
9 Reviews
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Psychopath Propaganda
20 December 2019
It's movies/docs like these that only inspire ideas for the future psychopath and I do not believe this is by accident. If the world didn't learn that shock/slasher/gruesome horror only makes the world worse by giving the wrong children potential ideas, it really ought to now. This is a real proper gander into the life of a psychopath that no one needs to see apart from the police. I don't see any value watching this whatsoever. Shame on Netflix for falling for the agenda and/or encouraging it... (Slow clap).
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The Lion King (2019)
No Point.
23 August 2019
Was the original Disney cartoon not enough? No, of course not, let's drag it out into a theatre production (which to be fair, was ok but also quite missable). I just don't see the point in remaking something when there's no demand or even a need. What also annoys me is the casting of famous singers who are not known for their speaking voice, let alone acting. I feel Beyoncé was only cast because she's famous and can take part in a song or two but it really watered the production down for me. The graphics are stunning and very convincing but that's the most I can say about it. I just don't see the point. Can you imagine what good it would've done if the entire budget of this film was donated to bettering African wildlife?
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
Plummet of the Year
19 July 2019
The first series started so well. Eerie, edge of your seat story, intense and very relatable nostalgia. The second season continued this intriguing story about El with great new characters, all ending in a huge finale - to which point, I'd have rated it a solid 8/10. Now this third series has none of the good points it made in the previous two. News flash, the audience doesn't care about the awkward teenaged relationships (or anyone else's relationships). It's a huge waste of time that adds nothing to the story apart from delaying it. They really should have kept with the story of El and the other 'Uber Soldiers'. They've separated the cast to expand the story but all it's done is dismantle what made it solid in the first place. Now it's just a cheesey boring storyline with some pretty horrific acting. So poor. What a shame. It's a 2 from me.
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Curb Your Enthusiasm (2000–2024)
Still Good - Still Need To Lose Cheryl
23 June 2019
Aside from the facts that LD is a great writer and comedy actor and the rest are still great, I still don't understand the casting of Cheryl. Her improv is so weak it's cringe worthy and now become irritating how much she drags the scenes down. The fact she's still in there is no less than fishy. It's now become a little too self-deprecating - sometimes we want to see Larry win and, of course for the most part, he fails and gets screwed over. It's still funny, just not a satisfying watch after a while. I think the main problem I have is that Larry is so great with his arguments and always makes valid points, however, his fellows have to find a way to counter his argument and there's very little chance of countering common sense convincingly - the audience just have to go with it. It's still a good show though.
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The Virtues (2019)
Slow, Unsatisfying.
6 June 2019
This could've been great but it was spoiled by its slow pace. I respect that it's based on a true account (and it's well told), it has a great cast and superb acting (although a lot of the snot and drooling to make it look real, didn't quite cut it for me) but on the whole, it felt a little rough and unfinished. A waste of a good cast, really. Someone trying to rediscover their creepy past is always a great ingredient for a good watch but, my goodness, the dialogue is stretched too far and the scenes are so dragged out. I understand this is to tell a gripping story and add to the atmosphere but, personally, I just wish the pace was picked up in order to squeeze some more detail. Dinah, a potentially great character but the writing just made her pointless in the end. In hindsight, the advert was a better watch. In fact, the more I write, the more faults I discover so I'll stop here.
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Trailer Park Boys (2001–2018)
Great Show... Just Gets Better.
3 February 2019
When I first discovered TPB, I really felt I discovered a new type of cult following. You know that moment when you saw Peep Show or The Thick of It for the first time? It felt like that. Fresh, laugh out loud comedy.

It's also great how the boys manage to get you on their side even though you know most of what they're doing is downright criminal. The sociology of this program is great as it paints a picture of very petty Trailor Park criminals who are also just people trying find their way in the world and establish peace in the park - despite some crazy antics, they really are good people who you root for.

I found it got progressively funny throughout seasons. At first, I turned off S8/E1 because it seemed a little polished and scripted but I went back to it after years and found it really did grip me much more than the previous series - the polishing was absolutely spot on. The stories got deeper and the new characters actually grew on me. What a great show.
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Predictable Uninspired Garbage
27 January 2019
This is by far one of the worst watches in recent years. You know exactly what's going to happen from the first 15mins. No twists or turns, nowt.

I also found it very stereotypical with the South American couple who harbour the correspondents. Here's a newsflash USA, not all South Americans are stupid. Stop with this idiotic stereotype, it's just irritating now.

It's a predictable rom-com in disguise with an annoyingly dull and completely unrealistic script. So bad I can't even be bothered to make a joke about this one. Gervais, your movies are a let down compared to your programs. Learn to stay in your element, not just rake in anything you can just because America pays well and magnifies your fame.
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Curb Your Enthusiasm (2000–2024)
Hilarious Comedy - Just 1 Major Gripe.
27 January 2019
People who appreciate good comedy will love this. By good comedy, I mean: Chris Morris, Seinfeld, Coogan, Iannucci, Stanhope, Gervais etc.

We experience the satisfaction of Larry (we all have one in our lives) just saying it how it is (or should be) and, despite getting himself in so much trouble, he is actually 90% correct and you're really on his side, throughout. It's laugh out loud hilarious watching Larry float through life, upsetting everyone in his path. The improv arguments with Suzie are great and the banter with J.B Smoov, Jeff, Lewis etc is flawless, the guest actors are brilliantly cast and the '..are you sure?' stare-out moments are unforgettable.

Oh and it's very very very Jewish to the point where I'd actually categorise it as, literally, a Jewish comedy program about very rich Jews... "Not that there's anything wrong with that".

Gripe: Unfortunately Cheryl is just the biggest glaring miscast I've ever seen. None of her lines add anything and unfortunately I found her holding back every scene she appeared in due to her noticeable and often irritating blankness. It's crying out for a talented artist to accompany/match the skills of this cast. That's my only complaint about Curb, albeit a big one.
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Home (II) (2015)
Just a Music Advert
5 January 2019
I feel for Jim Parsons. Such a talanted artist is wasted alongside a pop singer of this sort. Had I known this movie would be peppered with such a soundtrack, I'd have gone for a game of badminton instead. Now I completely understand it's a kids movie and while the morals and story are pretty good, there should be an advisory warning that this is basically an advert for Rhianna, not quite a movie as such. There are a few funny moments but not enough to hold my full attention throughout. I felt myself drifting off only to be alerted back to the movie with another Rhinanna song. I just can't bear that type of modern pop music - it's just a reminder of how badly the world is doing right now. Parsons is the saving grace with his likeable exciting voice and I'm sure he will bounce back from this one. As ever his lines are delivered impeccably and, to be fair, Rhianna does a good job too although she really should leave the soundtrack to proper music writers who know how to move you, film-wise. Another way to describe; I watched Toy Story, Shrek, Aladdin, Sword in the Stone etc billions of years ago in a galaxy far far away and would watch them all again without hesitation. I would only watch Home again if peace on Earth depended on it.
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