have more warmth. You can actually see the tone of the series change throughout its run, much like other shows that find their voice. The earliest episodes of "Father Knows Best" feel more frenzied and overly dramatic---probably a holdover from the radio version---and they play with fantasy and dream sequences. Later episodes feel more relaxed and secure in their voice, having greater warmth and a more genuine feel, eventually feeling like a real family awash in love and comfortable in their roles.

Those viewers nostalgic for the values inherent in the series probably recognize its emphases on individual responsibility and respect for all people. These are values central to the U.S. Constitution and most religions.

Sixty years later, some might disagree with my opinion that respect for all people is still a core principle in American life. However, I feel that the concept of individual responsibility has been eroded by various influences; a longing for that diminished principle may be a factor in some viewer's enjoyment of the series.

Like other shows of its time, the central theme is the priority of the family unit. Home is a dependable place of unconditional love and acceptance, where you belong. This universal virtue is a key reason for its appeal.
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A True Classic; Emotionally Satisfying; a Situation Comedy Based on Selfhood
silverscreen8888 September 2005
Whatever its faults, the" Father Knows Best"show's scriptwriters and producers operated on a level of adult self-responsibility and contexted ideas; since hardly any of other TV series' creators bother to create an ethical normative rather than an obsessive as a central character, there really can be no comparison. In a single sentence, its creators tried to make fiction; others shows' writers milk laughs. For 7 years, William D. Russell and Peter Tewsbury directed half-hour- long story after story that told of the daily adventures of James and Margaret Anderson and their three children--Elizabeth (Betty), knows also as the Princess, James Jr. (Bud), and Kathy, also called "Kitten". The family lived in a large house on Maple Drive in the town of Springfield. The town, presented over seven years, was Middle Western, inhabited by non- practicing Christians, and of a size that was altered to fit the needs of the story-lines. It could be large enough to support a charter bus service, a major state park, a country-club set, complete with mink coats, a lake suitable for fishing, a junior college. Yet its student population could also attend a single high school, and its citizens could leave town by a single bus station and fight city hall where they knew the Mayor to talk to but reserved their approbation only for a mystic thing called "the national government". The charm of the show I suggest came from the fact that its producers expected self-management of individuals; and it was this retrospective and nostalgic view of unimpeded individual progress, responsibility and self-assertive purpose that set the series apart from almost all others. As Jim Anderson, Robert Young was lively, wise and intelligent; he denied being a philosopher but used ideas most effectively unless a religious issue was raised. His wife, Margaret, a contented nest- maker, seldom needed outside stimuli to relieve her of the duties of raising three lively children; played by Jane Wyatt, she was self-effacing, quietly determined and mostly realistic. Lauren Chapin played Kathy as cute, clueless and a source of non-sequiturs; fortunately, she was given little to do. As Bud, Billy Gray was frequently believable; but much of his world consisted of false and explodable ideas about how to act, relate and take responsibility, making him a fine foil for comedic exchanges with his more-experienced middle-of-the-road father. As Betty, Elinor Donahue was radiantly lovely, eager and timid by turns, intelligent and only occasionally too-perfect. The stories featuring her I found were frequently a bit overdone but never boring. whether she was winning a hundred yard dash, being crowned homecoming queen, trying not to disappoint her parents by wanting to go to junior college or fending off boyfriends. There were a few semi-regulars to augment the Andersons-- Fronk, the Hispanic gardener (Natividad Vacio), Vivi Janiss and Robert Foulk as neighbors, Jimmy Bates, Sarah Selby, Yvonne Lime and Paul Wallace. But the real stars of the underfunded B/W half-hour series were its writers--Roswell Rogers, Dorothy Cooper, Ed James, Sumner Long and John Elliotte. The cast only left Sprigngield on a few occasions, and somehow always in pairs and groups. Art direction by George Brooks and Ross Bellah was surprisingly good in my judgment; there were many fine interiors, decorated by William F. Calvert or Louis Diage, serviceable stock music and attractively dense cinematography. My favorite episodes include Betty's winning a look-alike contest and a trip to Hollywood, the Anderson' parents visit to a big city, Bud's first job, the Founders' Day reenactment, Betty's graduation from high school, Bud's trying too hard to impress a new girl in town and Margaret's secret attempt to master flycasting. Whether Bud was calling Kathy "shrimp" or he was yelling up the stairs to report a phone call, or Betty was trying to befriend a standoffish tennis star or cliquish college types, the attempt was made by all concerned to stand for something, finally. And guest stars, including Henry Jones, Wright King, Wallce Ford, Bartlett Robinson, Duke Snider, Katahrine Bard, Tamar Cooper, Roger Smith and Dick York frequently were used very well to make ethical points. This is often great comedy, not to be missed.
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Another Era
asfhgwt-11 November 2017
The best episodes of this comedy-drama series are still excellent and memorable. Why? Because unlike today's drivel, they deal with human emotions: guilt, honor, fear, shame, etc. One of my favorites involves delivery-boy Bud and his tough-minded newspaper boss; the ending could bring tears to the eyes of Mike Tyson. Another finds the family gathered around a radio listening to the life-and-death problems of a ship at sea. A third revolves around tennis-challenged Betty being chosen "queen" merely because of her appearance. There are many more great episodes.

On the other hand, when the episodes weren't so good... well, sometimes they could be pretty sappy; hence, my 8 rating.
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My favorite show from the 50's, happy to finally see an episode on TV land
camille-72 June 2002
I was so pleased today, being a baby boomer, to turn on TV land and see three hours of 50's television. From 9am to 12pm I saw, Burns and Allen, the Honeymooners, an hour episode of the Lucy-Desi comedy hour, Hazel, and last but not least an episode of Father Knows Best. Kudos to TV land for this three hour bonus which is supposedly going to happen every sunday morning all summer long. Why does it only have to happen on Sunday mornings? I want more of these shows from my childhood.

Father knows Best was one of my favorites. As has already been said by others, the show had wonderful values, laughter and pathos. Jane Wyatt was always my favorite TV mother. Why has she never been included in specials about favorite tv moms? Yes, she always dressed nice and wore pearls but I remember the particular episode when she was wearing a long shirt and pants to clean the house and she had a smudge of dirt on her face. That was when Jim was bringing home a women who was a famous author, someone he had been friends with. You never would have seen June Cleaver with a smudge of dirt on HER face. Jane (Margaret) was always there for her kids but she was so very human too. She lost her temper several times and once told her kids that they were brats. She made faces behind their backs once when she wanted to clobber them. She did what I never saw any other tv mother do, but what our own real mothers would do.

The whole cast was pretty wonderful. Bring back this show to tv again. There are plenty of baby boomers who would like to see it again and maybe it would be nice for it to get a whole new audience of a new generation.
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One of the Finest Family Sitcoms
Having long been a fan of LEAVE IT TO BEAVER, I recently decided to become acquainted with FATHER KNOWS BEST. I am glad I did. FATHER and BEAVER represent the best of the '50s family sitcom genre, and they do have similarities as well as significant differences. FATHER had a richer range of family relationships, since the Anderson clan had three children of widely varying ages, including two girls. Jim Anderson (Robert Young) was the model of a thoughtful, principled, self-reflective father of that era. Margaret Anderson (Jane Wyatt) was also a pillar of strength and virtue as the mother of the family, while the three children (Betty, Bud and Kathy) braved the struggles of childhood and adolescence under the guidance of their parents. Betty was ambitious, smart, spirited, in some ways a prototype of the independent woman. (Her look in the show also, I believe, became the model for the popular image of the "50's teenage girl.") Bud was an easygoing guy prone to mistakes due to hubris or selfishness but able to learn from those mistakes. And then there was little Kathy - impish, mischievous and cute as a kitten (which was Jim's nickname for her, in fact). Elinor Donahue, Billy Gray and Lauren Chapin filled their roles perfectly; Gray in particular showed great physical flair and agility as Bud.

FATHER differed from BEAVER also in the darker tone of some of the plots, dealing with topics like business ethics and the meaning of success and focusing on the parents just as much as the children. The cinematography fit this darker tone, using light and shadow in a way reminiscent of film noir. The show was often innovative in terms of structure, with dream or fantasy sequences serving as a complement to the plot. Two episodes of this type are "Mr. Beal Meets His Match" (in which Jim Anderson meets the devil!) and "Formula for Happiness."

I could go on about this fine show, but talking is no substitute for watching - which, thanks to the DVDs from Shout Factory, it is now easy to do. If you haven't seen FATHER KNOWS BEST, treat yourself to one of the greatest family shows ever created.
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One of the best.
lizziemodern9 June 2016
Some people criticize shows from the '50s for being too clean cut and unrealistic, they think they don't really represent what life was like back then, and often dwell on misogynist themes - and while I don't disagree that there could be tones of that present in shows from that era, I don't think it's fair to dump a show like Father Knows Best into that category. On the surface it looks like any other show from that time, but when you actually dive in and invest some thought into the series, you realize that the stories are rich with morals - morals that still apply to us just as much now as they did then, and characters that are far more one dimensional than they may seem at first. You find a father who truly loves his family, and does everything he can to make sure they have a good life. He may quite often save the day with his wisdom, but his wife is just as smart, and has just as much power when it comes to running the household as he does. They seem like equals, and quite often it's pointed out that her job is far more rough than his. Robert Young and Jane Wyatt played their roles beautifully, and deserve a lot of praise. The young actors who played the children deserve a lot of credit as well, because they really seem genuine and believable. Instead of looking like they're struggling to deliver scripted lines, they have emotion and an honesty to them that make you feel like this is a real family you're watching. There are a few episodes where they may have gotten a touch stereotypical with their characters, but it was often rounded out by showing that they possess all the good qualities of their parents, and are well on their way to becoming well rounded adults. Is this show perfect? No. Again, there are a few episodes where it's a little frustrating just how stuck in the '50s some of their thinking really was, but I feel like even those episodes can be forgiven when you realize how honest the writing was. Overall it's a wonderful show with great writing and great actors, that manages to teach you something special in every single episode.
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The first rule of listening
jeffclinthill29 January 2018
At the time it was first broadcast, "Father Knows Best" was the quintessential American dream family life that was the fulfillment of what had been denied during the Depression of the 1930s (when everyone wished for financial security) and the World War II years of the 1940s (when everyone fantasized what life would be like in the "post-war" years of peace and prosperity). The Anderson family had that ideal life in Springfield in the 1950s. In the 1970s,1980s, and 1990s the American dream shows of the fifties (Father Knows Best, The Donna Reed Show, et al) were, in hindsight, criticized for presenting week after week an ideal family that caused so much of real America to feel inferior and mal-ajusted. Seminars with titles such as "The Way We Never Were" were conducted to assure real life Americans that they were, in fact, "normal," even if they didn't come from a nuclear family of two never-been-divorced, heterosexual parents, two or three children, a college educated, white collar father, a stay-at-home mom, and dog in the back yard surrounded by a picket fence. Decades after the show had run its course, Billy Gray apologized in interviews to the American public for causing mothers all across America to ask their teenage sons "Why can't you be like Bud?" In those interviews Billy Gray declared, "I was just playing the part of Bud as written for the show. Even I wasn't like Bud." However, what I find quite ironic now when watching "Father Knows Best" 60 years later, is that both Father and Mother in "Father Knows Best" week after week violated the first rule of listening to children. Instead of putting down his newspaper, listening, and appropriately responding to his 7 year old daughter, Jim Anderson shrugs, "Not now, Kitten, I'm reading the paper." The other members of the Anderson similarly, week after week, ran in and out of rooms not really listening to each other and giving sarcastic responses to questions and situations. The scripts provided the resulting confusion that caused the comic problems that Father eventually resolved at the end of the show. When seen now in the year 2018, "Father Knows Best" is an object lesson in the value of passive listening that I found opened up a treasure of father-son relationships when I raised my son in the 1970s and a treasure of relationships that I now have with my granddaughter. Put down whatever you are doing when the kid wants to be with you and what will happen is wonderful.
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*Like a rediscovered first love*
barb-4617324 July 2017
When tuning into FETV last week, it's hard to describe the utter joy I felt when the theme music from a distant memory came up. Racing into the living room to see what show it was, I saw the title "Father Knows Best" on the screen and literally cheered. THANK YOU FETV! :)

Every person who bitterly trashes this show is doing so as a scapegoat for unresolved emotional issues in his/her own life. When I was a young adult in the 1970s, I remember it became fashionable for foul-mouthed, angry Baby Boomer writers to accuse FKB--as well as other wholesome 50's shows--of actively promoting every social ill known to man. Don't believe the lie. FKB inspired us to hold fast to the basics of decency in love of God, country and family. Those who hate this show hate the values it entails, plain and simple. They would have been more comfortable if we'd heard more toilets flushing & profanity in the Anderson home than the prayers said around the kitchen table.
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Meet the Andersons
bkoganbing7 October 2019
If there is a 50s show than Father Knows Best is definitely it. No other television series so typically presented our ideal version of the American family in the Eisenhower years.

It's leads were refugees from motion pictures. Both Robert Young and Jane Wyatt did their share films in Hollywood. But films were being made less and so Young and Wyatt went where the work was, the small screen.

And they got their career roles as Jim and Margaret Anderson all American couple. Jim was an insurance agent, Margaret was a homemaker. In those years of defined parental roles it was unthinkable she would hold down a job as well.

The kids in descending order were Elinor Donahue, Billy Gray, and Lauren Chapin. Young had cute nicknames for them, princess, Bud, and kitten respectively. Their problems were always G rated.

Father Knows Best began on radio in 1949 than switched to television in 1954. Except for Young it was a different cast on radio.

For us boomers, the Andersons have a special place in our collective memories.
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This wonderful sitcom was one of the "Best"
gw_br54912 October 2006
Like many family sitcoms of the 50's and 60's, Father Knows Best was intended to be simple, fun family entertainment. I think some people "miss the point," feeling they must share cynical, bitter, and jaded opinions. The saddest part of this is that it is easy to end up being unable to simply enjoy a TV show for what it was meant to be..."simple, fun entertainment." As those who watched those family sitcoms will know, most shows endeavored to interweave into their story lines a message of hope, morality or truth, and I find this a GOOD thing (although some observers have unkind and contemptible things to say about these classic shows and mores). As IMDb points out, it's one thing to say you "disliked" a show; it's another altogether to rant on and decry a show for personal, emotional reasons.

Compared to today's shows – where every possible innuendo, every chance of rudeness, crudeness or being offensive is seldom missed – the shows from the 50's and early 60's were excellent family fare, and most families (believe it or not) enjoyed them and were better for it. I know I am, and that's not to say that I'm just some old "fuddy-duddy" who can't enjoy the "new, hip" shows of today, because I can and I do (but let's be honest, most shows today "push the outside of the envelope," and now even commercials are doing it!).

In the 50's (and I was a kid then), the choice of ANY kind of show was "slim pickin's," to be sure, but even so it does not mean they were bad or even poorly-made shows. Oddly enough, of all the family sitcoms of that era, the only one I ever had a problem with as a child was the very well-made and highly popular "I Love Lucy Show," and this was simply because of her open disregard for her own husband. She constantly lied, snuck around, tricked, connived, hid from, embarrassed, and openly defied him, and – as young as I was – this bothered me. There was just something contrary and contradictory about it. Of course, I know that show is an icon, but I had real problems with it and never enjoyed it, even though my family watched it. (NOTE: for those who may wonder about underlying prejudices…even as a youngster, it never even occurred to me that Ricky was "different", "a Latino," and "of another culture," so put your judging sticks down. Nor was I ever troubled on any TV show when or if two people slept in the same bed, so there's no prejudice there either.)

On the other hand, Father Knows Best had a fairly typical, upper middle-class husband, wife, son and daughter, each one playing a role that seemed fair and accurate, not only then but now (unlike my own very dysfunctional and disparate family). For someone who blatantly suggested that Father Knows Best "is just another piece of crap" that fostered the dishonoring of women and family and other such tripe, I can only say, "I am truly sorry that somewhere along Life's Journey people can be hurt so badly and became so bitter and cynical." It's truly sad to see anyone become bitter and cynical, especially about something as benign as a TV show, and especially such an "innocent" 50's family sitcom. Some reviews and some comments in the Message Boards (on various shows and movies) are downright scary and disheartening. I say this, because I believe the true purpose of some movies or TV shows is often entirely missed (they are meant to entertain and uplift, i.e. "Seventh Heaven" of today).

Anyone who watched Father Knows Best quickly realizes that Father did NOT "always know best," and sometimes he had to play it close to the vest or fly by the seat of his pants until the dust settled. Then, as any "good" father, he would own up to any misunderstanding or mistake and make it right, but the show always ended on a note of love and/or reconciliation (albeit sometimes with resistance, especially from Bud or Kitten). Is this kind of family behavior "real" and "honest"? Maybe not in your life, and surely not in mine, but it did not detract from the meaning and purpose of the show. Even though my own father was hateful and prejudiced, I STILL loved to watch this TV show, even if only to "live vicariously" through the kind, loving, conciliatory Anderson family.

I should also point out that Mom (Margaret) was always loving and patient with her husband and kids (and oftentimes quietly and patiently one step ahead of dear ole Dad). Betty was your typical older, somewhat serious sister who had her own friends and her own life, and she never really enjoyed having her two younger siblings involved in her high school matters…but she always came to their aid when needed. Bud was the typical, coming-of-age teenager, and (with all due respect to LTB's Eddie Haskell) he was one of the best near-rebels and on-the-edge youths of his time. Kathy ("Kitten," to Dad) was the youngest, the quickest to get into a predicament, the first to taunt either Betty or Bud, and usually the one to challenge most authority, but never to her great harm…(the family always saw to that).

In this, as well as most other family sitcoms of the 50's and 60's, I cannot recall any one family member ever being overly mean or unduly harsh or cruel or disrespectful, and, if there ever was a misstep, it was clearly and decisively met with some kind of fair punishment, followed by a peaceful, reconciling conclusion. In short, this kind, loving family and this wonderful sitcom was one of the "Best," and I heartily recommend it as a ten-out-of-ten Classic TV Show…!
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Elinor Donohue was cute!
Good_Guy774 July 2022
Elinor Donohue was my first crush as a kid. This show was filmed about 15 years before I saw the re-runs, and I was greatly disappointed to find out that she was 26 years older than I. Elinor Donohue was the life of the show. She made it shine.

Robert Young as the father was always a positive influence. He mostly said the right thing, and he was very supportive of his children. Equally sweet and warm was Jane Wyatt as the mother.

Perhaps the least favorite character was brother Bud, who was played by Billy Gray. His only claim to fame is this TV series, and after this his career was basically over. He has spent the rest of his life complaining about Father Knows Best, and hating the morals and positive themes of the show. The highlights of Gray's career are that he played the little boy in the 1951 The Day The Earth Stood Still, and he got his arm ripped off by monsters in The Navy vs. The Night Monsters (1966).

The other daughter was played by Lauren Chapin. She married at 16 years of age, became addicted to diet pills, and she became hooked on speed and heroin, and in order to pay for her drug habits became a prostitute. She was arrested and jailed for forgery. After her jail time she went into rehab, got religion and changed her life around.

The best of this family was always Elinor Donohue!
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rlc1316-GP1 August 2006
"Father Knows Best" was one of the best family shows ever on TV. It remains my favorite to this day. The chemistry of the cast was outstanding. Robert Young was perfect as the sage father. He always knew what do do and when to do it. He was understanding as well as practical. Jane Wyatt was the ideal mother. She was always there to do what a mother was supposed to do. Perhaps if today's mothers were still at home as she was, there would be less problems with today's children. The kids were all very likable and typical (for the period). I wish there were more shows like this. I wish TVLand would bring it back just one more time.
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Easily the most nauseating of the 50s sitcoms
thebuckguy23 December 2006
This show was easily the most cloying and nauseating of the classic 50s sitcoms. The story lines tended toward the obvious and sentimental and created a sitcom world even more difficult to live up to than most of its contemporaries. Other than Jane Wyatt, the cast's personal lives were anything like what was portrayed on screen, which probably should be an endorsement of their acting talent---Robert Young was a heavy alcoholic. Elinor Donahue was in an unhappy teen marriage, Lauren Chapin had an abusive, troubled childhood that went ignored by cast and crew (she later went on to prostitution, drug addiction and irritating religious evangelism--at least she's alive), and Billy Gray was developing a substance abuse problem. What's sadder is that people viewed the cast as role models (and apparently still do). Ozzie & Harriet holds up better (esp. the shows from the 50s) because it was based on real life and despite Ozzie's talky authoritarianism in real life, there was real warmth. Donna Reed occasionally tried to transcend the sappy conventions of the genre, didn't portray her TV hsband as an idiot and was more or less the same person whe appeared to be on screen.In its early years, "Leave it to Beaver" actually tried to capture a child's frame of reference of family life in a away that no show achieved until "The Wonder Years", although later years were filled with tired scripts. The people who idealize this show are obviously in a dream world. Average families were nothing like this in the '50s--people who had their eyes open in this era saw abuse, infidelity, teen pregnancy, alcohol if not drugs, etc. And like most shows, father only appeared to know best and it's unclear what was worse--the passive-aggressive role consigned to women or the nitwit role (softened a bit here incomparison with, e.g.,, "Make Room for Daddy") for the father.
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1950s Americana
sonny_19637 June 2005
The town was Springfield but we were never told the state. I always pictured the setting to be a very long way from either coast. Maybe Ohio, Indiana or Iowa. Wherever it was, it was far away from any of the country's real problems of the time.

There were no civil rights issues, no murders and no rapes in Springfield. Everyone was white, which was the norm for television of this era. Springfield was a make-believe fantasy by today's standards, but back then, it was the majority of real America.

With that said, I watched the show every week and wished I was a member of the Anderson family. Having belonged to a somewhat volatile family, I had the 30-minute escape every week to be a part of a caring, loving clan.

The kids had the normal 1950s problems of a white, middle-class family. Robert Young as the patriarch, Jim Anderson, showed an understanding that was not only appreciated by the rest of the family, but by the viewers, too. He was right up there with Andy Taylor and Ward Cleaver as the fathers America loved at the time.

Corny? To some it might be, but to many others, including myself, it was the family we wanted but never had.
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The Best Family Comedy-Drama Television Has Ever Produced
esstee5510 January 2002
I was born the year "Father Knows Best" premiered. But it, along with "I Love Lucy," "The Honeymooners" and "Leave It To Beaver," figure quite prominently in my memory. In the case of "Father...", it ran into the early '60s, and was possibly the only series that ran for at least one, if not two seasons--reruns only--in prime time, AFTER they had finished filming the last episode! So I remember it very well, and can say that I grew up watching it, learning from it, and loving it. It seemed everyone in America loved this show when it was on. It was initially a sitcom, but it grew like so many long-running series have done. It matured into a thing that was still quite funny at times, but quite dramatic at others. Robert Young had made movies for years before this, and I've since seen several of them. Oh, he was a good enough actor back then I suppose, but in "Father Knows Best," he was like my second father when I was growing up, and when I see one of his older movies nowadays, it's always a disappointment, simply because he's not Jim Anderson in them! The rest of the cast was fine, but it was Young who really made the show.

I suppose the final comment here should be something like, "yeah, why IS it that 'Father Knows Best' hasn't ever been rerun on Nick or TV Land?" 'Tis a real pity, that. Well, since I wrote that, I've seen that the show was indeed played on TV Land. But a bigger pity nowadays is that the series has yet to be available on DVD! What's up with that???

Of course, as of 2014, the entire series has been released on DVD. I am the happy boy!!
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Best model for ideal family life
ednatims12 January 2019
I love to watch all the Father Knows Best reruns. It reminds me of when we were raising our children in the 60's and 70's, incidentally 2 daughters and a middle son, like the "Anderson's". Most of the time, by the end of the episode, I'm wiping away tears because it brings back memories of a more peaceful and happy time. I'm sorry that the children of today can't experience the carefree times of those bygone days.
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Doesn't get the credit it deserves
tonylimo9 November 2019
As I watched it in the 1970 s as a teenager I didn't think much of it. Having just binged watch it in a month , it was very well written with great stories lines. Robert Young of course is the star and is very good playing Jim as a understanding and fair , even tempered Dad. But it the kids Betty , Bud and annoying Kathy that truly make the show. Elinor and Billy are very good and underrated , Elinor is a wonderful dancer " Betty makes a choice " shows her talent there. Billy will make you laugh and cry , never seen a guy bounce off of walls , trip walk into walls , do back flips , handsprings and he's great with his dead pan face , now Kathy is another story. Most of the time I feel like locking her up in the closet or chaining her up to the radiator ( I never seen one in the show ) when she starts up and has to get all the attention. She must be a great actress because I believe she is really like that in real life, knowing what has happened to her ( addiction, prostitution ect ) I believe in playing Kathy that it was so easy for her because she was really like that in life. She was just playing herself. She never listen always cause trouble for everyone, was very jealous of her brother and sister. She always had to get her way. And her parents added to the problem by spoiling her " Kathy , girl executive " and " No Partiality " is prime examples. Sometimes the show is written so corney. I liked her a lot in season 1 when she was small she could get away with being a brat as she grew and got bigger is wasn't as cute anymore , it became anoying. As for Margret , she belonged in a convent as a mother superior. She was too uptight , needed to loosen up a little , she belongs teaching 3rd grade and ordering them around , If I have to hear "Children I'm ASHAMED of you" for the 500 time , I'll go crazy . Those dresses had to go. She looked better in long pants , but she was a good mother , she cooked , cleaned, sowed, ironed, painted the fence, even fixed the plumbing pipe. Overall is a great show. If your a baby boomer and sick in bed I recommend that you bing watch it.
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I have fond memories of this show and what the American family use to be.
tanner321200119 May 2006
I remember watching this T.V.show as a kid after school in the 70's. Unlike many people who say this show was fake and there was no such families with wonderful parents like the Andersons.I am here to tell you yes there were.I had and still have parents like the Anderson's !!! I came across an old VHS tape I recored in the early 90's with several episode's and watched it a few weeks ago.What a delightful walk down memory lane of my childhood and the America of old that has long since vanished with the onslaught of vile debased bilged that is TV today.What else would one expect with the break down of the American family. So called Parents of the MTV generation. Oops I meant the second generation of MTV when it was sold to the anti American family perverts.Whos main goal was to destroy and mock the American family!With an onslaught of disgusting anti social behavior and the 50 word vocabulary of MTV.Not to mention the perverted sexualizing of underage boys and girls.Any so called parents that lets their children watch this crap should be arrested for child abuse or at least charged with risk of injury to a minor.But then again what else would one expect from parents that act as stupid as their kids!Mothers with trampstamps and fathers with pants hanging down their asses caps on sideways looking like complete morons!BTW...In case you didn't know... trampstamp refers to a girl with a hideous tattoo above here butt and across here lower back Ewwwww hence the term TRAMPSTAMP !If we had an FCC or if I was in charge no one under 18 would be allowed to watch this filth!Along with all the other anti-social anti-family trash.
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Father Knows Best: A Timeless Classic That Truly Knows Best!
sonuta4 September 2023
"Father Knows Best" is nothing short of a television masterpiece! This iconic TV series has cemented its place in the annals of entertainment history, and it's easy to see why. From its heartwarming family dynamics to its timeless life lessons, this show has an enduring charm that continues to captivate audiences of all generations.

At the heart of the series is Jim Anderson, brilliantly portrayed by Robert Young, the quintessential father figure. His wisdom, compassion, and unwavering love for his family set the standard for the ideal dad. Jim's approach to parenting is a shining example of how to navigate the challenges of family life with grace and humor.

But it's not just Jim who steals the show. His beloved wife, Margaret, played by the talented Jane Wyatt, embodies the perfect balance of strength and grace. Together, they form a harmonious partnership that serves as the cornerstone of the Anderson family.

Their three children, Betty (Elinor Donahue), Bud (Billy Gray), and Kathy (Lauren Chapin), are a delight to watch as they grow, learn, and face the ups and downs of adolescence. Their relatable experiences, sibling rivalries, and heartfelt interactions make the Anderson family feel like an extension of our own.

What truly sets "Father Knows Best" apart is its timeless storytelling. Each episode is a beautifully crafted narrative that explores themes of love, understanding, and the importance of family bonds. Whether it's Jim offering sage advice or Margaret providing a comforting presence, the show never fails to leave viewers with a profound sense of warmth and nostalgia.

The writing is clever, witty, and filled with humor that transcends generations. The Andersons' trials and tribulations are not only entertaining but also teach valuable life lessons without feeling preachy. The show's ability to tackle complex issues while maintaining a lighthearted and relatable tone is a testament to its brilliance.

The chemistry among the cast is palpable, creating an on-screen family that feels genuine and endearing. The supporting characters, such as the Andersons' neighbors and friends, add depth to the show and enrich the overall viewing experience.

Visually, "Father Knows Best" captures the essence of suburban America in the 1950s and 1960s with meticulous attention to detail. The costumes, sets, and props transport viewers back in time, evoking a sense of nostalgia that adds to the show's timeless appeal.

In a world that often feels fast-paced and chaotic, "Father Knows Best" serves as a comforting reminder of the enduring values of love, family, and community. It's a show that continues to resonate with audiences, proving that the lessons it imparts are as relevant today as they were when it first aired.

In conclusion, "Father Knows Best" is a true classic that deserves all the accolades it has received over the years. Whether you're revisiting it for a dose of nostalgia or discovering it for the first time, you'll be enchanted by its timeless charm, heartfelt messages, and unforgettable characters. "Father Knows Best" isn't just a TV series; it's a heartwarming journey into the enduring power of family and the wisdom of a father who truly knows best. Don't miss the opportunity to experience this beloved classic-it's a television gem that continues to shine brightly.
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Nope. Father Didn't Always Know Best
StrictlyConfidential23 March 2020
"Father Knows Best" was originally broadcast on North American television back in the years from 1954-1960. Its half-hour episodes repeatedly emphasized a decidedly idealistic outlook towards family home-life that seldom (if ever) existed in the real world (even during that particular era).

And, though this televised depiction of the fantasy "Anderson" family was far from being even marginally realistic, it seems that not only did this fictionalized portrayal appeal to many in the viewing audience - But, these desperate spectators also strove to actually emulate this fabricated representation of harmony, happiness, and innocence shown in many of these episodes, as well.

Anyway - Watching these episodes of "Father Knows Best" (60+ years later) - I can only rank their overall entertainment value with just an average 5 stars (which means I neither loved this show, nor did I hate it),
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American Values
sky3walker23 December 2001
It's ironic that culture commentators today, including many teachers, who seem never to have seen a single episode of this series, will refer to it as a frightening illustration of fifties complacency, patriarchal dominance, and even racism. In fact many of the episodes explore issues of male egotism, parental arrogance, and conformist nastiness in an effective way. Of course, it all ends well because it is a comic drama about a tolerant and loving family with solid values (and Father was often the one who had to be reminded of this). Robert Young in frustration complained that it was never meant to be a sermon or sociology lesson -- but this carefully written and popular series was bound to tell us something about our values, and despite current malcontents, the values illustrated by Father Knows Best were generally very good.
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Serious issue's in Father knows best
agbell193611 September 2020
Father knows Best dealt with some serious issues such as social snobbery,lying,stealing,jealousy, financial irresponsibly" etc.
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Out On DVD Soon
aimless-4618 March 2008
The 203 half-hour episodes of the situation comedy "Father Knows Best" were originally broadcast on CBS & NBC from 1954 to 1960. This DVD set includes the 26 episodes from the 1954-55 broadcast season. The set also includes several special features detailed on Amazon's item description.

The series itself was a well-written suburban version of "Make Room For Daddy" (which had premiered a year earlier on ABC) with Robert Young playing the Danny Thomas part. The title character Jim Anderson (Young) is an agent with the General Insurance Company. He lives with his family on South Maple Street in Springfield (a town in an undisclosed Midwestern state). Jim's character is to a large degree the featured player on the series. Young actually did "Father Knows Best" for five seasons on radio and was the only cast member retained for the television production.

Jane Wyatt (not to be confused with Jane Wyman) plays his wife Margaret, a simple 1950's homemaker. Former child star Elinor Donahue plays his oldest daughter Betty, Jim calls her "Princess". Billy Gray plays teenage son James Jr., called "Bud" by everyone in the series. Lauren Chapin plays younger daughter Kathy; called "Kitten" by her father. During Season One Betty is 17, Bud is 14, and Kathy is nine.

The Anderson's live in a nice "Leave In to Beaver" "Brady Bunch" type home and neighborhood. Although nothing really bad ever happens in Springfield (at least until "The Simpsons") the series was considerably less bland than your standard suburban sitcom and did not fall back on guest stars playing an assortment of silly characters.

Jim is not a raving nutcase (insert Danny Thomas here) and Margaret is not an airhead (insert Lucy here). Neither parent outshines the other in the wisdom or competence departments. Like Beaver and Opie the kids get into their fair share of trouble and have misunderstandings with their parents. Jim and Margaret know enough to get out of the way of their children and let them learn from their own mistakes.

Along with Young, Donahue and Gray are the strength of the series. The inexperienced Chapin was in over her head and I always wished that they could have swapped her for Angela Cartwright, who could have passed physically for Donahue's sister. All three children have frequent moments of anger and self-centeredness. Betty is realistically uptight, and it is likely Shelley Fabares used her as a model when she started playing teenage daughter Mary on "The Donna Reed Show" in 1958. Donahue's character a few years later on "The Andy Griffith Show" was much softer and more relaxed.

Then again, what do I know? I'm only a child.
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Were people really this dumb in the 50s?
There's no way during the time this show was coming on the public took it seriously... Did they? Amazingly enough, it lasted for six seasons. I was born in the 90s but I love old TV shows. The acting was so brilliant, and the premise of the episodes actually made you think. It's apparent the writers and crew put in more work compared to now. TV shows in this day and time have poor scripts, ridiculous plotlines, and characters who are either unrelatable or annoying. However, some old TV shows had/have the same issues. Every time I see Father Knows Best, I feel like I'm going to break out in hives. People must've watched this to avoid reality, because it's unrealistic and quite silly. It tells the story of Jim Anderson (Robert Young), an ordinary middle aged man living in safe and sheltered suburbia with his wife and three children. According to the title, he knows what's best for his family. His wife doesn't know much. At least that's how it sounds. Their problems are trivial and of course can be solved within a half an hour. I wonder if some kids back then felt depressed when they watched this, because their family was nothing like what was portrayed on the screen. Generally, the older people I've been around, they didn't talk about their childhood or what their parents were like, and if they did, it wasn't anything positive. I had a coworker who was in her late 60s, and she said she would always be scared of her father when he came home from work. Fans of this show say it taught morals, but if you ask me, I think sitcom writers in the 50s wanted to create a fanciful depiction of family life to help real families temporarily escape their dysfunction. I can't see anyone nowadays enjoying this show, unless they're highly conservative and prudish. Skip Father Knows Best - it's too sappy and dated.
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It truly is a piece of the Americana pie!
mdsandall27 April 2001
As a child of the Sixties I grew to love and appreciate the Andersons. I enjoyed watching and listening to the dialog and reactions by each of the members of the family. I truly came to understand what was definitely "right" and what was "wrong" in decision-making. I became apart of the family when I came running home from school and plop down in front of the TV and tune in. I really wish that I could have lived there in Springfield and have a family like the Andersons. To me they were the epitomie of the way a family was supposed to be. I actually learned some "habits" and values that I stole from the series. To this day, working as a teacher in my mid 40's, I find myself whistling the theme song between classes, at lunch, etc. I remember thinking about some of the situations that Bud and his sisters would get into and how they would resolve them. I would then apply to my own life. Maybe that is why I probably have had a 'wonderful life'. Thank you, Mr Tewksberry, for this indelible imprint on my life!
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