
5 Reviews
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this movie is dumb (and i understand the "art" of it)
8 November 2020
I checked some 10 star reviews. "oh the xxxxx is so amazing! best movie ever!" "it's so deep! so much meaning! wow!"

i feel the need to counter this :) what is the actual plot like? (spoiler free) 1) a cliché relationship drama on one level, nothing special to see here. could have been a soap opera episode. sure, it's a different style, the setting is unusual, but only on a superficial or "artsy" level. the exact setup adds nothing to the plot. the little details (the main characters sleeping habits for example) don't lead anywhere. many elements could be removed and nothing would change. 2) on the second level, a crime takes place and someone takes revenge. there is no depth to the characters with a single exception. the scenario doesn't make sense, nobody would act like the characters did here. they simply cannot exist in the real world as they are portrayed in the movie. there is nothing interesting, no twist, no surprise. everything is exactly what it seemed to be. none of them has a backstory (except one). they all just exist and follow the script so that the plot can happen.
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One big mess
27 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I like dystopian sci fi movies, usually - but this one fails at three core points.

1. the world makes no sense. you have an evil world wide(?) government killing children for 30+ years. there are permanent protests against a *perfectly reasonable measure*, but nobody ever found out what the government really was doing, nobody even checked what they were doing. those who do know never betray the government. people are either evil and loyal - or not, nothing in between exists. the evil government tracks the moves of everyone, at any time, but they somehow miss the x7 food consumption of a single person for 30 years. basically, the movie says "don't question it" about once a minute.

2. at no point in the plot do the characters know what they're doing or why. they have no plan, neither the "heroes" nor the "bad guys" make sense. i could write pages here.

3. the tech. this is another inconsistent mess. retina scanners can somehow not tell the siblings apart, until at one point, they suddely can. all goverment systems can be hacked without effort within seconds. it's 2073 or so, but drones? no. self driving cars? no. robots? no. AI? no. modern day equipment, tech from 2020? not even that. we only get to see holograms which are impractical and will never be used because they are transparent and hard to read. the movie could have been set in 1990 and i would have bought it, but letting it take place in 2070 comes with scientific advancements, among which genetic engineering and in vitro fertilization, which both would have solved the problem the movie is based on.
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Travelers (2016–2018)
this thing is one huge lazily written plot hole
28 January 2020
I can't really understand the good reviews. without spoiling anything specific, since i have only seen three episodes, i can safely say that it's not possible to make sense of the characters actions or the scenario as a whole. * there is a mysterious director somewhere in the future who can send people back in time. those inhabit people who would have otherwise died. * he then sends back orders and assignes missions to his teams to eventually prevent some apocalypse scenario

as a sci fi fan, you should see the problems from a mile away. even sending a single person back can cause huge changes. if the director wants to send back a second person, the entire history between the present and the directors action has to play out again(!!) before he can send back the second guy. and we learn in episode one that thousands have been sent back. it's next to impossible that the director still exists in the final timeline.

but that's just the theory. let's give the show a chance and say he's in some magic time bubble and is not affected by any change that is made, but still is aware of everything that happens. in that case - nothing should ever go wrong. why? because if something goes slightly wrong during a mission, this info could be send back before the mission even starts, erasing the timeline where the mission fails.

but, somehow, magically, that doesn't happen. the director only gets a single try at giving his orders, and he can only add new orders later on, as if his time and the present advanced at the same rate in parallel.

then there's the fact that nobody knows why they are doing what they are doing. they have been sent back with next to zero preparation. the FBI guy doesn't know his password and i'm pretty sure hasn't received the necessary training to keep working in his position. he can't even log in into his computer because he doesn't know his password. one of the women has a baby and doesn't know how to take care of it.
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Veronica (I) (2017)
too shallow to be interesting
11 November 2018
A good horror movie has to have two things 1. it must convince me that i do not know what is going to happen next. 2. it must convince me that there are rules to everything that is happening. the world that it takes place in must make sense.

this one fails at both. basically, it's just a few scary things happening one after another, but there is no depth to it. they just happen. imagine an action movie where villains appear out of nowhere at random, die without us knowing who they were and then they get replaced by the next one. this is how i experienced the movie.
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this is an excellent parody of bad slasher movies
9 July 2018
Imagine someone would be forced to watch every single bad teen/slasher/horrow movie, again and again. now imagine you let that poor soul create a movie where he gets the chance to mock everything he was forced to endure. would you like to watch the result? in this case, this movie is for you. you will love it. this is an excellent parody. imagine cabin in the woods, a different kind of jokes, less gore and a time loop.
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