
31 Reviews
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Maestro (2022– )
Some really good points and some really disappointing
13 September 2023
Let's start with the pros:1)excellent interpretations from Tsortekis as Haralampos,I dare to say his acting is an Oscars one,Maria Kavogianni and Haris Alexiou.also great! Congratulations! They were perfect and I would like to watch Tsortekis in other productions not only Greek ones. He is really talented! 2)beautiful scenery and music after this tv series everyone wants to live in this island 3)the two boys'story really touched me deep inside it was presented in a very emotional and realistic way so as the grandma's secret love,it was so romantic and powerful that I would like many more scenes and details about it

Now the cons:1)the love story between the teacher and the teenager girl didn't convince me at all. Maybe because the age difference is 30 years and we see a 19year old girl?it would be different between a 30year old woman and a man at his 60s. Now it looked more like a "love" based on their.psychological issues. The girl is brought up in a sick family with lots of problems,she uses dating apps at the age of 18 and she meets a stranger much older than her,also we don't see any real friend in her life or even just a friend. Then she falls in love at first sight without knowing anything about him without any chemistry or something like this. The music teacher feels that he had never lived a true innocent love as a teen that is why he changed his look his hair to a teenager's style etc because he wanted to live the youth he didn't live so he is flattered by the girl's flirting Too fake to be considered as a true real love! It lacks deep emotions,It could be considered as a pygmalion story if the teacher's style was of a mature man and the girl was amazed by his personality. Now it seems more as Lolita's story in a flat version okkk all this is NOT love I can't buy it 2)so many serious issues are presented at the same time so we can't focus on one and understand it deeply in only 9 episodes. Drug dealers who become politicians,serious mental and psychological issues,drug use almost from all the characters,misery and desperation,child abuse,violence and hard scenes,hypocrisy etc Yes all these happen in our society but not in the same family in the same place in the same group of friends at the same time! All need a psychiatrist and pills! This makes it seems unrealistic or stupid sometimes and this is unfair for the boys story which was really good and interesting to watch.

I give it a 6 because of the actors effort However to be honest it is mediocre for someone who has watched many tv series and I would prefer Papakaliatis in a different role maybe this of the father Fanis.
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Alchemy of Souls (2022– )
Season 1 is really good however,season 2 is a masterpiece!!
9 May 2023
First of all i understand that many people were disappointed when a different actress had the lead female role in season 2 so was i at the beginning but as i kept watching i realized that the change was necessary! The character's spirit changed so did the face this way we understand that our soul or personality affects the way we are,even our face! And then I really loved it! It was a really smart decision people don't love us only thanks to our physical appearance! Never forget this! And the acting is so good that convinces us and of course the plot demanded this change otherwise the whole story would be ruined I give it a 9 because in season 1 I skipped some scenes to be honest. For me season 1 had to be 2 separated seasons but season 2 was a masterpiece! The main heroes are more mature Jang Uk is a man he was not anymore the spoiled teenager he used to be and Bu yeon is more feminine and not so cruel! She is kind and protective and more charming that's why the love story in season 1 is more an adolescent story while in season 2 reminds me the classic love stories from books which have inspired many movies and series like Gone with the wind,Pride and Prejudice etc So there is a development in the characters which captures us The same for all the others,the characters development is really exciting Moreover the action is concentrated on more important things!

It's my first K series I don't know about the others but this one is one of the best I have ever seen in acting,plot and special effects!

I loved the sense of humour,the beautiful scenery,the costumes and I find interesting the culture and the legends! This made me start reading about Korean history and learning more!

There are also moral values,interesting characters who struggle with their bad feelings and pure feelings of love or friendship. What a relief in a world full of violence,disappointment and toxic people!

I have seen a lot of tv series but I hardly give a 9 or even 10(only G. O. Th,Battlestar Galactica,Vikings,Last Kingdom are my 9s or 10s)since most of the times I find the plot poor or the characters really boring etc Alchemy of Souls I dare to say is now one of my best Jung Uk is a legendary heroe as well as Bu yeon/Nak su,but I really adore all the others Go Won the Prince,Park Gin,Seo Yul etc all of them act like theatre actors and their characters are role models for being a better person so it's really worth watching it!

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Just a Masterpiece with a great plot twist at the end don't miss it!
8 April 2023
Excellent acting,the direction is innovative it makes everything clear without being tiring or predictable and make Us understand the characters profoundly.

A really good historical research and an amazing plot! In addition to all this it's really worth learning the story of Greek Jewish their life in Thessaloniki at the beginning of the 20th century and the cruelty they suffered from Nazis during 2nd world war.

Moreover it is so close to the truth with respect to the events of those hard times that you should have a good « stomach »-as we say in Greek-to bear it. However the reality I am afraid was much worse so you still must watch it to understand what really happened.

Beautiful love stories,true friendships surround the main plot and the whole thing becomes amazing. The actors' interpretation was in a theatrical way which astonished me and of course the plot twist at the end was awesome ,I didn't expect it!!

Enjoy it you will never forget it.
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You (2018–2024)
Neither a detective story nor a thriller so what is this exactly??
27 March 2023
I gave it a 5 because the acting and the effort were decent I think but the whole plot is depressing many times or a little bit stupid. People are being murdered all the time and there is NO police anywhere. All the main characters are people with serious psychological issues and pathetic behaviors. Parents are abusive or want children just for their image. Being a serial killer or a stalker is faced as something usual etc. So we don't talk about a thriller but maybe about a social drama presented in a soap opera way??I am not sure about it the only thing I know is that this is not a thriller since it is completely predictable and there are no detectives or police or crime investigations. The only scary thing is that maybe people like this are around us...And excuse me this is not a picture of nowadays society we are not all of us so pathetic or addicted to social medias. We like social media as a way of enjoying ourselves however we have real friends,good parents and good husbands or wives. Moreover it is not so easy to commit so many murders and nobody realizes the truth or find so easily everything just by surfing the Net. It becomes unrealistic that is why seems silly many times

This série has focused only on the mentally sick people so it becomes unbearable.

1st season started interestingly so did the 4th but they ended ridiculously. Seasons 2 and 3 should have been only one! Many useless episodes,predictable plot and more mental issues again!

I skipped many episodes I couldn't stand so many psycho people sorryyyyy.
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Rise of Empires: Ottoman (2020–2022)
1st season good enough but 2nd has more inaccuracies
3 January 2023
Text: I removed my first comment because I hadn't watched season 2 when I wrote it. I am coming back since I have just finished it. First of all the 2 seasons differ concerning inaccuracies. The 1st one relies more on history apart from the fact that they avoid to mention that Constantinos Paleologos was Greek,as many of the greatest emperors in eastern Roman Empire,and they paid too much attention to Justiniani. Ok the latter might have been a very good fighter but he left the battlefield while Paleologos fought till death as a man of honor and a real hero. So HE was the legend and the soul not Justiniani. However many other facts are decent and correct. Mehmed was really smart educated and wanted to be a Ceasar not just a sultan. His mother Huma Hatun was not Turkish that is why they didn't mention her origin,she was probably from Greece or Serbia. Historians say that is why Mehmed was different from other sultans and much more educated Or maybe helped him his adoptive mother Mara who was from a noble family half Serbian(from her father)half Greek(from her mother). Mara was really qualified and built many churches too so the environment Mehmed grew up was civilized concerning religions and different cultures.

Constantinopolis was really difficult to be conquered that IS true but at that specific time the City was weak and the emperor abandoned and betrayed by his allies So I think all these things are present in season 1 one way or another But season 2??What happened ?? Vlad was NOT the invader he was a hostage while all his childhood so he did what he should do! He wanted freedom! And he was cruel but not against his own people I have never found any official source about something like this! He was cruel against the invaders that's normal not??

Moreover the direction tries to present that hostages live happily with ottomans. Yes ok sometimes this had happened but have you ever thought that they did not have any other option??they just try to survive this is not friendship! Vlad was much more than what season 2 presents! Don't forget that many people suffer from the taxes to ottomans they wanted independence and they had suffered a lot. Ottomans weren't educated as Mehmed,he was an exception. That is why Balcans remained so underdeveloped and we are still trying to overcome all this cultural damage!

Last but not least they mention Alexander the Great many times since Mehmed admired him as many others Caesars did and Napoleon some centuries after,but one more time without telling that he was Greek!!

We are still speaking the language he and his teacher Aristotle spoke,of course in a modern and simplified version,but nobody mentions his origin as in other Tv series! That is a little bit stupid I think Fortunately acting and battle scenes are really good I liked the actors for Mehmed,Vlad and Mehmed as a child I have seen this boy in another Turkish série he is talented!

So give it a try I think it is worth but in some points you will feel dissatisfied.
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Bridgerton (2020– )
Well YES it is NOT set in real world but it has got some really good points!
27 November 2022
I think all of us who watched the two seasons thought that the director is a fool but okay it is not a historical drama! There are full of inaccuracies or to be honest it is all set in another imaginary world which reminds London during Regency Era in some points. But that is exactly the mistake of the direction,they should have inferred that it is ANOTHER world or maybe they should have named the city with another name.

If we overcome these problems the stories are good and so is the acting! The 1st love story is a copy of pride and prejudice but in a more modern way so that the teens will like it while I guess they would find boring the original one! The 2nd story has an interesting characters' development which I really liked a lot!

I think I will see season 3 too!
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1899 (2022)
Excellent acting but such a slow plot!
27 November 2022
The acting is really magnificent.and the different spoken languages is an innovation for me and really impressed me! For these reasons I gave a 6. However,the plot was really slow many times there is no action at all and the concept reminds me the Inception somehow or maybe the Dark that's why at first I thought the pyramid was a Time Machine Okay it's difficult to be the First when we talk about art and I don't care so much about something pioneering but I really would like 4 episodes more exciting than 8 without any specific reason.

Maybe next season will be better who knows??more adventurous and more exciting I hope.
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Red River (2019–2020)
Great tv series,it should have English subtitles!
9 October 2022
It's great and it should have English subtitles so that many people all over the world could watch it!

The second season is even better! I hope to make it available in other countries with the subtitles of course!

We watch it every Sunday and I have to tell that it's trustworthy it explains all the reasons of the war,the genocides from Tsetes and Topal Osman but also the wrong decisions from the Greek government.

I love it because it does not distinguish people based on their nationality,there are both bad and good people in every side Respect! Don't miss it if you have the chance to watch it!
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
The Cartel's story is exciting but the Lawyers'one becomes depressing:(
16 September 2022
The acting is magnificent and the direction with the flash backs or the moments from present but the whole lawyers'story becomes for me depressing after season 4 especially because all this obsession with Howard has got something psychotic and I didn't expect this from the main characters especially from Kim. I can understand that in real life with Jimmy's or Kim's background with no family support with no real close friends it is probably expected to become obsessed or have psychological problems. However I didn't want to see this evolution from the heroes I get disappointed from all this to be honest but the series remain very very good overall.
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The Unfaithful (2020–2022)
Great actors terrible plot writers :(
25 August 2022
I didn't watch Dr foster (the initial concept which the series is based on)because I don't like this kind of dramas. I started watching Turkish version by chance and because i didn't have anything else to watch that time. But it was great at first!!actors were great and most of the dialogues so natural! You feel as the story is happening to a friend of yours! And the way they act is so real!also much food for thought is given concerning toxic relationships and how important is to avoid them!

But unfortunately second season was a disaster the series become a poor soap opera...Everything is being repeated and Aras is presented as another Volkan what a stupid decision from the direction!!!Asya is NOT a strong woman as she can't move on,love and be loved or get married again. Moreover it becomes tiring to watch again and again Volcan ruining other peoples lives and nobody is able to react. This is not real and strong characters are not like this at all. Everyone acts as a victim and this is sooo boring and this is not a good example. We need strong heroes with strong personalities to make us feel better not people acting as pawns all the time Finally I think that the directors had two options only either to follow Dr Foster's initial scenario or make a new one much better with a happy ending in Asya's life with another healthy marriage. This would satisfy the audience and give the sense not only of excitement but also the idea that life has also a good aspect!!Neither of them happens unfortunately,the end concerning Asya is completely indifferent. Asya should have been married to Aras,that's the point!

I think Turkish actors are great but the plot writers are not able to give them the chance to show their talent Asya Derin Volcan Gonul(excellent at the role of a mother who really loves her family)congratulations for your acting I hope to watch you in other better shows one day!
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Outlander (2014– )
I couldn't finish it...
26 May 2022
I started watching it due to many positive reviews(most of the times I agree with others concerning series)but unfortunately I finished only season 1 and had no interest at all to watch more Boring personalities,no real action,too much romance but no human passion,predictable characters I give a 6 because the costumes are great and the actors did their best...
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Frontier (2016–2018)
Interesting story,good acting but lacks of action and High moments
26 May 2022
A very interesting story and concept with good and very good interpretations but the direction is poor. Three whole seasons and just only a few seconds for the scene of revenge??And the most important drawback for me is that each season doesn't have its own end,it isn't an accomplished "circle"so the action loses its interest. Anyway if you have already seen all the notorious tv series or Marco Polo(which is also a Masterpiece)it is worth watching it!
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Marco Polo (2014–2016)
What a great tv series!Why was so underestimated??
23 May 2022
It's a magnificent tv series with great interpretations and the characters are unforgettable! Kublai,Marco,Hundred eyes,Chabi,Kokachin,The Prince and all the other heroes so complicated so interesting and no boring at all! Moreover it's a great chance to learn eastern medieval culture and history through Mongol empires even if there are inaccuracies,as to all historical tv series, they are trivial and it's worth watching it!!

I don't know why it was so underestimated maybe the time was not the best since Game of thrones was still on air and many of us didn't want to see anything else? Or maybe many people believe that polo's story will be boring and will talk us about traveling??I don't really know but it's an excellent work and the direction is really awesome That's why I have recently discovered it and I can say that I beg with a 3rd season with the final Marcos's return to Venice. In reality he lived 24 years with Kublai Khan.
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Vikings (2013–2020)
Finish it all to understand better!
2 May 2022
After Ragnar I thought I would lose my interest but no! This didn't happen because only this way you can understand better the Vikings saga concerning Ragnar and his sons. And as the heroes are growing older I feel them"closer"to me like friends we have grown up together. An excellent tv series close enough to the Vikings stories with excellent actors and characters none of them is good none of them is evil,they are human beings like all of us who did their own mistakes but some are just more interesting than others. Ragnar,Lagertha,Bjorn,Ubba,Floki,Athelstan I will never forget you :) Magnificent work.
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The Crown (2016–2023)
An excellent work!
27 July 2020
A brilliant story of a brilliant queen who understands her weaknesses and tries to become better!That is the difference between smart and idiot people,the first ones know their mistakes so they improve themselves and the world goes forward.Excellent interpretations I love the"young"ones and of course Winston! In season 3 the"older"version of them is also great even if at first it was peculiar to me the different color of the eyes,how do the Queen's and her sister's eyes turned to brown from blue??do our eyes change colors as we are getting older??:) I guess the director did not want to use contact eye lens in order to have a more natural eye sight.However,the actors are still great and the series educates us we can learn a lot about Britain,the Monarchy and how they managed to remain a symbol living in a changing century
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Fauda (2015–2022)
The innocents pay the price as usually:(
22 June 2020
A very good political and social tv series about the drama of the war between Israel and Palestine.Unfortunatelly in the 21st century there are still wars and thousands of dead people because we can't understand that earth is"big enough to live everyone"...
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The Alienist (2018–2020)
More exciting than I thought!
22 June 2020
Adventurous and exciting,I think it's a Mindhunter but set in the past so if you like this kind of tv series don't miss it!! Great performances.However,I would like the murderer to be someone unexpected from the characters around the doctor.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
They should have built the story better or waited Martin to finish the books
15 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Yes it was a reasonable ending, kings are not the greatest warriors whom people adore,kings many tines are just the more educated or the wiser(like Alfred the great in the last kingdom)so I can understand this especially since we talk about epic fantasy and a medieval era.Also I can understand the Targaryen madness so yes Daenerys'madness would be expected IF THEY HAD BUILT the story better and not in such a hurry.Thats why Martin is the author and not the directors and probably that's why it takes so much time for a good book to be written.When we talk about littérature and not just another popular book it always needs time.Thats why season 8 SHOULD NOT BE the last,HBO should wait Martin to finish his work and season 8 should have just built the rest of the story If this had happened maybe it would be different to see a crazy Daenerys or not John Snow as a king etc The greatest series of all time was destroyed because they want to end it before its time or maybe because they were pressed by fans to an end.
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The Last Kingdom (2015–2022)
Worth watching!Really very good
5 May 2020
Excellent interpretations and plot!Stupid or weak kings who take the glory due to the »invisible »heroes.Welcome to medieval ages! Intrigues,lies,murders,injustice and a blind religion because priests and people are not educated properly to think and criticize.A very good chance to learn a few things about the history of England and the life during the dark medieval era.
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The best version
16 April 2020
This is the best version adapted on screen,if you have read the book you will understand what I mean.All the other adaptations are very poor compared to this one.Depardieu and Malcovich's interpretations are for an Oscar
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El Chapo (2017–2018)
A political thriller not only a narco's story
31 March 2020
The série is great so realistic!I like a lot Spanish series maybe because the characters and Spanish culture are similar to Greeks in many ways.They are impulsive,deeply religious but in their own way and so attached and protective concerning their families.But the drug problem is a different issue.Corrupted governments contribute to narcos' trade and poor people are involved because this is the only way to escape poverty.The interpretations are also great but I miss a lot Escobar from Narcos.He had an honor code which does not exist in El Chapos'attitude. Very interesting also how much they are afraid of extradition(Escobar died trying to avoid it)not only because it is harder to set free from a USA prison but also because the mentality and culture between USA and Mexico or Latin America,are two completely different worlds... Edit:after finishing season 3 I couldn't decide who is the real bad guy,el Chapo or the dark Conrado Sol who is in government??Or maybe the DEA which takes advantage of the whole drag issues just to handle Mexico?I don't know but yes watch it!It is a political thriller not only a narco's story
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Elite (2018–2024)
Great but the end was an exaggeration
27 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Great series concerning teens issues about sex,family,society and peer pressure.Excellent interpretations also.These are the good points.The bad ones however are serious that's why I give a 7.Firstly the police doesn't seem unfair or discriminative but just ridiculous.Secondly I think that it would be better and more real if the setting was a university and not a school,teens between 15-18 I think they don't meet so often such problems as the 18-22 Last but not least the end is a little bit an exaggeration.Polo should be in prison and learn by his mistakes not killed.His death,the second teenager's death is creepy and a disappointing end.
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Money Heist (2017–2021)
If you love Magic Realism you will love it!
6 August 2019
Very interesting plot,very good performances but not a crime drama as it is described!If someone expects something like this and has watched other crime drama series-like The Wire or Breaking Bad-he/she will feel that the series are stupid with so much absence of realism(the inspector Rachel takes her two-days boyfriend with her at the scene of the crime??and so many other completely unreasonable things but I don't want to write about them,you will find them on your own)but the truth is that this IS NOT exactly a crime drama.This a tv series belonging to Magic Realism.Have you ever read Gabriel Garcia Markez??If yes you understand what I mean but this time it isn't a book or a novel but a tv show.If you have never read this kind of littterature I have to tell you that this is fantastic!Many unreasonable things and exaggerations are presented as reality...From this point of view this is an excellent tv series which makes me laugh many times with all these emotional dialogues,with all this absence of logic but also it makes me cry since I liked so much the heroes and I can"feel"them. So enjoy it as it is.The first Tv series of Magic Realism,this excellent Spanish kind of literature is now on our screens! :)
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The Wire (2002–2008)
Good but NOT top tv series
3 August 2019
I wanted to watch because it was among the best tv series ever,number 7 I be honest I can't really understand why...Excellent performances,a mirror of society but no action all the time,it is very slow sometimes and no hope.I mean yes we want something real in a tvseries like this but not exactly the life and the desperation.We live in this everyday so in tv series we want the real thing but with a way out...The wire has no way out,the viewer feels depressed seeing the corner children lost in a corrupted society and system with parents who should never have had kids... Season 3 and 4 were excellent almost that's why I give an 8 and not a 7.Very good tv series but not a top one,Battlestar Gallactica for istance is much more innovative and old time classic and yes with a hope at the end...
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
A prequel is needed!
23 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I think the end is absolutely suitable for this piece of art!but maybe in a hurry so a prequel with the mad king's storyline maybe is needed,This way Targaryen's insanity,as children of an incest,is going to be explained,However,I believe this ending is awesome!So many metaphors!Dany is corrupted by the power although she has her good side she still remains a tyrant who should be eliminated!Bran is handicap but wise!Many people want heroes to be strong and handsome like Aragorn in the Lord if the rings but GOT isn't so predictable!Yes guys a handicap can be more suitable as a king!And the instinct of a Dragon explains why...Drogon destroys the iron throne because the hunger for power corrupts everyone... If you expected a happy ending with a wedding between John and Dany you wouldn't understand anything...GOT has no Manichaeism,There aren't good and villain,this isn't marvel comics that's why we love it!!Excellent characters and performances and maybe one day we will see not only a prequel but a sequel based in the upcoming books!!Why not??i would love it!
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