
18 Reviews
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Hitman (I) (2007)
Release the Xander cut!
12 March 2021
As a fan of the Hitman videogames, I gotta say I really enjoyed the movie from start to finish. The casting and acting was decent, the action was usually well directed (except for the shakycam in a few fights) and it was just fun and majority of the assassination and action scenes looked like something that could be done in the games.

What prevents it from being truly great is the studio interference. Xander originally wanted to do an R rated movie but the studio fired him several weeks before release to reshoot or reedit a few scenes to secure a PG13 rating plus they changed 47's backstory and lazily inserted scenes from another Fox show into the title sequence and I am not a huge fan of those changes. They kinda detract from the experience so I would appreciate if we also got the original version as Xander intended it.
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Resident Evil (2002)
An awful movie that disrespects the Resident Evil franchise
15 February 2021
As a huge fan of the Resident Evil videogames, I gotta say the W.S. Anderson movies are trash tier and a poor representation of the franchise.

Poorly written dialogues, nonsensical plot and set design,unlistenable soundtrack, wooden acting and Milla Jovovich's Alice being a complete Mary Sue really bring this movie down. Even if there are some positives like some of the characteristic monsters from the original RE trilogy being represented (mostly) accurately, the negatives far outweight them. This movie is unwatchable for me.

If you are craving for some good Resident Evil movies, go watch the Sony produced CGI ones. They not only are canon to the games but they also are a much better representation of the franchise, are animated really well and have much better acting and soundtrack than the movie.
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The Killer (1989)
A highly influential action movie
13 February 2021
John Woo first invented his signature heroic bloodshed subgenre with A Better Tomorrow, the movie which also turned Chow Yun Fat into an unbeatable Hong Kong action hero. The Killer is an interesting spin on the subgenre which left such a lasting impression on Woo fans it influenced many filmmakers worldwide.

The movie has an interesting premise, the action scenes are exactly what you would expect from Woo and the dynamics between Chow and Lee are great.

The only flaw that really irked me was the editing, which could have used some improvement.However, that doesn't detract from the movie and this is definitely one of Woo's best.
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The weakest Indiana Jones movie
5 August 2020
A bad CGI laden stupidity with not very compelling plot or characters. It still had some qualities like okay humour, but it just felt underwhelming
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The peak
5 August 2020
The best Indiana Jones movie so far. It takes what made Raiders of the lost ark so good and improves upon it.
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Slightly meh sequel
5 August 2020
It's definitely worse than the first one but I still enjoyed it. It was decent.
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An absolute classic
5 August 2020
One of Spielberg's best movies imo. The story is decently written, Harrison Ford rocks and it all just goes well together.
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An extra cheesy Arnold classic
19 July 2020
This movie has a strange kind of magic to it. The dialogues are cheesy as hell, acting is not that great, story is a bit weird, but if you combine this all together, you get a movie that is extremely fun to watch abd simply a classic
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The Matrix (1999)
A kickass 90s classic
19 July 2020
A an action packed slow-mo filled classic with a slight hint of philosophy. Simply one of the best Keanu Reeves movies
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A disgrace
19 July 2020
A disgrace to the franchise. A totally nonsensical mess.
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It's alright
19 July 2020
It's not as bad as people say. It's not nearly as good as the other MIB movies, but it's still a decent movie.
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Die Hard 2 (1990)
A weaker sequel
12 July 2020
I really liked Die Hard 1 and it's one of my favorite movies. However Die Hard 2 is not as good. While it still does have some tension and really good action, the plot falls flat and characters are much less interesting.
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Die Hard (1988)
The perfect Christmas action movie
12 July 2020
Die Hard is one of the best action movies I have ever seen. It is a perfect combination of tension, action and festive atmosphere.
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Propably the best Disney Star Wars Movie, but still inferior to what Lucas made
21 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Since disney took over, the Star Wars movies are getting worse and worse. Oh boy, I miss Lucas and his Expanded universe. Rogue One is the best Disney can propably do.

The acting is great and so are the dialogues. The actors do not overreact or act like robots.

The OST is fine. Giaccino is one of my favourite composers and he did a fine job this time.

The problem I have with Rogue One are all the continuity errors, plot holes and bad CGI.

Bad CGI is a huge problem. It really breaks the quality of the movie. The Tarkin (played by now deceased Peter Cushing in Episode 4) looks like a character in a 2008 video game and not to even mention Leia (played by our beloved Carrie Fisher in previous movies), who was much worse CGI than Tarkin.

Continuity errors and plot holes such as things like locations, the presence of Death Troopers in both this movie and TLJ and unexplainable behaviour of Tarkin.

Watching this movie was bitter for me since I really loved legends and the original expanded universe and I seriously hated how it replaced my beloved characters as Kyle Katarn.

In my opinion, this movie is average. It is not the worst star wars movie, but very far from the best.
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Fire Twister (2015)
An absolute Z-movie and the lost cousin of The Room
3 May 2018
This movie is absolutely terrible. The acting is stiff and bad, the GCI is crappy and the overall plot is cancerous. It all feels like it was made by a 10 years old.
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Medal of Honor: Frontline (2002 Video Game)
A Nostalgic masterpiece
16 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Medal of Honor has always been the pinnacle of WW2 shooters and I dont think the switch to modern warfare was a bad thing, but the classical Medal of Honor games simply have to return!

Frontline was an amazing game, combining stealth, action, humor and Indiana Jones-ish main hero with historical accuracy.

The story was great. You play as Jimmy Paterson, a member of OSS (Office of Strategic Services, the predecessor to CIA) and you are tasked with stopping a top secret nazi project nicknamed "HO-IX" or "HE-229" led by Sturmgeist, a high ranked german officer. You land in Normandy, destroy an U-Boat, parachute to Holland and become a part of Operation Market Garden, the biggest paratrooper operation in the entire history! and much more.

The gameplay and gunplay were very solid. You could use melee attacks with completely any weapon, the weapon sounds were high quality and you could carry one weapon of each kind. The weapons felt really well and the MG42s had a very realistic firerate, quickly moving down enemies. Enemies were challenging and the aiming was great even thought it was on PS2 with a controller.

The best part were the missions. They had stealth, sabotage, sniping and a lot of depth.

The easter eggs such as the message "the bread is delicious" when you eat a bread or silly moments like the fight between drunk German soldiers in Golden Lion or "Press ACTION to motivate Gerrit" just to push him from a balcony gave the game quite humorous and Indiana Jones-ish feeling.

On the other hand, sad and terrifying moments like a paratrooper getting sniped or the Dutch people being treathened by wehrmacht soldiers have really shown the horrors of war.

The soundtrack was amazing, composed by legendary Michael Giaccino.

This game was my childhood and it was simply a great game.
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Episode 8: The Star Wars movie with identity crisis
15 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I am a big fan of star wars and I have really enjoyed original trilogy and even prequels, but Episode 7 was a disappointment and I am sad to say this , but The Last Jedi is garbage.

Lets start with the first problem: Identity crisis. Episode 8 simply couldnt decide if it is a child friendly movie, an environmental movie, war movie or a comedy. It simply had something from those 4 genres put in very repetetive manner with fight scenes mostly getting interrupted by things like screaming porgs, ruining the atmosphere completely. It had quite a lot of gore in some parts yet it was advertised as a child movie and used porgs for advertising. The movie is shifting genres all the time and it is very annoying

Second problem is the story: The story is bland and feels like you put parts from original trilogy and prequels, swapped characters, planet names and a few small details. For example the beginning, being a combination of Hoth evacuation from Episode 5 and attack on Death Star II from Episode 6 with transports getting evacuated from the resistance base and one bootleg B-Wing destroying the entire Dreadnaught cruiser. Or the ending battle, resistance soldiers fighting bootleg AT-ATs with bootleg Snowspeeders on a salty Hoth clone. It felt very unoriginal.

The acting and characters: The acting was horrible with Daisy Riley still staring at the camera and crying all the time, Driver acting like a complete idiot (again). Characters were badly scripted and there were tons of character related mistakes like Leia being able to fly and breathe in vacuum, similar error with a bomber pilot, strange dialogue at times and Luke hating on Jedi order for no reason (this was even critised by Hamil himself).

And the last thing was music: John Williams just gave up on this one. All the music were just remixes of existing tracks with one of the tracks being looped more than quarter of the movie in all Luke/Rey scenes. It was so goddamn repetetive.

This movie is a pure insult to Star Wars and it is even worse than Episode 7. Lucas really shouldnt have sold Lucasfilm to Disney.
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Star Wars Episode 8, the horrible sequel to horrible episode 7 with identity crisis.
15 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Being a star wars fan, I really enjoyed the original trilogy and even prequels. Episode 7 was a disappointment and I am sad to say this, but episode 8 was horrible, even worse than my expectations (and I expected it to be quite bad).

Lets start with the main problem, identity crisis. Episode 8 simply co
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