
16 Reviews
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Rehash of cases already done
30 May 2024
Massive respect for this lady. But this programme is quite boring in that if it had been cases she had personally been involved in then it would be very interesting. But it's just her talking to people involved in cases she had nothing to do with and them retelling things that were already public knowledge and that have been covered in countless other real crime series. I also wonder if the relatives of the victims of some of these cases would be ok with once again having their loved ones names dragged up for the sake of entertainment to others. I watch and have watched these sorts of shows as I was studying criminal psychology back in my youth and found them very interesting and informative in some aspects but this show is just not for me. I find it uninteresting, uninformative and quite frankly pointless. 4 stars because of my respect for Jackie Malton but that's it.
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Just dreadful - FACT
22 March 2024
Annoying, boring and painfully dull. I thought I would give this a go as I love Father Brown and murder mystery shows, and thought I would see this. I really wish I hadn't bothered. And that unbelievably irritating character trait she has saying "fact" every other word. After a couple of episodes I was so utterly bored I just can't watch any more. And the shock that there has been another series commissioned just makes me question why I'm paying for a licence for TV. And a sub for it! If you are reading this then please do yourself a favour and just go watch some videos of paint drying on YouTube. It would be more entertaining 🤣
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Gladiators (I) (2024– )
20 January 2024
This is just utterly abysmal television. Nothing but over steroid pumped hulks and scantily clad attention seeking saddos. The one called Nitro is just shocking to look at and not in a good way. Like he's had a couple of beach balls sewn into his shoulders. And the first female gladiator off the bench had such revealing shorts on they left literally nothing to the imagination. If this is what younger generations are having put in front of them to aspire to be like then it's everything wrong with society. A bunch of narcissistic vile sad acts with nothing to bring to the table but some over pumped muscles and no talent. And how cheesy is it they have Bradley and his son presenting it. I grew up in the 90s watching the original and I don't remember it being this dire and sycophantic. If there is any sanity left in this world then it won't get renewed for another series. If it does then I'm not going to bother getting a TV licence. I'll just stream things on a tablet or laptop and pay for better services than the BBC.
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Ghost Whisperer (2005–2010)
Coma enducing
12 July 2023
I have a Disney plus sub and was looking for things to watch. This show was something I missed back when it was on and I'm glad I did. I got halfway through the pilot and thought I'd be more entertained watching a piece of bread go mouldy. Not only is this duller than murky dish water but Wentworth Miller who plays the ghost in this pilot, I honestly believe he got his acting jobs based solely on his looks because he can't act. He was in an episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer and was so bad he was hilarious. And this is just so terrible. But not even get can hold a torch to the snooze enducing acting skills of the leading actress in this. Anything I ever see her in she has one mode, like in her mind she's thinking look pretty, pout, flounce, shake hair. It's an utter vomit fest of fake over the top love and sentimental drivel. I disliked it so much after only half the pilot I had to leave a review. Anyone who has never seen this, do yourself a favour and don't. Watching videos of people eating pickles on YouTube would be more interesting.
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Agatha Raisin (2014– )
Love it but writers have turned Agatha into a garish spinster drag act.
14 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Love this show. And in the first 3 series the character of Agatha was beautiful and had a fantastic wardrobe and the stories have always been good fun. However this 4th series has the main character looking like a drag act and behaving like a lily savage type character. Then there is the James Lacy character. A horrible man who forced the idea of marriage on to a clearly lonely and very gun shy of dating and needy person and they hadn't even dated once before he proposed! Then he dumps her at the alter because her abusive ex husband turns up to ruin their big day, and Agatha really thought he was dead. Then James just won't let her move on and find any happiness because he wants to use her as his muse for a book sequel he's writing, while he's got some other woman he's engaged too, and he knows Agatha will do anything for him because he knows she's still in love with him. He's appalling and a gas lighting moron whom the writers should be ashamed of putting into the show and allowing the storyline of their ridiculous romance to keep cropping up. Frankly since Agatha is a private detective and a very savvy business woman she is clearly very intelligent and doesn't need a man in her life least if all one who treats her like that. It would be better if they wrote Fraith in as her love interest. Much better chemistry between the characters too. The rest of the cast are all great and the leading lady is brilliant. Just tone down her ridiculous drag queen persona and get James Lacy written out and that of course leads me to my last criticism. DENZEL WILKES - what a pointless and stupid character. NOT FUNNY and makes me not want to watch the show when he's in it. I just forward the bits on he's in. He's just awful. I'm sure the actor is very talented and in reality a nice person. But I think overall this is a great show just needs to have rid of a couple characters and it would be perfect, for me anyway.
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Yawn fest
3 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So dull I actually felt like I was slipping into a trance. The female side kick is a horrible character. Doesn't like her own baby so does everything she can to avoid going home. And there is zero dynamics between her or the lead character. Just no chemistry and the tired old cliche of a detective who's wife has left him because he cared more about the job than her and bickering over a coffee maker. And the stories are so slow and predictable. And been done so many times. Boring. Don't bother. And a detective that goes everywhere on a push bike. Living on a houseboat. There is nothing original in the storylines either.
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The Coroner (2015–2016)
3 June 2023
Just utter rubbish. I thought nothing could be worse than Doc Martin. Then this effluvium pops up. I've seen better acting from wooden spoons and if you need proof have a watch of Button Moon on YT. This show is duller than dirty dishwater. And the lead detectives accent is worse than insultingly dire. I hate when people who make these shows think people from the west country talk like this. The entire cast save for the leading lady (who is incidentally much better an actress than this show is allowing her to be) all speak like they are part of the Wurzels. The characters would be more convincing if they had Wurzel Gummage and Aunt Sally playing the leads. Utter tripe, avoid at all costs.
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11 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
By far and away THEE WORST movie I've EVER seen. Just no. And I find it insulting that they expect us to believe that a human being or any kind of organism can survive a nuclear explosion by hiding in an old 50s style refrigerator. And not only hiding in it but it being catapulted over a mile up into the air and away and then overtake the car the three men drove off and abandoned him in, and as the fridge is sailing through the air (and the door miraculously stays shut the whole time and the fridge stays unscathed the entire time) the car gets taken over by the blast and they all die and the fridge then goes down a steep hill and hits the dirt and the door pops open barely dented and he just rolls out with barely a scratch, the ones on him being what he had before he got in the fridge to start with. I know it's fantasy adventure but to expect anyone to stretch their imagination that far is as I've already said, INSULTING.

I'm just glad I never paid to go and watch this and that I just wasted some of my precious life watching it for free at my in laws one Christmas.

Appalling cash cow.
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Boring drivel
25 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Omg this has to be the worst detective drama series I've ever had the misfortune of stumbling across. The main character is duller than dishwater. The story lines are so transparent. And the country music just blegh. The tired cliche rugged old detective who hates change. Having him drive around looking like he hasn't washed in a decade, and looks like you could smell him from Sydney if you got a good wind behind him. And in that old banger of a car. Having him being a fan of country music and playing cassette tapes of it no less. Then there's the side kick female (another tired cliche). Who is actually more intelligent and yet gets treated like a secretary and a halfwit which is misogynistic and irritating. And as I said the transparent stories. First episode I sussed after they spoke to the killer. Second episode again suspects phoney oh it's so tragic this poor man has died laying it on thick on his radio show. Bingo there's your killer.

Oh and then there's the fact that we are supposed to believe the lead character was married 4 times? He looks dirty, looks like he smells bad, drives a 40yr old car and listens to dreary country music on cassette tapes and has about as much charm and charisma as pubic louse. Any women they wrote in to have been married to him would have had to have been insatiable, blind and have no sense of smell.

Just boring. And I'm not from Australia and although I don't mind the accent generally, in this show it's so annoyingly bad I watched the first ever episode, started to watch the second but got to whom I was sure was the killer so fast forwarded it to the end and I was right. That being said I have absolutely no desire to watch the rest and if anyone is reading this review I would say for the love of sanity DON'T BOTHER. Go watch paint dry. It's more entertaining.
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So boring and overrated
15 August 2022
Omg I can't begin to tell you how boring this utter 💩 is. I read the book and saw the animated film of this as a child and enjoyed both, the latter more than the book. But this snooze fest is so painful and dirgeful and mind numbingly boring that I just couldn't watch it all in one go. And it was one of those films that you watch for 30 mins and think nothing has happened yet, how long has this 💩 been on and when you see the clock think omg I feel like I've been here all night. But you get that far in you have to finish it out of principal. It took me nearly a week to watch it. Yes really. I had it on my planner having taped it at Christmas one year. But it was so coma enducing that I kept falling asleep and then trying to keep watching it in the evenings. It was so painfully slow and dull that I have absolutely no desire to watch the rest of this franchise, not the two towers or return of the king, and definitely not the hobbit series. And omg the turnip chomping accents of these hobbit. The two side kicks following their friend with his ring. They're all made to seem like friends but it's like a gay unrequited love fest. The chubby Sam is clearly in love with Frodo and Merry is clearly in love with Sam and that really was the only thing I got from this drivel which isn't even in the book but came across like it in this torture fest of boredom. Just yawn.
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One Foot in the Grave: The Man in the Long Black Coat (1991)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Fantastic acting, sometimes bad writing
3 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I absolutely love this show and watch it a lot on dvd, and also BBC iPlayer has every episode too.

Every episode has something that makes me howl laughing.

There are as with most things that you watch so many times though, glaring plot holes that you miss on first viewing.

This episode in that regard is no exception. One bit in particular that stands out is when Margaret realises that Victor has been using ginseng capsules belonging to Patrick from nextdoor as suppositories for his piles. Instead of just throwing them away and saying nothing about it, she goes out of her way to take the sachet back to nextdoor and tells him why they were in her house by accident and that Victor had been shoving them up his bottom. It's a pointless cheap laugh that would have been funny if it had just been left with her discovering them in the bathroom cabinet.

Another piece of pointless humour is him being at the doctors and the receptionist bellowing out he's there for a prescription for pile cream and someone then ringing the surgery to find out if he's there and her saying it's for you, someone asking when you're going to shift a pile of manure? Who was it and how would they know he was even there?

I do adore this show though 😍
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Coupling: 9½ Months (2004)
Season 4, Episode 6
Love coupling and Spiro is hilarious
9 February 2022
I adored this TV show and watching back in the 00s I was only 20 when it first came on TV. Now I appreciate the humour even more and can relate to parts I couldn't back then as the characters were all at least a good 10 yrs older than me at the time.

This episode had me absolutely crying laughing as Samantha Spiro playing Jeffina. She had Coyle's character mannerism down to perfection and she was amazing. And the hug between her character and Davenport's when she's saying can you feel my milky stallions was hilarious.

Such a shame it got cancelled after just 4 series.

I think the character of Oliver was a breath of fresh air. He was nothing like Jeff which is fantastic as a lot of shows make the mistake of just replacing a character either with just another actor to play the same role or just have another character that's similar to fill the gap but this wasn't the case. He had confidence with women but was a little gun-shy. He was clumsy both physically and intellectually and it was just a shame he was only in the last series as even with Coyle's character there was room for one more.

I know Coyle left because he was worried of being type cast but I don't think that would have happened if he stayed for 6 more episodes!

This episode had two really sweet moments in it too. Among all the birth chaos the moment where Jane tells Steve she was crazy about him and utterly broken when he left her for Susan plucked at my heart strings and shows her vulnerable side just for a brief moment because as Oliver previously said she just makes up so much BS to cover up her fear of being boring and being hurt.

Then there is the birth. When Davenport's character goes to check on the baby and it's the last dialogue of the entire show. Just brilliant writing. Funny, loveable and tear jerking.

Last thing from me. I'm glad the US remake tanked. There have been so many great UK shows being bastardised by them to try and make cash out of. And it rarely works.
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Was mediocre until the aunt's were written out.
18 January 2022
I used to watch this show as a teen back in the 90s. And it was entertaining. But compared to other sitcoms it's mediocre. It's classed as a sitcom but I think it should be just classed as a kids show. Anyway I'm digressing.

The two actresses Beth Broderick and Caroline Rhea along with with actor Nick Bakay who voiced the cat were the only three things in it that made it worth watching. So when the two aunts were shoddily written out of the show (and If you're someone who has seen this from the very first season will know) it was probably the worst bit of writing since the Bobby Ewing story in Dallas. Which I only know about after my mother in law told me and I subsequently googled and then spent a good afternoon laughing my head off watching YT clips!

As Sabrina progresses, the entire cast turn into Libby Chessler from the first few seasons, who was a narcissistic, machete mouthed b@#ch, more concerned with her appearance and less about anyone elses feelings.

And then there is Melissa Joan-Hart aka Sabrina. Her character is the worst of them all. Stepping all over people and their emotions to get what she wants under the guise of doing it out of the goodness of her heart.

As an adult rewatching this on Prime it's an eye opener to how I must have been half zombie to have watched this load of utter ass gravy of a show and not seen how atrocious it is.

I gave one star for the two aunts and the cat. If it weren't for them I'd have given it zero if it were an option.
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Doc Martin (2004–2022)
Atrocious accents and terrible actors/actresses.
7 December 2021
As a Cornish resident born and raised I always find these programs offensive to say the least that they seem to assume we all sound like inbred, turnip chomping, carrot crunching oooo arrrrghs, that come across as thick as two short planks, with all the sexual charm and charisma of pubic louse.

The only thing worth watching in this load of cobblers is the scenery. Oh wait, hang on, I can just get in my car and drive to it since it's just a short trip from home.

How this garbage is still being churned out is shocking.
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Hemsworth made me give this 1 star
10 June 2021
I love the female cast in this and Leslie Jones was for me the best thing in it. She made me laugh most and I found myself seeking out her standup on YT and she's brilliant. I will always have a fondness for MacKinnon because she was hilarious as Hilary Clinton. I've always really enjoyed Melissa McCarthy in anything she does. I had never heard of Kristen Wiig until this film.

I enjoyed it for a bit of light-hearted afternoon entertainment and my niece and nephew loved it.

Personally as an adult I found all the CGI terrible and the baddy was about as scary as Elmo. But it was aimed at kids and they seem to like it.

NOW HEMSWORTH. AAAARRRRGGGGHHH!!! Even my nephew hated him in this. Stupid Mike Hat, covering his eyes when things are loud, taking out the lens in his glasses because they kept getting dirty so his character is always falling over things. And so many other things. It made me loathe him so much I'm never watching anything with him in ever again. And I don't get why people go gaga over him. He's just fugly and completely overrated.
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Absolutely Terrible
11 May 2018
Where do I start. The actress playing Lucy, although beautiful, had one mode. Sound like she's orgasming in every scene. When you're that ill and/or dying you don't sound like you're being pleasured. What the hell was the hairy weir beast raping her on a slab of concrete? The male actors except E Grant and Hopkins were all useless. The British Accents were utterly abysmal and there was no tension or creepiness whatsoever from Oldman. Just dreary boredom. Ryder's performance was so depressingly terrible. That same tired rasping noise when she heavy breaths in every scene. There are child actors with more depth than this "actress". I have enjoyed some of her movies such as Beetlejuice, Heathers, Alien Resurrection. However she and Keanu are so painfully bad at British accents. The story in this was a total butchery of Stokers and it's quite shockingly bad for a producer of Coppola's calibre.
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