
21 Reviews
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Peaky Blinders: The Duel (2017)
Season 4, Episode 5
Please, Please, Please
18 May 2024
I'm reduced to begging; please, please, please kill off the luca character! I just can't take any more of that extremely bad "Brando as the Godfather" impression. This episode he even throws in the little rubbing his jaw with the back of his hand thing. No idea if Brody is any good as an actor, but he is TERRIBLE as an impressionist. It was funny at first and sort of tolerable, now it just ruins the entire show.

And how many times are these guys going to have gun battles where apparently nobody has any idea what they are doing and can't shoot straight except the "good guys". I'm willing to overlook a certain number of insults to the audience's intelligence, but this show is really pushing it.
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Succession (2018–2023)
18 August 2023
I did mostly enjoy this show, although I can't honestly say I ever thought it was really anything special.

For the most part the acting, direction, technical aspects, etc were all good enough but again never struck me as anything special. Nothing particularly groundbreaking or new. Plus I was consistently annoyed by the music, especially the big dramatic build-up type scenes.

One hundred percent certain I will never re-watch this show but might recommend it for viewing to someone if they understand the premise going in and are still interested.

Ultimately when the final episode ended and the credits rolled my overall feeling was - so what, who cares.
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Ridiculous Total Junk
25 June 2023
In all fairness I have to state that I did not watch the entire movie. I couldn't. It is just that bad.

Roughly maybe five minutes in there is a scene where Pyle's van breaks down somewhere just inside Atlanta while he is on his way to audition for Skynyrd. So naturally he grabs a few random drums out of the back and starts running down the street towards the club, wherever that might be.

Doesn't lock the van, in fact doesn't even close the doors. Even though his drum kit is just laying there for anyone to help themselves to.

Doesn't even turn off the headlights.

Just runs. One mile? Ten miles?

We don't know and really it's irrelevant anyway as the entire premise is just too stupid for details to even matter. Especially when that is followed by his arrival at the club, where he is expected mind you, and where he runs right back out the door in order to go get some more drums. Which judging by the kit we see him later playing, would have taken at least most likely four or five more trips.

Doesn't talk to the band.

Doesn't talk to their manager.

Doesn't tell anyone what happened.

Doesn't ask for help.

Doesn't ask for a ride.

Runs out the door.

This whole scene is so incredibly stupid and insulting that I knew right then and there that there was no way I would be able to make it through this absolute turd of a film.

And I didn't.
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7 May 2023
It might take a little effort but get a copy of the original novel and enjoy.

Obviously the complaint that "the movie isn't as good as the book" is a total cliche, but in this case it's also 100% true.

This movie could have been so much more, and in terms of run time; so much less. Still worth a look but definitely much less of an artistic achievement than the book by any measure.

At least it's not yet another mindless comic book adaptation, totally humorless "comedy", or over the top juvenile unbelievable/unrealistic action movie.

I guess one shouldn't complain considering the steady stream of truly horrible movies out there.
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The Walking Dead: Rest in Peace (2022)
Season 11, Episode 24
Thank the Gods, It's OVER
12 April 2023
What a relief this thing is finally dead. Or, more accurately and unfortunately, undead as it seems there will be several thousand spin-offs coming our way since this "finale" was obviously little more than a teaser / trailer for those upcoming shows.

Oh how I wish I would have just stopped watching several seasons ago when they got rid of Rick. I was so glad to not have to endure anymore of his ridiculous sermons as the actor struggled (and failed) to sound as if he wasn't actually a Brit posing as an American from the south that I sadly slogged on.

Little did I suspect just how far downhill the show would continue to go, culminating in the final few seasons being so poorly written and insulting to the intelligence of the audience that they were virtually impossible to enjoy.

Good riddance.

Glad it's over.

ZERO intention of watching ANY of the spinoffs.
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The Walking Dead: Family (2022)
Season 11, Episode 23
More Cheesy BS
11 April 2023
It's a good thing this show is ending, if it gets any cheesier they will have to start filming in Wisconsin instead of Georgia.

Seriously, just how dumb do the writers think their audience is?

Basically every single scene that isn't just people talking (and there are way too many of those) is so ridiculous it insults the intelligence of the viewer.

Episode after episode of people miraculously showing up in just the right place at just the right time.

The good guys being outnumbered, out flanked, out gunned, out everything-ed, and yet time after time after time they are VICTORIOUS!!!

And I realize extras cost time, money, etc, but for a place that allegedly has fifty thousand residents we have seen very, very, very few people in the commonwealth. Even the scene in an earlier episode featuring the big founders day festivities, including some good old fashioned rasslin, only drew a crowd of less than a hundred. Could it be that the good people of Senoia GA and surrounding parts are as sick of TWD as those of us who watch, hoping it will somehow get good again, and no longer volunteer to be extras?

Thank the gods there is only one more episode, which I'm sure will be a completely unsatisfying and totally ridiculous ending to a show that for all intents and purposes ended several seasons ago.
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The Walking Dead: Outpost 22 (2022)
Season 11, Episode 21
So Tired
10 April 2023
It's so exhausting to watch this show while fighting the temptation to turn it off and just give up every time the characters do something incredibly stupid or the characters miraculously find each other, usually just in time to kill the bad guys or a small group somehow kills a much larger, better equipped, better trained group of adversaries, usually with no one suffering so much as a scratch.

And that's in addition to the way the rules pertaining to walkers constantly change.

They always walk slow, except when they don't.

They somehow randomly enter some kind of stealth mode and sneak up on people, even though they are completely out in the open.

They are fragile and easily handled physically - except when they aren't and they develop almost superhuman strength.

When they are coming up a flight of stairs and the first dozen or so are killed, they miraculously melt out of the way of the walkers behind them.

And so on ad infinitum.

The writers of this comically bad and totally unbelievable show must have zero respect for the intelligence of their viewers.

Wish I had never started watching this show, and wouldn't have if I'd known what a total farce it would become.
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The Walking Dead: Chokepoint (2019)
Season 9, Episode 13
Bring On The Stupidity!
21 March 2023
Every single time I start to really enjoy this show again, they have the characters act as if they are complete morons. At some point anyone as utterly devoid of common sense as these people would have been dispatched by the walkers, likely long, long, long before now.

The kid tells Daryl that Beta is the big dog, Daryl even says ok, we'll kill him first. Yet when they show up does Daryl have the kid point out Beta and kill him? Of course not, instead he shoots some random face in the crowd accomplishing absolutely nothing. Never even asks which one is Beta. Then after besting Beta in a fight, they just walk away instead of making sure he is dead / finishing him off / ensuring he doesn't come back to haunt them as a walker. Just plain STUPID.

Then during the big cheesy fight scene, multiple instances of having a weapon, using it, then leaving it and the other guys weapon behind to go on fighting with nothing.

This show is such a blatant insult to the intelligence of the viewer at times, and those times are getting harder and harder to overlook. Serious doubts that I can make it to the final episode.
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The Walking Dead: Evolution (2018)
Season 9, Episode 8
More Nonsense
19 March 2023
And yet again, the events taking place make no sense and defy all laws of time and space. Every single time the walkers are shown they are moving at what could be described as a slow walk at best. Yet after several minutes of running/brisk walking/even normal walking by the normies, somehow the dead are no farther away and indeed are often shown to have actually gained ground! Is no one else even slightly bothered or insulted by this complete lack of respect for the intelligence of the audience?

And speaking of intelligence - yet another in what is now a cliche death caused entirely by the extreme stupidity of one of the people. In this case, instead of just going through the gate with everyone else and closing it behind them - wait! I know! I'll stay here and fight this overwhelming gang of zombies by myself for absolutely no reason whatsoever. It would be nice if every once in a while the writers could set up some drama without resorting to unbelievable stupidity on the part of the characters.
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The Walking Dead: Who Are You Now? (2018)
Season 9, Episode 6
YAY!!! No More Gick Grimes
19 March 2023
I understand Rick was a/the central character to the entire story, but I for one am 100% glad he is gone. One of the worst, most boring actors on the show who in all fairness was constantly being given long preachy boring monologues and totally unbelievable and unrealistic dialogue. While there is still plenty of bad acting left, I will absolutely not miss Rick. Though I do hope the helicopter people are explained at some time.

Meanwhile there has been a slight reduction in the formulaic scenes of; someone / some group does something incredibly stupid they end up in apparent mortal danger a last second miracle saves them all

If the writers can resist the temptation to insult their viewers intelligence I will look forward to seeing the rest of this show which at it's best can be very entertaining.
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The Walking Dead: A New Beginning (2018)
Season 9, Episode 1
The Usual Mindless Crap
17 March 2023
This show never seems to miss an opportunity to assume no one watching is capable of intelligent thought.

Scene after scene of people doing incredibly stupid unnecessary things thereby putting themselves in danger just so there can be a big dramatic resolution. Rinse and repeat. You would think all the really stupid people would be dead by now, but here they are.

Some examples; Taking old broken down museum pieces of things which could be much more easily found in their modern, much improved versions.

Walking across a glass floor and completely ignoring the wide solid walkway next to it. At the least get some plywood or similar material to lay down to spread the load/span the bracing.

Wagon stuck in the mud? Get rid of the horses and instead pull it out by hand! Of course!

Just non-stop ignorance. The show can still be entertaining at times but almost constantly requires the audience to cease thinking.
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Westworld: Que Será, Será (2022)
Season 4, Episode 8
A Fitting End
15 March 2023
A very appropriate ending for the show. An episode with confusing plots, unappealing characters, cartoonish violence, completely illogical and downright stupid actions by several characters, poor acting, buttloads of pretension, and a final ending that was neither satisfying, explanatory, logical, or an ending.

This series should have never have gone on beyond season one which was some of the finest, most creative television ever created. To see that great start be reduced to this confused / confusing mashed together pile of dung is just so sad.

Congratulations to the design, special effects, music (most of it anyway), lighting, etc folks as well as "most" of the actors.

Good riddance to Westworld.
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Corporate Greed In America
14 February 2023
This is a well done, entertaining documentary which gives the organizers of the 99 festival plenty of airtime and opportunity to explain their side of the story while also giving a big picture view.

It doesn't take long for the viewer to realize that 99 should also refer to the percentage of blame that goes to the "organizers" of the festival. Lack of sanitation, water, security, shelter, and more all contribute to a large part of the crowd ultimately turning into an out of control mob. While their behavior can not and should not be excused, it can definitely be understood. This is pretty much the overall tone of the film, a sentiment I agree with.

A movie which to me is actually a good primer on how corporate culture and greed in America eventually poisons everything - the music business in general and very much so the Woodstock Festival.

P. S. Michael Lang appears to be a clueless idiot.
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Westworld: Crisis Theory (2020)
Season 3, Episode 8
Please Let S04 Be Better
6 February 2023
I have too much time invested to stop after 3 seasons but - PLEASE let season 4 be more like season 1.

Aside from the plot hole, coincidences, miraculous timing / appearances of various characters, the cartoonish violence is much, much, much too much. Although I know it's all too common in most movies and TV shows (which I don't watch most of them), the way fights and other violence are portrayed is just plain stupid. How many times can a group of a half dozen or more "bad guys" be defeated by a single person/host? When the "good guy" just stands still, out in the open, yet nobody can hit them - with automatic weapons - while the gg picks them off one by one with a single shot. Even though they are moving targets. An insult to the intelligence of the viewer.
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Died Suddenly (2022)
More Fearmongering Garbage
4 February 2023
You can fool some of the people all of the time - those people are the perfect target audience for this "documentary". If you never verify sources or double check information but instead believe that "if it's on the internet, it must be true" then this film is for you.

If however you prefer to think for yourself and look for evidence before accepting whatever you hear / see / read then Died Suddenly will certainly appear to you to be a collection of half-truths, conspiracy theories, misinformation, paranoia, and outright lies. No one should watch this film except as a joke or in order to see how propaganda is created.
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Elvis (2022)
Made It Almost Halfway!
11 January 2023
Somewhere near the halfway point I just couldn't take it anymore.

Tom Hanks ridiculous accents.

Elvis made up to look like a teenage girl.

The hip-hop music - WTF?!?

The total lack of any real storytelling.

Elvis' inability to hold his head up.

Just too, too, much.

I had really hoped to like and enjoy this movie, but there's just no way. I'd give it a 3 at best and that is only because of the professional overall quality of the film - lighting, camera work, most of the costumes, sound quality, etc.

However the almost cartoonish overall feel, acting, interaction between characters, and presentation of the story actually had me laughing out loud more than once. Not sure who the target audience is for this, but it definitely is NOT me.
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Westworld: Les Écorchés (2018)
Season 2, Episode 7
More and More Unbelievable & Ridiculous
5 January 2023
Obviously a certain suspension of reality is 100% required in order to enjoy this show, BUT some things are just plain stupid in their presentation. I have mostly enjoyed this program so far, and hope to do so until the last episode but it is getting more difficult with every insult to my intelligence.

Among the worst offenses, and there are a LOT, the professional soldiers / security troops who apparently have had zero training, experience, or qualifications. They don't even appear to have the superficial skills that would come from having seen an action movie or two.

It's getting harder and harder to give this show a pass on such sloppy, lazy, insulting lapses of effort on their part.
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The League: When Rafi Met Randy (2014)
Season 6, Episode 4
Second Worst of the Series
17 June 2022
Though a thousand times better than the prior episode (S5E4) featuring Rafi and Randy the two least likable / entertaining / realistic characters on the show , that prior episode is the only thing keeping this from being the #1 worst of the series. Not funny, not clever, childish, and downright moronic at times. Absolute waste of time.
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The League: Rafi and Dirty Randy (2013)
Season 5, Episode 4
Absolute Waste of Time
14 May 2022
Worst episode of this show by far. Unless you have an IQ of 75 or less or are a 13 year old boy don't even bother watching.

Stupid does not equal funny or entertaining.
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Waste of Time
27 February 2022
Unless you enjoy docs that only spend about a quarter of the time on their alleged subject, you will be disappointed. Little if anything new or really even that interesting about Amazing Jonathan, instead lots of filler, misinformation, and whining from and about the filmmaker.

Much more of a documentary about making the documentary than about Jonathan.
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Bloodline: Part 33 (2017)
Season 3, Episode 10
Very disappointing with one bright spot
10 May 2021
A disappointing ending to a series that had been steadily going downhill pretty much all of season 3.

The lone bright spot - never again having to suffer thorough Sissy Spacek whisper/talking 75% of her dialogue regardless of context or scene. She almost made this show unwatchable for me.
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