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Incredibly ambitious and absolutely Incredible
10 May 2024
If you have not yet been sucked into the Dune universe, you will be. Dune: Part Two is so solid and epic it will set your balls on fire. The acting is as good as it gets. I mean it cannot get any better for a Director than casting Javier Bardem. Zendaya is absolutely stunning, obviously, and Chalamet seriously deserves a nomination.

See for yourself about the effects. Jaw-dropping. Has to be seen on the big screen. With the loudest and best speakers possible. Or just put it on the biggest TV at home and crank it all the way up. It will definitely drown out your neighbors pounding on the walls and ceiling. To hell with em. Or invite them in if they want to watch a movie that could change your life and leave you with a cliffhanger as good or better than The Two Towers. Watch this movie.
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The Invasion (I) (2007)
13 August 2022
Cool story-line that was so-so executed Average script at best, and clunky at times with a lot of jumping around. And a very anti-climatic, rushed ending. Overall worth a watch though, just don't expect anything great.
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Just.... kind of bad.
22 December 2021
Keanu Reeves is like America's Jackie Chan: both are decent actors, who possess incredible talent and athletic skill that surpasses nearly all great actors and stuntmen in their field; they can do it ALL.

And films like, The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded. John Wick, The Legend of the Drunken Master, Who Am I?, etc. Present the best of the best of these actors. But due to a floppy plot, predictable dialogue and minimal character development, The Matrix 4 does not deliver.

Why couldn't writers and directors just keep their confidence in the interesting material they had already written? Why did they have to divulge into fiction that is so fiction that it makes absolutely no sense?

The Matrix 4 is a disappointment.
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DDL and a history lesson
19 December 2021
Daniel Day Lewis. There is not much more to say about him, as the name speaks for itself. Superb as ever, DDL plays Gerry Conlon brilliantly. One could easily be convinced that Lewis is an Irishman himself (but ironically, he is English : P).

Along with a great supporting cast, dialogue and pace, "In the Name of the Father" never really lets up and keeps you on edge for over two hours, especially if you are not aware of how these events all really truly played out.

I must say, Jim Sheridan did a wonderful job directing this film. And each character was cast perfectly. Even Peter Postlethwaite looks so much like DDL and, in addition to their fantastic on-screen chemistry, they are a very convincing father/son duo.

Watch "In the Name of the Father" if you love great film making, acting, character development and accurate portrayals of significant historical events. Especially such important ones that are too often forgotten about.
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Swan Song (I) (2021)
Cool storyline, great acting, some plot holes
17 December 2021
All in all, Swan Song is a good movie. It has a particularly unique and interesting plot, accompanied by great acting and dialogue. Swan Song is more of a romance film with science fiction themes mixed in, so don't go into this movie expecting something like "Ex Machina" or "Upgrade". Just watch it simply as a fan of good cinema, overlook the few plot holes (like you do in any other movie anyways), and appreciate the film for what it is. 7.5/10.
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Tenet (2020)
7 watches later....
19 June 2021
Tenet is nuts. So must be Christopher Nolan. But hot damn, he creates entertaining films, even if you aren't quite sure WTF is going on. But around my 7th view of Tenet, it pieced together like.... Tenet.

All I can say/recommend, is listen to everything Andrei Sator says, and follow Robert Pattinson's character/dialogue just as closely. They are everything to the deeper meaning of Tenet. JD Washington flat out murders his role, but its easy to follow 'the protagonist'... So pay attention to his biggest friend/foe, and Tenet will make a hell of a lot more sense, so you can appreciate it's subtle brilliance.
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Superb acting, GREAT script, otherwise average
13 February 2021
Bryan Cranston isn't just Walter White. He can play both sides of the table; the drug lord or the undercover cop busting the drug lord. He does both parts in this film, superbly, as do John Leguizamo and the lovely Diane Kruger. There are a few plot holes in this movie though that keep it from setting itself apart from others of its genre. Luckily, a great soundtrack, script, character depth and fantastic acting all around make the movie, otherwise, a great watch.
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The Way Back (I) (2020)
You probably won't understand it if you aren't an alcoholic...
28 March 2020
Ben Affleck and I have one thing in common - we're both alcoholics. But his movies have always been fantastic, despite knowing that we have an odd and unfortunate connection. He is just a great writer, director and actor. But this is by far the most personal film he has ever created or been cast in, and he really did not hold back in depicting his personal struggles with alcoholism.

You need to understand that this is NOT a basketball movie. Neither is Hoosiers, really, and although The Way Back may not engulf you in its emotional ride like Hoosiers did, Affleck certainly makes you care about the characters. And although Hoosiers clearly influenced how this movie was filmed, there is much more emphasis on the main character's struggles and everybody trying to help him, rather than in Hoosiers where Gene Hackman may have had a tainted past, but he was always the one helping others.

So know a few things prior to watching this movie, especially if you are not an alcoholic. If you are, like myself, then you will not question the authenticity of the things he does while drinking/to drink, because you probably have done something similar (I know I sure have). Drinking in the shower, before work, during work, before family gatherings, etc. are never out of the question when you are dealing with alcoholism. The most frightening part as well is how functional alcoholics can be most of the time, but it always finds a way to catch up with them.

But how and when will it catch up with Coach Cunningham? I promise you won't see it coming, and that it makes for a fantastic comeback story.
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Venom (2018)
...Like a turd, in the wind...
15 March 2020
Much better than I expected. Hardy is phenomenal, per usual, and his surrounding cast is very solid as well. The action sequences are fantastic, including that throwback scene to Bullit. *Fun fact - this film was released on the 50th anniversary of Bullit's release in 1968.*

So with a great cast and filming crew, the script, plot and directoring had to follow suit. For the most part, I thought they did. Of the three, I found the script to be the strongest. This movie has multiple, great and original one-liners. And overall, the dialogue was entertaining as well, and often comical. The directing and plot were about even and although they weren't the strongest aspects of the film, they certainly did not expose any weak points (plot holes, scenes that drag, pacing, etc.).

8/10 - Very funny and entertaining. Stan Lee's cameo is one of the best in all of his movies - you will never see it coming. Will definitely watch again.
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Hauser is phenomenal - and he is innocent
5 March 2020
Another great Clint Eastwood flick. And a great piece of history that has, unfortunately, been left out of the history books. Probably that it serves as a reminder that the government and any federal law enforcement agency, despite how much they flex their muscle, are made up of people like the rest of us. And people can be cunning, self-righteous, cruel, ruthless and make mistakes without even committing a crime. Who knows how many years this investigation took off of Richard Jewell's short yet very interesting life. But this film is the important part of history that has been forgotten, and a reminder that you cannot give time back to somebody, even if you were the one that took it away from them.
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South Park (1997– )
I've seen every episode 20+ times, easily
24 February 2020
There is no other show that I can watch over, and over, and over again, and still laugh. Yes I have probably have of the show's dialogue memorized. Yes my immediate reaction to many things in life, whether its a serious subject or funny one, is often a rehearsed South Park moment or line.

Call it an obsession, call it childish, fart jokes, whatever the hell you want. Any way you slice it, to me, this show is poetry :D

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OtherLife (2017)
Great Thriller With Some Thinking
24 February 2020
At just over 90 minutes, OtherLife was never dull, and certainly was much better than I anticipated. My expectations were exceeded in all phases, whether it be the acting, pace, dialogue, pace etc. Nothing in the movie felt short-sided or weak, by any means, and I would certainly watch it again without hesitation. 9/10
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Witches can be sexy, too
17 February 2020
This movie is weird. But don't let that turn you away, if your the type to turn away at weird. If you prefer normal, that is perfectly fine, just remember that you could never have one without the other. There is no weird without normal, no good without evil, no dark without light. No life without death. And Tabernacle 101 explores these ideas without getting preachy or disrespectful. And the movie progressive with such ease, that there is no time to think about it as it unfolds before us.

The curious plot and some of the great, character-driven dialogue may be a bit 'nerdy' or 'weird' at times, but I guarantee you, your mind, like mine, will not have time to begin it's petty, judgmental filtering (unless you already gave up on the film because you have no idea what is going on). Instead, your brain will watch and absorb Tabernacle's raw emotion, whether you are feeling scared less by a satanic albino chick shoving an upside-down cross in your face and staring into your soul with eyes that could literally be the most terrifying I have ever seen.

As our protagonist, Frank, begin his joyride into another realm, he develops a very fun, cute, comical but nevertheless, dire and absolutely imperative friendship with Meredith, who'm he had despised such a short time ago for her beliefs and faith in a higher power. She is mysterious yet very strong-willed and persistent. She is also the hottest witch you will see in any movie this year as well, and

It really sort of reminded me of Frodo and Sam in a weird way. Yes, that is how deep yet very simple the themes of this movie are explored, where friendships good or bad can take us.

I could go on about this movie forever, so I will just tell you to go watch it and enjoy the unexpected, the fright, and the fun yourself.
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Fear. Paranoia. Terror. This movie encompasses it all
10 February 2020
Have you ever had the sense that everyone around you, everybody you know, is actually against you? Or that you are being spied on, like there is a 24 hour surveillance in your neighborhood, or 'they' are just watching your sorry ass? This Invasion of the Body Snatcher remake is THAT nightmare, combined with the invasion nightmare of an extraterrestrial. It's all fun and games, until everyone you love, know and trust is clearly, not themselves.

What sets this movie apart from any other stupid, alien invasion, paranoia movie? The acting and the script. Donald Sutherland is amazing, even if he starts the movie off by observing a rat crap in a pale of soup. Do not let the simplicity of his job as a health inspector fool you, because he has a whole boatload of crap coming his way, as the plot of this film begins to unravel, and he is one of very people few left who is able to recognize what is really happening.
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A Dogmatic Film That is Literally a Reflection of its Own Palpable Themes
12 January 2020
The Man From Earth; such a vague, ambiguous title for a film that is so apprehensible. But only if you allow it to be. Now, this is a science-fiction movie, and you will immediately find out why it is as such. But there are other aspects of the plot that are presented on behalf of its most 'sci-fi' trait that are not intended to be construed as such. Rather, these themes are to be deduced as 'questionable' rather than 'fictional'.

For many viewers, the difference between what is certainly possible and what is probably not will be very distinguished. In addition, you may also feel that this film almost renders itself as an intermediate of your own conceivable reality - you just never knew how to express it. For these sort of viewers, such as myself, this film is a delight to watch. It is captivating, expressive, thought-provoking, and will have the same tears you shed in brief sadness become tears of joy before you are able to wipe them away.

The Man From Earth has a very basic and stoic plot that is remarkably powerful due to the gravity of the themes that are addressed. At its core, this film simple and organic, but that hardly means it will be perceived as such. Just as anything in life, this movie will be subject to each of our own 'filters' as our minds find their own ways of dealing with it.

The Man from Earth is a replica of its own conjurations. And whether the creators intended such irony or not, it is without a doubt what makes it so poetic.
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There is little-to-no emotion left to be felt.
31 December 2019
Now, I mistakenly thought I was starting a Clint Eastwood movie, Gran Torino or something, when I started watching Slumdog Millionaire. Obviously, my mush of a brain was wrong, but after the opening seconds, there was no way I was turning it off.

Unless you were told about the plot of this movie in detail, you truly do not have a damn clue what is going to go down. Because honestly, if the descriptions were specific about how this film would play out, I am betting most of us would decide to watch Gran Torino instead. The story line of this movie is outrageous, and beyond coincidental, yet these truths only seem to capitalize on the real reason so many of us absolutely adore this film - we get to feel all of the good and bad emotions that we often unknowingly desire, without a sliver of dread or doubt left at its conclusion.

You will definitely laugh. A lot. Because the Ayush Mahesh Khedekar's Jamal is the funniest, most lovable character you may ever see on a screen. His older brother, Azharuddin Mohammed Ismail's Salim, has an ego that may distract from the joy at times, but Rubina Ali's Latika (or the Third Musketeer), instantly brings love and joy back into the story. Each of these child actors, as well as the others playing the older versions of themselves, were so brilliant and each's character seem to fit so perfectly with their true personalities. Rarely will you see such raw talent in acting, let alone, child actors. It is remarkable and an absolute delight to watch, despite some of the despair and harsh realities they have to endure in their worlds.

You also may cry. But most likely it will be with the biggest smile on your face. Why? Probably just because it was written that way.
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Short and Bittersweet, Funny. Original, while staying true to each trilogy.
26 December 2019
But this movie was for me. I believe it has the most well-written script, with countless, deliberate, fresh one-liners and punch-lines. But those were never in previous Star Wars, films, right? And a very sophisticated plot that, albeit a few extremely minor and insignificant plot-holes, ultimately delivers a punctual, sensible, fun and emotional ride for every kind of viewer. But I guess none of those adjectives describe any of the prior films in the Star Wars Saga either, right?

Phenominal acting and brilliant direction built this highly critical, misunderstood yet near-perfectly executed release. You have to hand it to JJ Abrams - he did not, by any means, need to make this film only 2 hours and 14 minutes long (the shortest of the trilogy). And he has clearly risked a ton in doing so, in that so many viewers do not already know much of the Star Wars Lore, the history, and the nature of the 'world' itself. But he knew that real Star Wars fans would feel spoiled by this movie, just as they were after a New Hope. And eventually, the rest of the world will catch on to what he did here, and adore this movie - and it will be one of those genre-defining moments in the Star Wars Genre timeline.

9/10. Best Star Wars movie since Return of the Jedi.
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This IS Star Wars. At its best.
12 November 2019
What has made Star Wars into the internationally recognized genre that it is today? Two things in particular - original material and a touch of humor/wit. Rogue One is a plethora of both. In addition, even in an area where previous Star Wars may have lacked (perhaps even overlooked, understandably), the acting is superb, top of the line. Forest Whitaker may be the most recognizable name in the entire cast, and he kills it every moment as his brilliant, rebellious character, Saw Gerrera. But he is merely the tip of the iceberg in what becomes an epic, near-perfectly written plot that connects episodes III and IV. It is haunting, it is funny, devastating, cheesy, and it is wonderful. It IS Star Wars.
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Interstellar (2014)
My all-time fave
26 October 2019
Allllllriiiiight. That's what most of us think of when we think of Matthew McConaughey. But this movie, as well as many other he has done as of late (Dallas Buyer's Club, Mud, and others) is proof that McConaughey is an acting stud. And he is in his prime in this one.

So what do you get when you had McConaughey in his prime, the lovely Anne Hathaway, an amazing Jessica Chastain, Michael Caine...Casey Affleck... Topher Grace...Wes Bentley... John Lithgow...David Gyasi... and oh yeah, MATT DAMONNNNN, to a Christopher & Johnathan Nolan original sci-fi script?

Watch and find out. In addition to all of the obvious, top-notch quality already listed, this movie bleeds emotion. When the thought of watching a movie a subsequent time literally makes your heart race, eyes tear up, and gives you goosebumps, that is emotion. I enjoy everything about this film, despite the arguments against it, which are nothing more than it being too ambitious. Why? Because it is so brilliant and beautiful that I cannot quite put into words what is being conveyed. They say the best art should always leave you with a sense of curiosity, some questions and an excitable anxiousness. You will finish this film feeling all of the above and then some. It is much more than Alllllllllriiiiiiiiight.
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